- Patience consists in preserving one's serenity of mind amid all the contrarieties of this life for the love of God.
- Patience produces many virtues and leads to salvation
- If we would bear with patience the trials of life, let us place Our Lord's Passion before our eyes; let us also consider that sufferings are a favor from God.
- Meekness consists in showing, for the love of God, no irrita tion when wrong is done us.
- By meekness we gain power over our fellow-men, we attain peace of mind, and eternal salvation.
- Meekness can only be acquired by the diligent practice of self-control.
- We ought to behave with meekness towards those with whom we live, and superiors ought to be gentle towards their inferiors.
- Peaceableness consists in willingly making a sacrifice for the sake of remaining at peace with one's neighbor, or reconciling one's self with him.
- Peacemakers enjoy the special protection of God, and receive a hundredfold as the reward of all that they give up for the sake of peace.
- Hence every one ought to be willing to make concessions for the sake of peace, and as far as lies in his power, to avoid all that may engender strife.
- Wrath consists in exciting one's self about something at which one is displeased.
- Those who indulge anger injure their health, temporarily lose the use of reason, make themselves hated, and incur the danger of losing eternal salvation.
- Anger must be overcome in the following manner: We must never speak or act when we are angry, but if possible, be take ourselves to prayer. If in our anger we have injured any one, we should make amends for the wrong done without delay.
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