It is estimated that over 7 000 Doctoral degrees are awarded in Canada each year, dealing with a variety of topics, across a number of different disciplines. Some of this work is picked up by traditional media, some finds its way into bookstores but, admittedly, much of the hard work that candidates put into their research—often spanning years of study—goes unnoticed and unread.

Off the Shelf is a weekly voicEd Radio series dedicated to highlighting some of the latest education research being completed by PhD and EdD candidates. We aim to give you a taste of what has inspired today’s researchers, what questions have driven them and what impact they hope to have on the education world.
It is estimated that over 7 000 Doctoral degrees are awarded in Canada each year, dealing with a variety of topics, across a number of different disciplines. Some of this work is picked up by traditional media, some finds its way into bookstores but, admittedly, much of the hard work that candidates put into their research—often spanning years of study—goes unnoticed and unread. Off the Shelf is a weekly voicEd Radio series dedicated to highlighting some of the latest education research being completed by PhD and EdD candidates. We aim to give you a taste of what has inspired today’s researchers, what questions have driven them and what impact they hope to have on the education world. read more read less
  • Teacher health and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic ft. Lisa Taylor
    12 Aug, 2022 - 24:43
  • Teacher Candidates’ Learning To Teach Physical Education ft. Eman Khalifah
    27 Jul, 2022 - 22:16
  • How One School Community Lives Out The Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action ft. Brandon Needham
    17 Jun, 2022 - 34:50
  • Kanenhstóhare- Estrangement, Homecoming, and Indigeneity ft. Kiera Kaia’tanó-ron Brant-Birioukov
    16 Jun, 2022 - 30:08
  • Building Literacy Skills on Stage ft. Harrison Campbell
    16 Jun, 2022 - 26:11
  • Toward Safety and Positive Support in Schools for LGBTQ youth ft. Enoch Leung
    6 Jun, 2022 - 27:01
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in STEM ft. Mohammed Estaiteyeh
    6 Apr, 2022 - 24:38
  • Karen Acton - Environmental Teacher Leaders- Motivation, Supports and Barriers
    31 Mar, 2022 - 27:58
  • Sabrina Alam - Digital Home Numeracy Practice for Children’s Mathematical Learning
    30 Mar, 2022 - 23:18
  • Design-based Research on Expanded High School learning Environments, Spaces, and Experiences ft. Dr. Verena Roberts and Mark Turner
    23 Mar, 2021 - 37:01
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