Assessment - Meaningful and Manageable

Apr 9, 2021 · 59m 42s
Assessment - Meaningful and Manageable

With so many different learning management software systems available and various digital tools, we are exploring how we can make assessment more efficient, meaningful, and less onerous for teachers. Noa...

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With so many different learning management software systems available and various digital tools, we are exploring how we can make assessment more efficient, meaningful, and less onerous for teachers.

Noa Daniel (@noasbobs) leads a vibrant team of educators in a conversation on ensuring that our assessment is both meaningful AND manageable:

Christine Chin @MmeChinYRDSB
Deb McCallum @bigideasinedu
Nadia Bearcroft @literacynadia

Jason Trinh @jasontries
Jen Giffen @virtualgiff
Natalie Vardabasso @natabasso
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Author voicEd Radio
Organization voicEd Radio
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