Noviembre 12- Librado de la emboscada. Salmos 58

Nov 12, 2021 · 6m
Noviembre 12- Librado de la emboscada. Salmos 58

Notas en inglés y español⬇️ Noviembre 12: Librado de la emboscada. Salmos 58:10‭-‬11 RVA2015 Salmos 59:1‭-‬17 RVA2015 El día de hoy vamos a utilizar dos salmos, el 58 y el...

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Notas en inglés y español⬇️

Noviembre 12: Librado de la emboscada.

Salmos 58:10‭-‬11 RVA2015
Salmos 59:1‭-‬17 RVA2015

El día de hoy vamos a utilizar dos salmos, el 58 y el 59, porque los dos tienen un tema en común y es cómo el malo ataca sin piedad, pero a la vez, cómo Dios nos libra en esos momentos.
Estos dos salmos son un clamor de David exponiendo las actitudes destructivas de los malvados que desde temprana edad dañaron su corazón para hacerlo malo y que son comparados como la serpiente o una cobra venenosa que está dispuesta a envenenar a cualquiera que estén al frente de ellos. Te animo para que leas todo el salmo completo.
El salmo 59 es muy parecido; y la Biblia especifica que fue escrito cuando Saúl envió a los soldados en la noche para que secuestraran a David, sorprendiéndolo cuando él estuviera dormido y matarlo en la mañana. Prácticamente, David sufrió su primera emboscada y fue tanto su decepción al enterarse que el rey al que él tanto servía y que era su suegro había decidido eliminarlo como a un criminal.
Ese odio sorprendió a David, aunque Saúl ya había amenazado de muerte muchas veces a David.
El caso de David es muy complejo, sabiendo que Saúl estaba dominado por espíritus malos que lo estaban llevando a cometer varias acciones atroces como matar a la familia sacerdotal de Ahimelec como lo aprendimos en el salmo 52. Te invito a que busques este devocional y lo escuches o lo leas otra vez.
Esto nos ilustra cómo personas que habían sido escogidas por Dios se dejaron llevar por el orgullo y arrogancia, por lo cual el Espíritu de Dios los abandonó y ahora están haciendo obras de maldad pero vestidos como ungidos de Dios.
¿Qué vas a hacer? ¿Te vas a rebajar al nivel de ellos? ¿Vas a pagar mal por mal?
Toma la posición de David. Haz todo lo posible en cuidar tu vida, tu mente y tu corazón. Reconoce que muchos abusan de su poder para manipular y destruir a su prójimo, identifica sus malas intenciones y protege tu vida, pero nunca cometas sus mismas acciones.
Muchos se frustran cuando un líder es injusto y entonces toman una actitud de odio o resentimiento. Se desaniman y dejan abandonado el ministerio que estaban desarrollando o peor aun, abandonan los caminos de Dios, arrastrando con ellos a su familia, afectando sus vidas espirituales. Es doloroso ver que, por un impulso de frustración, destruyen lo lindo que Dios está haciendo con ellos. David fue pulido en la prueba. ¡Tú también pasa la prueba!

Y más bien, deja la justicia en las manos del Señor, clama a Él y espera, porque verás cómo el Señor quebranta al maligno. Dedica tu vida al servicio del Señor, haciendo el bien y adorando en todo momento. ¡Canta de Su poder! como lo declara David. Mientras ellos buscaban matar a David en la mañana, ¡Dios no lo permitió, porque Dios se agradaba de la alabanza de David! Por eso Dios lo puso en un lugar alto donde Saúl no pudiera encontrarlo. Dios siempre lo libró del mal, lo protegió, y el mismo David sentía que estaba dentro de una fortaleza, seguro del poder de un ejército y de un rey malo.

Soy tu amigo y hermano Eduardo Rodriguez. Que el Señor Jesucristo escuche tu oración y tu cántico declarando el poder de Dios.

Te recomiendo la canción titulada ''Tu Poder'' (Creo en Ti ) de Tauren Wells y Christine D' Clario.

Recuerda que vamos a estar estudiando dos salmos en un día cuando sean parecidos o cuando sean muy cortos. Bendiciones.


November 12: Delivered from ambush.

Psalms 58:10-11:
The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance; he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked, so that men will say, “Surely there is a reward for the righteous; surely He is God who judges in the earth.”

Psalms 59:1-17:
Deliver me from my enemies, O my God; defend me from those who rise up against me. Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, and save me from bloodthirsty men. For look, they lie in wait for my life; the mighty gather against me, not for my transgression nor for my sin, O Lord. They run and prepare themselves through no fault of mine. Awake to help me, and behold! You therefore, O Lord God of hosts, the God of Israel, awake to punish all the nations; do not be merciful to any wicked transgressors. Selah
At evening they return, they growl like a dog, and go all around the city. Indeed, they belch with their mouth; swords are in their lips; for they say, “Who hears?” But You, O Lord, shall laugh at them; You shall have all the nations in derision. I will wait for You, O You his Strength; for God is my defense. My God of mercy shall come to meet me; God shall let me see my desire on my enemies. Do not slay them, lest my people forget; scatter them by Your power, and bring them down, O Lord our shield. For the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips, let them even be taken in their pride, and for the cursing and lying which they speak. Consume them in wrath, consume them, that they may not be; and let them know that God rules in Jacob to the ends of the earth. Selah
And at evening they return, they growl like a dog, and go all around the city. They wander up and down for food, and howl if they are not satisfied. But I will sing of Your power; yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; for You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble. To You, O my Strength, I will sing praises; for God is my defense, my God of mercy.

Today we are going to use two psalms, 58 and 59, because both have a common theme and it is how the wicked attack without mercy, but at the same time, how God frees and saves us in those moments.
These two psalms are a cry of David exposing the destructive attitudes of the wicked who from an early age damaged his heart to make it evil and are compared as a snake or a poisonous cobra that is willing to poison anyone who is at the front of them. I encourage you to read the entire psalm.
Psalm 59 is very similar; and the Bible specifies that it was written when Saul sent the soldiers at night to kidnap David, surprising him when he was asleep and killing him in the morning. Practically, David suffered his first ambush and was so disappointed when he found out that the king he served so much and who was his father-in-law had decided to eliminate him like a criminal.
That hatred surprised David, even though Saul had already threatened David with death many times.
David's case is very complex, knowing that Saul was dominated by evil spirits that were leading him to commit several heinous actions such as killing the priestly family of Ahimelech as we learned in Psalm 52. I invite you to look for this devotional and listen or read it again.
This illustrates how people who had been chosen by God were carried away by pride and arrogance, for which the Spirit of God abandoned them and now they are doing evil deeds but dressed as God's anointed.
What are you going to do? Are you going to lower yourself to their level? Are you going to pay bad for bad?
Take David's position. Do your best to take care of your life, your mind and your heart. Recognize that many abuse their power to manipulate and destroy their neighbor, identify their bad intentions and protect your life, but never commit the same actions.
Many get frustrated when a leader is unfair and then take an attitude of hatred or resentment. They get discouraged and abandon the ministry they were developing or worse, they abandon God's ways, dragging their family with them, affecting their spiritual lives. It is painful to see that, out of an impulse of frustration, they destroy the beautiful thing that God is doing with them. David was polished on the test. You too pass the test!

And rather, leave justice in the hands of the Lord, cry out to Him and wait, because you will see how the Lord breaks the evil one. Dedicate your life to the service of the Lord, doing good and worshiping at all times. Sing of His power! as David declared it. As they sought to kill David in the morning, God did not allow it, because God was pleased with David's praise! That is why God put him in a high place where Saul could not find him. God always freed and saved him from evil, protected him, and David himself felt that he was inside a fortress, safe from the power of an army and an evil king.

I am your friend and brother Eduardo Rodriguez. May the Lord Jesus Christ hear your prayer and your song declaring the power of God.

I recommend the song titled “Tu Poder” (Creo en Ti) by Tauren Wells and Christine D 'Clario.

Remember that we will be studying two psalms in one day when they are similar or when they are very short. Blessings.
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