Regular "Thing" Committee office holders are Josh Withers and Steve Molk. Remaining officer positions are filled in single term sittings by guests.

Episodes & Posts
21 OCT 2014 · It's not what you think it is. Well, it is a podcast ep recorded in the LA PodFest Squarespace podcasting lounge. It does contain three very funny people in Wil Anderson, Steele Saunders and Dave Anthony (the latter seemingly believing he needs to be on EVERY PODCAST IN THE WORLD). This episode's things include: is sitting in the world's most annoying room a thing?, Australia being America's bitch, Wil Anderson's Buzzfeed list as a thing & is Ash Williams a thing? (you'll be surprised with the decision on this)... and that moment when Dave Anthony became a thing. Special Guests: Dave Anthony, Steele Saunders, and Wil Anderson.
14 OCT 2014 · Another one from the LA PodFest Squarespace podcasting lounge. Matt Kirshen is, quite frankly, and oddity in LA. A nice, well spoken, seemingly-unencumbered-by-ego Englishman living and working in America on the comedy circuit. Successfully. I KNOW, RIGHT? In this episode Matt and Steve Molk have decided a range of things just for YOU: Are Benobo penises at thing?, Scottish Independence & Life as a Brit in the US. Special Guest: Matt Kirshen.
7 OCT 2014 · More LA PodFest Squarespace podcasting lounge goodness, this time with Kira Soltanovich (hereafter referred to as 'Da Bomb') and surprise guest Mr Palm Strike Army himself Graham Elwood. Steve Molk sat down with these giants of LA comedy to discuss things like is body modification a thing? (three made-up boobs and all), being the naughty uncle & Are Kiwis on the Gold Coast a thing?... Please ensure you've dialled two zeroes before starting this episode so that when your sides split all you have to do is enter the remaining zero to call for an ambulance. And as Graham Elwood always says... "I America USA". http://www.lapodfest.com http://www.squarespace.com http://www.kiracomedy.com/ https://twitter.com/kiracomedy http://thenetworkstudios.com/shows/kira-soltanovich/ http://grahamelwood.com/ https://twitter.com/grahamelwood http://www.comedyfilmnerds.com/ The post TC 41: Kira Soltanovich & Graham Elwood appeared first on The Thing Committee.
1 OCT 2014 · We're back from LA PodFest Squarespace podcasting lounge and this time, it's personal... or at least related to a person. Joined by ever delightful Aussie Alicia Malone and the equally as delightful Kentuckian Michelle Mahone this time around Steve Molk got down to business with the ladies sorting out the things, including are Nude TV shows a thing?, is reality TV a thing (Wanna Marry Harry anyone?) and are film remakes a thing (already)? (and we threw in a gritty reboot of Thelma & Louise for good measure). RELAX, FRANKIE. IT'S ALL GOOD. http://www.lapodfest.com http://www.squarespace.com http://malonesmovieminute.com https://twitter.com/aliciamalone http://www.michelemahone.com https://twitter.com/Mmahone The post TC 40: Alicia Malone & Michele Mahone appeared first on The Thing Committee.
9 SEP 2014 · Jo Stanley, Kate McLennan & Dan Hall sat down in their places at the big table and order was called at the Thing Committee. This is a big one so there's lots of things decided, not least of which if Yasmin ever got married and much, much more. The post TC 39: Jo Stanley, Kate McLennan & Dan Hall appeared first on The Thing Committee.
2 SEP 2014 · Claire Hooper, Lehmo & Adam Zwar gather to form the Thing Committee this week and the weight of responsibility bears heavily on them. Working in the UK, breakfast radio & exploding bell-ends are the inspiration for decided things and a whole lot more.
28 AUG 2014 · Jane Kennedy, Alice Zaslavsky & George Donikian sit down to discuss the big things from a media perspective. Game of Thrones, Vuvuzelas, Rhodesian Ridgebacks - no stone is left unturned as the search for truth and the deciding of things is sought.
20 DEC 2013 · Murray Valeriano, comedian and host of the Road Stories podcast, saw fit to sit down with Steve Molk while at LA PodFest and lecture him on life as a comedy writer in the bowels of LA.
20 DEC 2013 · More joyous joy from LA PodFest, this time with comedians Jake Johannsen (@jakethis) & of Walking The Room/The Dollop/Guest Charlie Number One fame Dave Anthony (@daveanthony). Confusion reigns as accent wars take place, as does the general consensus that nobody really knows what they're talking about. Steve Molk barely keeps up. Special Guest: Dave Anthony.
20 DEC 2013 · Joined by the gorgeous Bonnie McFarlane at LA PodFest Steve Molk decides it's reasonable to discuss some of the more intimate matters in a very public place. Are dick pics a thing? Should men talk about private women's business? Does Bonnie really hate her husband as her podcast with beau Rich Vos suggests? There are no real answers - only postulations and premises supposed... just don't come to either Bonnie or Molk for dating advice.
Regular "Thing" Committee office holders are Josh Withers and Steve Molk. Remaining officer positions are filled in single term sittings by guests.
Author | Josh Withers |
Organization | Josh Withers |
Categories | Comedy |
Website | www.spreaker.com |
thing@withers.co |
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