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Reclaiming Pedagogies


    12 NOV 2023 · RADIO PRACTICES AND RADICAL FORMS OF ORGANIZATION with Silvia, Graeme, Nikolas (firefly frequencies), Gregoire (Station of Commons), Juan, Sandro, Andrea (Radio Tropiezo), Matteo (Cashmere Radio) In the context or the Miss Read Pre-fair Program (September 2023) this public discussion involved some members of the Lumbung netwerk and focused on radio practice as a radical form of collective organization. How can audio practices operate together in terms of shared resources, contributions, economics, and overall planning? What are the main aims and ways of doing radio and how does radio situate itself (as a media) within the current neoliberal landscape? Lumbung radio is an inter-local online community radio initiated as a part of documenta fifteen. It’s an open online broadcast that comprises an inter-local network of radio stations spread through many different geographies, comprising over 25 stations from around the globe. It operates in no specific time zones, and streams multiple languages, music, and art. Lumbung operates as a decentralized network of nodes that uses internet without its hegemonic agency. The intention is to produce an audiophonic common space built on the multiplication of the existing practices of its contributors.
    1h 1s
  • E18 - SONIC ALTAR to GUSTAVO ESTEVA at the Ecoversities Gathering | March 2022

    18 MAR 2023 · This Sonic Altar is a collective offering to our compañero Gustavo Esteva who passed on the March 17 of 2022 -- one day before many of his friends and comrades gathered in سيوة‎ / ⵉⵙⵉⵡⴰ / Siwa, an oasis in the Western Desert of Egypt to participate to the Planetary Gathering of the Ecoversities Alliance. We gathered one night to share bread, rum, cheese, along with memories, reflections, and inspirations Gustavo have generously gifted us. ------------------------------ voices as they appear ------------------------------ 00:00 {song: Todo Cambia by Mercedes Sosa} 00:40 Niko invites to share bread, rum and memories [eng] 03:37 Yeyo Beltran (master of ceremony): Il Cuchicheo per compañero Gustavo [esp] 04:25 Doli: I did not no anything about you, but i want to know now. And it's my birthday [eng] 07:47 Giselle Paolino: Thank you for helping me weaving my path [port] 10:14 Manish Jain: Asking you questions while falling asleep in your car and laughing together 15:o7 Maria Theodosiadou Ulundag: A connection... [greek] 19;01 Camilo Bossio: Unexpected Encounter and Qiero morir in una forma singular - qiero un adios de carnaval! [esp] 22:00 {song: Canela by Cesar Mora, fragment} 22:15 Yeyo Beltran: Berkley trip and sharing daily life [esp] 24:45 {song: Corrido del Marcos by Pablo Duarte, fragment} 25:33 Evina Giannouli: A memory [greek] 28:17 Evina and Maria sing Athanasia - a greek song about destiny and love 30:37 Aerin Dunford: Random gringo dancing in the rain missing out your lecture...[eng] 35:52 Buon Viaje Compañero \ ship bell rigns before navigation \ tibetan healing bowls \ Oaxaca town bell rings 37:00 Alessandra Pomarico one year later: Friendship, Hope, and Surprise. Ready for new miracles [eng] --------- additional sound : sounds of desert
    45m 40s
  • E17 - What Did You Hear? (Ultra-red)

    29 AUG 2022 · A collective reading of Ultra-red's "10 Preliminary Theses on Militant Sound Investigation" recorded during the first international gathering of firefly frequencies, “Becoming fireflies: Practices of radio, affective listening and transversal transmission”, which was held in Puglia in August 2022. Thank you Ultra-red for this wonderfully inspiring tool! Voices: Graeme Thomson, Silvia Maglioni, Stevphen Shukaitis, Ilaria Lupo, Ernie Larsen, Sherry Millner, Nikolay Oleynikov, Alessandra Pomarico Sound mix: Silvia Maglioni & Graeme Thomson Music: Kassel Jaeger, "RC Island Fireflies (In a Distance)" To read the text while listening:
    26m 25s
  • E16 - Super Hive Dance

    31 DEC 2021 · Super Hive Dance is a radio performance, a music playlist, an ongoing archive and a sound piece that collects materials and desires from the National Network of Emerging and Civic Commons (Rete Nazionale Beni Comuni Emergenti e a Uso Civico). It was created by Studiovuoto in collaboration with the Mediterranean bees and flowers, and contributions of DJ Cris, DJ Turollas, Ilàchime quartet & Fabrizio Elvetico, Valeria Muledda, Christoph Pennig, The Cleopatras, Teckno Nadia, the Amata Rossa. It celebrates communities moving, feeling and making honey together. It invites our bodies to dance with the world, and to care for the self and for the earth.
    1h 5m 34s
  • E15 - The art of making assemblages (Sylvère Lotringer)

    29 NOV 2021 · In this informal but illuminating fragment, Sylvère Lotringer talks about his friends Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari touching upon concepts like the line of flight, vitalism, the wasp and the orchid, inter-species alliances and the practice of making assemblages. Sylvère, we will miss you! SCHIZO-CULTURE SEMIOTEXTE
    8m 36s
  • E14 - Travesía Por La Vida - Capítulo Europa (EZLN)

    17 MAY 2021 · 10 de Abril del 2021 A las personas, grupos, colectivos, organizaciones, movimientos, coordinadoras, y pueblos originarios en Europa que esperan nuestra visita: A la Sexta Nacional e Internacional: A las redes en resistencia y rebeldía: Al Congreso Nacional Indígena: A los pueblos del Mundo: Herman@s y compañer@s: Este día 10 de abril del 2021 se concentraron en el “Semillero Comandanta Ramona”, l@s compañer@s que forman parte del primer grupo de delegad@s en nuestra Travesía por la Vida, capítulo Europa. Se trata de la delegación marítima. Con una pequeña ceremonia, según nuestros usos y costumbres, la delegación recibió el mandato de los pueblos zapatistas para llevar lejos nuestro pensamiento, es decir, nuestro corazón. Nuestr@s delegad@s llevan un corazón grande. No sólo para abrazar a quienes en el continente europeo se rebelan y resisten, también para escuchar y aprender de sus historias, geografías, calendarios y modos. Este primer grupo permanecerá en cuarentena por 15 días, aislados en el semillero, para garantizar que no están contagiados del llamado COVID 19 y para que se preparen para el tiempo que dura su travesía por mar. Durante esas dos semanas, estarán viviendo dentro de la réplica de la embarcación que, para eso, construimos en el Semillero. El día 26 de abril del 2021, saldrán rumbo a un puerto de la República Mexicana. Llegarán a más tardar el 30 de abril y abordarán la embarcación que hemos bautizado como “La Montaña”. Durante dos o tres días con sus noches, permanecerán a bordo del barco, y el día 3 de mayo del 2021, día de la Santa Cruz, Chan Santa Cruz, el navío “La Montaña” zarpará con nuestr@s compañer@s con destino a las costas europeas, en un viaje que se supone tomará de 6 a 8 semanas. Se calcula que en la segunda mitad del mes de junio del 2021 estarán frente a las costas europeas. A partir de este 15 de abril del 2021, desde los 12 caracoles zapatistas, nuestr@s compañer@s bases de apoyo irán realizando actividades para despedir a la delegación zapatista que, por mar y aire, viajará a la geografía que llaman “Europa”. En esta parte de la que hemos llamado “Travesía Por La Vida. Capítulo Europa”, l@s delegad@s zapatistas se encontrarán con quienes nos han invitado para platicar sobre nuestras historias mutuas, dolores, rabias, logros y fracasos. Hasta ahora, hemos recibido y aceptado invitaciones de las siguientes geografías: Alemania Austria Bélgica Bulgaria Cataluña Cerdeña Chipre Croacia Dinamarca Eslovenia Estado Español Finlandia Francia Grecia Holanda Hungría Italia Luxemburgo Noruega País Vasco Polonia Portugal Reino Unido Rumania Rusia Serbia Suecia Suiza Turquía Ucrania ELZN Video More video about the journey 
    2m 22s
  • E13 - Faire Ecole (Giulia Crisci & Martina Riina, con Per Esempio Onlus e React)

    10 MAY 2021 · Un racconto sonoro che parte dal quartiere Borgovecchio a Palermo, dove un’equipe di educatori ed educatrici di strada lavora da dieci anni. Le loro voci, insieme a quelle delle ragazze che frequentano il centro, aprono ad esperienze e riflessioni sulla scuola che ridisegnano percorsi e sentieri, lontani dalle retoriche dei quartieri difficili. A sonic encounter with a team of street educators in Borgovecchio, Palermo, where they have been working for ten years. Their voices, together with those of the girls that frequent the Centre, share their experiences and reflections around education that open up alternative pathways, far from the official rhetorics of “difficult neighbourhoods”. Realizzato da Giulia Crisci e Martina Riina – in collaborazione con Assemblea delle lucciole/ Diaria. Supportato da Relais Culture Europe Grazie all’equipe di Per Esempio Onlus e del centro React. Con le voci di Enza Gebbia, Laura Tabita, Danila Taccone, Martina Riina. Imagine Hopnn , Ph. Mauro Filippi
    16m 14s
  • E12 - Fukushima Reverberations / Part 2 (with Sabu Kohso, 16 beaver and friends)

    30 APR 2021 · 11 March 2021 FUKUSHIMA AT 10 (organized with Sabu Kohso and 16 beaver) PART 2 Keeping Wake, A Vigil, A Vigilance with: (Pt.1) Ayreen Anastas, Ben Morea, Rolando Vasquez, Rene Gabri, Sabu Kohso, Yoko Hayasuke, Norihito Nakata, Angela Melitopoulos, Fulvia Carnevale (Claire Fontaine), Jason Waite (Pt.2) Sabu Kohso, Franco Bifo Berardi, Ayreen Anastas, Rene Gabri, Anjalika Sagar, Kodwo Eshun (The Otolith Group), MPA Jesal Kapadia, Begonia Santa-Cecila, Nick Mirzoeff, Silvia Federici, Iain Boal, Peter Linebaugh… and many more Friends. Editing and sonic interventions: Silvia Maglioni & Graeme Thomson In March 11, 2021 we will be marking the 10th year since the onset of the disaster still unfolding in Fukushima. FUKUSHIMA marks a pivotal moment in the recent history of capitalist development. A precise moment when these developments meet their apocalyptic futurities, within one of the most ‘technologically advanced’ countries, exposing its residents and with time all life on the planet to the deteriorated common and shared premises of existence. 1. We come together to assert that we will refuse this war of oblivion which forces or enjoins us to Forget Fukushima. This war is not by chance. It is and has been the pre-condition time and again to restart not only the race for more deadly forms of military technologies, but also their transferal into so-called civilian life and consumer society as a way of normalizing their developments. 2. Fukushima reminds us that this production or war of oblivion, which in this case is not a biological or organic process, but rather an engineered and a fabricated one, is one of the most pernicious forces confronting life today. It restricts perception of realities which are precisely those whose perceptions could force us to have to change everything. 3. But what those who fabricate such processes of oblivion do not realize is that the subterranean forces unleashed by such suppressed events continue to act on all the parties. In order for a lie to become real, the traces, whatever could remind us of this forgotten, disappeared, has to continually be destroyed, erased, falsified. This is the unending work of denialism. Not only Fukushima has to be forgotten, not only its continued effects have to be diminished, but everyone has to be enlisted into a reality that now must become complicit with this falsification and fabrication of falsification. 4. This silent, subterranean process of the suppressed which becomes repressed, of the social, the political realities of our past, is what continues to act, in its multi fold ways, on our existence and is one of the under-appreciated political forces of what is called contemporary life. 5. Fukushima is an emblem of an event of such magnitude that it requires wholesale rethinking of the techno-scientific paradigm which dominates and orients the conduct of life today. It includes the instrumentalization of knowledge toward the accumulation of capital and development of military armaments. It also includes the lack of any capacity for communities to determine which tools, technologies or developments are acceptable to them and which pose a risk to their well-being, threaten their habitats as well as other life forms. 6. The breadth of questions that Fukushima raises are precisely why they must MAKE FORGET FUKUSHIMA. And that is precisely why we remain vigilant toward the events of March 11, 2011. Image: detail from "The Radiant" by The Otolith Group
    2h 9m 16s
  • E11 - Fukushima Reverberations / Part 1 (with Sabu Kohso, 16 beaver and friends)

    30 APR 2021 · 11 March 2021 FUKUSHIMA AT 10 (organized with Sabu Kohso and 16 beaver) PART 1 Keeping Wake, A Vigil, A Vigilance with: (Pt.1) Ayreen Anastas, Ben Morea, Rolando Vasquez, Rene Gabri, Sabu Kohso, Yoko Hayasuke, Norihito Nakata, Angela Melitopoulos, Fulvia Carnevale (Claire Fontaine), Jason Waite (Pt.2) Sabu Kohso, Franco Bifo Berardi, Ayreen Anastas, Rene Gabri, Anjalika Sagar, Kodwo Eshun (The Otolith Group), MPA Jesal Kapadia, Begonia Santa-Cecila, Nick Mirzoeff, Silvia Federici, Iain Boal, Peter Linebaugh… and many more Friends. Editing and sonic interventions: Silvia Maglioni & Graeme Thomson In March 11, 2021 we will be marking the 10th year since the onset of the disaster still unfolding in Fukushima. FUKUSHIMA marks a pivotal moment in the recent history of capitalist development. A precise moment when these developments meet their apocalyptic futurities, within one of the most ‘technologically advanced’ countries, exposing its residents and with time all life on the planet to the deteriorated common and shared premises of existence. 1. We come together to assert that we will refuse this war of oblivion which forces or enjoins us to Forget Fukushima. This war is not by chance. It is and has been the pre-condition time and again to restart not only the race for more deadly forms of military technologies, but also their transferal into so-called civilian life and consumer society as a way of normalizing their developments. 2. Fukushima reminds us that this production or war of oblivion, which in this case is not a biological or organic process, but rather an engineered and a fabricated one, is one of the most pernicious forces confronting life today. It restricts perception of realities which are precisely those whose perceptions could force us to have to change everything. 3. But what those who fabricate such processes of oblivion do not realize is that the subterranean forces unleashed by such suppressed events continue to act on all the parties. In order for a lie to become real, the traces, whatever could remind us of this forgotten, disappeared, has to continually be destroyed, erased, falsified. This is the unending work of denialism. Not only Fukushima has to be forgotten, not only its continued effects have to be diminished, but everyone has to be enlisted into a reality that now must become complicit with this falsification and fabrication of falsification. 4. This silent, subterranean process of the suppressed which becomes repressed, of the social, the political realities of our past, is what continues to act, in its multi fold ways, on our existence and is one of the under-appreciated political forces of what is called contemporary life. 5. Fukushima is an emblem of an event of such magnitude that it requires wholesale rethinking of the techno-scientific paradigm which dominates and orients the conduct of life today. It includes the instrumentalization of knowledge toward the accumulation of capital and development of military armaments. It also includes the lack of any capacity for communities to determine which tools, technologies or developments are acceptable to them and which pose a risk to their well-being, threaten their habitats as well as other life forms. 6. The breadth of questions that Fukushima raises are precisely why they must MAKE FORGET FUKUSHIMA. And that is precisely why we remain vigilant toward the events of March 11, 2011. Image: detail from "The Life of Particles" by Angela Melitopouos & Maurizio Lazzarato
    2h 10m 4s
  • E10 - Within and Against the Neoliberal University (with Manolo Callahan, John Foran, Keri Facer and Alessandra Pomarico)

    13 APR 2021 · REIMAGINING EDUCATION #2 "Within and Against the Neoliberal University" (featuring Manolo Callahan, John Foran, Keri Facer and Alessandra Pomarico) is the second in a series of podcasts produced by Firefly Frequencies reworking talks and conversations from the Re-imagining Education global gathering (March 2021).Manolo Callahan Manolo Callahan’s work explores three interwoven areas: the US/Mexico border and borderlands historically and in the present; Indigenous struggles across the Americas including Zapatista struggles located in Chiapas; and convivial research, a community based research methodology that draws on engaged scholarship emerging from the Global South. John Foran Scholar-activist-radical in the global climate justice movement, recovering sociologist, seeker of system alternatives with heart, member of the Eco Vista community and Eco Vista U, teaches sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA. Keri Facer She is Professor of Educational and Social Futures at the University of Bristol, works on the relationship between education, time, pasts-futures and change, as well as building deep collaborations between universities and the communities they are part of. She is currently planting a food forest, writing a book on living in time and trying to develop a network of ‘civic’ universities to mobilise their role as anchor institutions in local communities to address climate change. Alessandra Pomarico Curator of international and multidisciplinary artists’ residency programs at the intersection of arts, pedagogy, social issues, nano-politics, and the poetic of relationship in community building. Editing and mix: Silvia Maglioni & Graeme Thomson REIMAGINING EDUCATION 2021 For the last 200 years, many have worked to improve the education system and it has not been enough. What if we re-imagine higher education from the root? Hosted by the Ecoversities Alliance, and partnering communities from around the world, the Re-imagining Education Conference is a space for transformative educators to connect, re-imagine, design, and embody new approaches to higher education from within and beyond academia. See program and speakers DOWNLOAD Stefano Harney and Fred Moten "THE UNDERCOMMONS: Fugitive Planning and Black Study"
    41m 28s
A plural, multilingual investigation platform exploring collective pedagogies, unlearning strategies, convivial research, co-learning spaces , holistic ecosystems, insurgent field studies...

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