SpiritWars: History of the Keys!

Mar 2, 2020 · 2h 41m 13s
SpiritWars: History of the Keys!

01 · Nova: Covert Ops 2/29 Official Campaign Soundtrack / Music OST StarCraft II: Nova Covert Ops


02 · 1 Punch Out!! Theme

1m 51s

03 · DOOM (2016) OST Argent Combat

2m 58s

04 · BGM06

15m 34s

05 · 14

17m 7s

06 · BGM07

24m 2s

07 · BGM08

24m 30s

08 · The Flintstones Password Screen [Best of SNES OST]

25m 20s

09 · The Future of 2049 Space Ambient Blade Runner 2049 Unofficial OST

27m 53s

10 · The Second Act Tales of Phantasia [SNES]

54m 31s

11 · The Terminator (Sega CD) Soundtrack The Terminator Theme

58m 34s

12 · The Worlds Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Music Extended

1h 1m 12s

13 · Thoughtful Pianers

1h 8m 32s

14 · Tiki_Rapido_KOS_0144_03601

1h 13m 54s

15 · Triumph Tales of Phantasia [SNES]

1h 14m 46s

16 · tumbleton_tired.dspadpcm

1h 18m 48s

17 · Ultra Oh Yeah Attack Battle Super

1h 19m 46s

18 · Valkyria Chronicles OST Empty Loneliness

1h 22m 57s

19 · vectron.dspadpcm

1h 25m 25s

20 · vectron_ambience.dspadpcm (1)

1h 26m 34s

21 · vectron_ambience.dspadpcm

1h 27m 12s

22 · vectron_combat.dspadpcm

1h 29m 41s

23 · Vigorous Town Tales of Phantasia [SNES]

1h 32m 51s

24 · Walkin thru a Jungly Cave 02 Goji Tsuno BGM #01 [M02]

1h 35m 34s

25 · Yom Teruah Shofar Blast (Day of Trumpets Day of the Mighty Shout)

1h 38m 52s

26 · Zone Of The Enders OST Leo Stenbuck (Break Out)

1h 40m 47s

27 · Zone Of The Enders OST VR (The Fourth Dimension)

1h 45m 8s

28 · Zoras Domain Night (The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild OST)

1h 47m

29 · BGM08

1h 50m 23s

30 · sparse61

1h 50m 38s

31 · 305 Yukihiro Jindo Pavel Garden

1h 51m 24s

32 · 310 Yukihiro Jindo Colbet's Theme Cat Says Nyaa!

1h 54m 10s

33 · 311 Yukihiro Jindo Fight!! Attack of Pockle

1h 54m 48s

34 · 312 Yukihiro Jindo Moment of Rest

1h 56m 19s

35 · 201 Falcom Sound Team JDK Fairies' Village

1h 56m 49s

36 · 202 Falcom Sound Team JDK Ancient Labyrinth Supiri

1h 58m 27s

37 · 203 Falcom Sound Team JDK Road to Where the Dragon Sleeps

2h 34s

38 · 204 Falcom Sound Team JDK Aplyes Temple

2h 2m 41s

39 · 205 Falcom Sound Team JDK Dark Temple Espina

2h 5m 18s

40 · BGM12

2h 5m 54s

41 · Power Rangers SNES Main Theme

2h 6m 43s

42 · Premonition Tales of Phantasia [SNES]

2h 8m 6s

43 · promises of destiny! new_recording_draft

2h 10m 10s

44 · Rito Village Night (The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild OST)

2h 10m 22s

45 · royalist_ambience.dspadpcm

2h 12m 49s

46 · royalist_combat.dspadpcm

2h 13m 28s

47 · scrapper_ambience.dspadpcm

2h 13m 30s

48 · SDM.awb.00016

2h 13m 32s

49 · SDM.awb.00026

2h 16m 59s

50 · SDM.awb.00038

2h 20m 20s

51 · Selah. adubya13originallyrics my experience taken over by the holy spirit

2h 25m 7s

52 · scrapper_ambience.dspadpcm

2h 26m 37s

53 · Sora no Kiseki FC OST Tetracyclic Tower

2h 26m 45s

54 · Sora no Kiseki the 3rd OST A Faint Glitter of Light

2h 28m 58s

55 · 303 Yoko Shimomura Colony 9

2h 31m 6s

56 · y2mate.com nova_covert_ops_1829_official_campaign_soundtrack_music_ost_starcraft_ii_nova_covert_ops_3BBbBDAze18

2h 35m 12s

57 · y2mate.com nova_covert_ops_329_official_campaign_soundtrack_music_ost_starcraft_ii_nova_covert_ops_p25PFBzIzuo

2h 37m 43s

58 · Nova: Covert Ops 2/29 Official Campaign Soundtrack / Music OST StarCraft II: Nova Covert Ops

2h 39m 53s


Nothing Is Impossible! Karen Zerby By MariaMaria #548 CM/FM 3316 10/00 Dear loves, 1. I'm so excited with all the Lord has poured forth for this very special Feast Celebration...

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Nothing Is Impossible!
Karen Zerby

By MariaMaria #548 CM/FM 3316 10/00

Dear loves,

1. I'm so excited with all the Lord has poured forth for this very special Feast Celebration 2001. As is evident from Peter's account of some of the recent progress that has been made since we entered the era of action, these are awesome days‚ and things will only get better. In spite of all the good news and the many advances of the Family overall, you personally might feel a bit weary with the battle. I understand. That's to be expected. If we're headed into our most fruitful time ever, then it stands to reason that the Enemy will fight. We've seen his attacks firsthand. He has tried to hit hard in our WS units with personal battles, dis­couragement, delays, afflictions, etc. I don't think there's a single person who has escaped this time of testing. But, there is a good reason for it! It's worth the fight‚ because the Lord has some magnificent rewards and victories in store for us, which we'll learn more about during these Feast days.

2. This GN contains a message that gives new insight about the impossible. It's challenging and vision-increasing. But before we get to that, I want to share with you some sweet balm of encouragement from our Husband, just in case you're feeling a little down or incapable or like you don't have much umph left in you for these intense battles. You'll see that those feelings of weakness that you're experiencing can open the door to a wonderful gift from the Lord.

Because You Can't—I Can!

3. (Jesus speaking:) My children, you feel so little, so puny, so incapable, so nothing and so un­worthy. These days right now when My Family is being tried and tested should be looked on as cherished times. I know this is difficult to understand at the moment, yet trust Me. These days will prove to be your most valuable asset as the future unfolds.

4. The era of action has begun, and I'm pos­itioning you, placing each of My brides in strategic positions around the globe. The battles rage in the spirit. The heat is rising and the fight is growing more intense than in times past. It's a battle royal! As I have told you on many occasions, these fighting days when I allow you and your loved ones to be tried and tested to the limits of both your strength and patience are not without a purpose.

5. It is precisely in times such as this that I teach you to walk by faith‚ not sight. You've heard this more than once, that the trying of your faith is more precious than gold, but during these days you will come to know faith as you have never known it before. The purpose of this time‚ these present days, is to help you grow to possess pure, white, unshakable faith—faith that will not be daunted; faith that will not flinch‚ nor tremble, nor waver, nor even consider the possibility of giving up; faith that doesn't consider the prospect of surrender.

6. In these days I wish to stretch your faith to limits which not only you have never experienced, but that no other humans who have ever lived have experienced! This is the destiny of the children of David of the Time of the End—to exercise greater faith than the world has ever seen. I want more than to enrich your faith; I want your faith to reach the outer limits! I want your faith to break all records, for it must, My loves.

7. This is the only type of faith that will over­­come the world. This is the faith that I have carefully, lovingly, and wisely cultivated in you, My chosen ones of the Time of the End. This is the same faith that My Father also cultivated in Me when I walked on Earth as a man. It took time. It took years of trial. It took years of purging‚ years of being faithful in little things, years of learning patience and humility, years of being tested over and over and over in all areas. But it was worth it—every minute of it. Believe Me, these tests are necessary, good, and very positive.

8. These are good times and good days, for through the tests I'm bringing you to the place of full faith—that place where you continue to try when you don't feel like trying; when you keep walking forward even though you feel like collapsing; when you refuse to quit even though you don't have an ounce of strength left in you; when you praise Me with your last breath. This is the place where each of you must be in order for Me to do the impossible through you in this new era of action. When you get to this state where you truly know and accept that without Me you can do nothing, then I am able to come in and take over, and this is when the imposs­ible becomes possible. Then there are no limits to what you can do, because it's not you, it's Me working through you, and all things are poss­ible for Me!

9. With man—that is‚ with your limited strength and ability—there are impossibilities, but when you fully realize your need for Me and you let Me take full control and work as only I can, then all is possible. When you reach the point of letting go of yourself, even though it's completely contrary to your natural mind, then I can bless you and reward you for that demonstration of trust in Me. Then‚ even though it seems hopeless and you feel weaker and slower and dumber than ever, you still believe that in spite of all that, I will come through for you. The more you reach the point of recognizing your own weakness, the more you know you need Me; and the more you know you need Me, the more you call out to Me and depend on Me. As your need and dependence on Me grows, so does My power within you grow‚ until you reach the point where My Spirit and power rests fully upon you. Then you truly become a new creature in Me‚ one who defies all the odds and can do the impossible!

10. Sit up and take note, My dear ones. Continue on in faith, believing. You can have the confidence that this is the state I want you to be in—feeling you can't do it‚ feeling in­capable, feeling too weak to continue. Now that you've acknowledged you feel so weak, so incapable‚ that you don't have it in you, that you know nothing, yet you call out to Me, this is when and where we make progress. This is My cue. This is when My Spirit can rest upon you. It's not until you get to this place that truly great things begin to happen. This is a great thing, because when My Spirit rests upon you, there are no impossibilities to you.

11. Yes, you can't do it. Be thankful you can't, for if you could, you would only be able to go so far. But because you can't, there's no limit to what you can do‚ because I will have to work through you. I will have to take over. There's no other option. I will have to come into you, possess you, work within you—and this is when things really start clicking. This is terrific! It's a wonderful place to be. I know that the thought of being weak and the feelings you experience when you're sorely tested go against the ­human grain—yet if you didn't experience these feelings, you would never come to know what it is to walk by faith alone and not by sight.

12. Only those who walk by faith alone will be able to continue on in the days of action. You've heard Me say this so many times. You've heard David say the familiar verse "Walk by faith and not by sight" over and over. Now you will come to fully realize what this means. So walk on solely by faith and faith alone. Praise Me and thank Me that this is all you can do! You can only walk by faith, but because of this, you receive the greater blessings and the greater rewards. Because of this, I can accomplish My greatest work in you and through you. (End of message from Jesus.)

13. (Mama:) It's always a little mind-boggling when the Lord explains so clearly how He gains such great strides of progress from our weakness. That concept is so contrary to our natural way of thinking. Man's nature is to want to be strong, and through that strength, to push forward. But in the message we just read, the Lord is telling us that when we're feeling weak, helpless, and we know we can't do anything, that's when miracles start to happen!

14. I want to draw your attention to a very important excerpt of the above message. Our Lover said: "I'm bringing you to the place of full faith—that place where you continue to try when you don't feel like trying; when you keep walking forward even though you feel like collapsing; when you refuse to quit even though you don't have an ounce of strength left in you; when you praise Me with your last breath. This is the place where each of you must be in order for Me to do the impossible through you in this new era of action. When you get to this state where you truly know and accept that without Me you can do nothing, then I am able to come in and take over, and this is when the imposs­ible becomes possible."

15. So if you've been feeling like He described—like you can hardly keep trying, like you're about to collapse, that you don't have an ounce of strength left—then that's just perfect‚ because that's right where you need to be! He doesn't want you to stay in that state; He's going to move you beyond that point because then you're sufficiently out of the way so that He can dwell within you to the point that there are no impossibilities for you!

16. This brings us to our next message, which sheds a lot of light on the impossible and what it means to us, the Children of David.

What Is "Impossible"?

17. (Jesus speaking:) I will tell you what impossible is. Impossible is the creed of fools. It's the invention of Satan—tailor-made for those who would believe his lies rather than standing on the power of My Word. It's the religion of those who cannot or will not put Me to the test.

18. Impossible is for quitters. Impossible pollutes minds, breaks hearts‚ and destroys bodies. Impossible creates ill health; it promotes sickness and causes disease to fester. Imposs­ible is the way of cowards, the excuse of the defeated. "It can't be done‚" "no way," "it's imposs­ible"—this is the faith of the living dead, the philosophy of
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