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The Biz Doctor

  • Explicit

    Three Surprising Reasons You (And Your Fellow Business Owners) Struggle To 'Let Go' (EP 70)

    22 MAY 2024 · Clawing your way back or white knuckling… two sides of the same coin … both having an underlying current of control. Lauren talks about the time where she saw this happen in one of her clients. It was like his body was possessed by another. He went from being really excited to get out of the trenches and focus on what we call his “Big 3” - you know the three things that, not only were they his unique abilities, but they were things he really enjoyed in the business - to suddenly trying to stick his fingers in every part of the proverbial pie. Suddenly the team and business were thrown into chaos and whack-a-moling again after months of smooth sailing… So why did this happen? Well that my friend is exactly what we are going to talk about on today’s episode. Welcome back to The Biz Doctor Podcast, with your host Lauren Goldstein. Today we’re going to share with you the three things Lauren sees standing in the way of most business owners having the true entrepreneurial freedom that comes with getting out from under your business and out of the weeds.  Key takeaways: - Are you a 'seagull leader' - Lack of trust, in yourself and your team - Not being clear about what YOU actually want? ------------------------- If you enjoyed this episode and it sparked something in you, please give us a 5 Star rating/review and share this with your friends and fellow business owners. Also, don’t forget to subscribe so you are the first to get notified when our next episode is live and ready for your ears. ------------------------- Meet your host. Lauren Goldstein is founder and CEO of the award-winning and globally-recognized business consulting firm, Golden Key Partnership. Her clients lovingly call her “The Biz Doctor” (which also happens to be the way this podcast got its name). Her superpower is helping 7-figure service-based entrepreneurs uncover what is keeping them stuck in the trenches of their business, so that they can have more freedom, profitability, impact, success, happier teams, and can breathe a much needed sigh of relief. She’s been featured in Thrive Global, Huff Post, Authority Magazine and is a trusted expert to fortune 500 companies like Apple, Nike, and AT&T, among others. For more from Lauren, and to learn more about her signature diagnostic framework or how she helps business owners get out from under their business, visit her website You can also connect with her on instagram ( or LinkedIn ( The Biz Doctor Podcast is produced by Story Studio Network.
    16m 27s
  • Creating True Wealth In Your Business And Life (EP 69)

    8 MAY 2024 · Have ever looked around at other business owners who have similar businesses to you that “seem” to be so much more successful or easy than yours - and wondered what the heck you're are doing wrong? If you answered yes, you are not alone. Lauren recalls she was very much in this camp for a few years banging her head against the wall and wondering why it seemed like such an uphill battle - that is until she discovered that each entrepreneur has a unique winning formula that if left unsolved will be the difference between struggling and sustainable success. When Lauren learned what her winning formula was it changed everything which is why she wants to let you in on this secret on today’s episode. Welcome back to The Biz Doctor Podcast, with your host Lauren Goldstein. Today we’re going to share with you a framework that will help you hit the easy button in your business and breathe a much needed sigh of relief. Let us introduce you to wealth dynamics, which we lovingly call entrepreneur dynamics Key takeaways: - The 4 energies of a business and team: Introvert vs extrovert (hint this isn’t what you think it is. Starters vs finishers - why it is CRITICAL to know who is who - Measuring Vale and Leverage - Measuring Trust and Flow ------------------------- If you enjoyed this episode and it sparked something in you, please give us a 5 Star rating/review and share this with your friends and fellow business owners. Also, don’t forget to subscribe so you are the first to get notified when our next episode is live and ready for your ears. ------------------------- Meet your host. Lauren Goldstein is founder and CEO of the award-winning and globally-recognized business consulting firm, Golden Key Partnership. Her clients lovingly call her “The Biz Doctor” (which also happens to be the way this podcast got its name). Her superpower is helping 7-figure service-based entrepreneurs uncover what is keeping them stuck in the trenches of their business, so that they can have more freedom, profitability, impact, success, happier teams, and can breathe a much needed sigh of relief. She’s been featured in Thrive Global, Huff Post, Authority Magazine and is a trusted expert to fortune 500 companies like Apple, Nike, and AT&T, among others. For more from Lauren, and to learn more about her signature diagnostic framework or how she helps business owners get out from under their business, visit her website You can also connect with her on instagram ( or LinkedIn ( The Biz Doctor Podcast is produced by Story Studio Network.
    28m 28s
  • Three Types Of Business Owners And The Important Differences (EP 68)

    24 APR 2024 · Sometimes when we think “business owner” often only one ”type” comes to mind, the business owner who leads the company as president or CEO, but today we’ll talk about what Lauren has discovered over the course of the past 12 years in her business consulting - that there are actually THREE types of business owners! And knowing the difference between them - and more importantly what type of business owner you want to be can have an exponentially large impact on your success - and the success of your business and team. And if you don’t have that clarity it can also sink your business and team so let’s dig into this episode shall we? ------------------------- If you enjoyed this episode and it sparked something in you, please give us a 5 Star rating/review and share this with your friends and fellow business owners. Also, don’t forget to subscribe so you are the first to get notified when our next episode is live and ready for your ears. ------------------------- Meet your host. Lauren Goldstein is founder and CEO of the award-winning and globally-recognized business consulting firm, Golden Key Partnership. Her clients lovingly call her “The Biz Doctor” (which also happens to be the way this podcast got its name). Her superpower is helping 7-figure service-based entrepreneurs uncover what is keeping them stuck in the trenches of their business, so that they can have more freedom, profitability, impact, success, happier teams, and can breathe a much needed sigh of relief. She’s been featured in Thrive Global, Huff Post, Authority Magazine and is a trusted expert to fortune 500 companies like Apple, Nike, and AT&T, among others. For more from Lauren, and to learn more about her signature diagnostic framework or how she helps business owners get out from under her business tune visit her website You can also connect with her on instagram ( or LinkedIn ( The Biz Doctor Podcast is produced by Story Studio Network.
    13m 25s
  • Explicit

    Where You Might Be Sabotaging Your Business and Not Even Know It (EP 67)

    10 APR 2024 · Have you ever been caught in the cycle of getting ready, to get ready …. to get ready, and then mayyybbbeee launching whatever it is you have been perfecting? It's okay, it happens to more people than you realize. Welcome back to The Biz Doctor Podcast, with your host Lauren Goldstein, in this episode, Lauren, as one recovering perfectionist to another, knows exactly what you need to hear today to break out of that cycle….  The ways that the 3.3 pounds of spicey meatloaf between your ears might be sabotaging you, your business, and your success without you even knowing it - it is a super sneaky that way. But lucky for you, Lauren is going to put her neuroscience hat on today and help you outsmart your brain. Make sure you stick around to the very end when she’ll talk about resulting and how it stifles your creativity AND leads to consistently poorer decision-making. Tune in to hear more about: Key takeaways:  - Your brain's #1 mission in life - Making perfect the enemy of good - Vacuums and how they bite you in the bum - Understanding the stories we create Resources mentioned in this episode: Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don't Have All the Facts: ------------------------- If you enjoyed this episode and it sparked something in you, please give us a 5 Star rating/review and share this with your friends and fellow business owners. Also, don’t forget to subscribe so you are the first to get notified when our next episode is live and ready for your ears. ------------------------- Meet your host. Lauren Goldstein is founder and CEO of the award-winning and globally-recognized business consulting firm, Golden Key Partnership. Her clients lovingly call her “The Biz Doctor” (which also happens to be the way this podcast got its name). Her superpower is helping 7-figure service-based entrepreneurs uncover what is keeping them stuck in the trenches of their business, so that they can have more freedom, profitability, impact, success, happier teams, and can breathe a much needed sigh of relief. She’s been featured in Thrive Global, Huff Post, Authority Magazine and is a trusted expert to fortune 500 companies like Apple, Nike, and AT&T, among others. For more from Lauren, and to learn more about her signature diagnostic framework or how she helps business owners get out from under her business tune visit her website You can also connect with her on instagram ( or LinkedIn ( The Biz Doctor Podcast is produced by Story Studio Network.
    21m 3s
  • How Much Does A Bad Hire Really Cost Your Business? (EP 66)

    27 MAR 2024 · We’ve all been there, you did your best in hiring, said yes to someone, only for it to turn into a hindenburg situation. The truth is because we are dealing with humans and not robots (sorry Elon) there are variables with hiring that try as we might still make it a bit of a moving target, but fear not, today I am going to dive into the real cost of a bad hire and more importantly how you can reduce these costs and make your next hire your best hire. We're talking about a hot topic I see a lot in my clients and fellow business owners struggle with which is shifting from reactive to proactive hiring so that they can reduce the cost and mitigate the risk of a “bad hire”. Key takeaways: - First, the biggest cost I see that we don’t think about is YOUR time and the team's time. - So here are TWO things that you can do with the next hire that will DRASTICALLY save you time - The third thing that will save you not only time AND money is this: Proactive hiring. - I also share a bit about how to be an effective interviewer and how to objectively decide between candidates. CTAs/Resources Ready for a resource that will take the guesswork out of your teams roles and help you not only get more out of your current team, but make your next hire. your best hire? Then download our Golden Key Scorecard. Our Scorecard provides the time tested framework and process to get you and your team out of the weeds and into a well-oiled machine that can scale without you. Past Biz Doctor podcasts to go along with todays episode: - The 4 Keys to Successfully Building a High Performing Team: - 6 Of the Most Effective Interview Questions to Help You Pick The Right Candidate ------------------------- If you enjoyed this episode and it sparked something in you, please give us a 5 Star rating/review and share this with your friends and fellow business owners. Also, don’t forget to subscribe so you are the first to get notified when our next episode is live and ready for your ears. ------------------------- Meet your host. Lauren Goldstein is founder and CEO of the award-winning and globally-recognized business consulting firm, Golden Key Partnership. Her clients lovingly call her “The Biz Doctor” (which also happens to be the way this podcas got its name). Her superpower is helping 7-figure service-based entrepreneurs uncover what is keeping them stuck in the trenches of their business, so that they can have more freedom, profitability, impact, success, happier teams, and can breathe a much needed sigh of relief. She’s been featured in Thrive Global, Huff Post, Authority Magazine and is a trusted expert to fortune 500 companies like Apple, Nike, and AT&T, among others. For more from Lauren, and to learn more about her signature diagnostic framework or how she helps business owners get out from under her business tune visit her website You can also connect with her on instagram ( or LinkedIn ( The Biz Doctor Podcast is produced by Story Studio Network.
    15m 28s
  • Friends Don’t Let Friends WebMD Their Business (EP 65)

    13 MAR 2024 · Have you ever had a symptom and found yourself down the rabbit hole of WebMD researching survival rates of meningiomas - instead of realizing you probably just have a migraine from staring at your computer all day?  Or suddenly you have gangrene instead of a bone bruise from stubbing your toe? Well that is exactly what I am going to talk about in this weeks episode, the danger of self-diagnosing your own business Welcome back to The Biz Doctor Podcast, I'm your host Lauren Goldstein. Today I'm going to talk about something I see far too often go awry, self-diagnosing your own business.  If you've ever found yourself in one of these information wormholes trying to solve a team or operational challenge only to end up more overwhelmed then when you started, then fear not, I got you! Today I'm going to give you three ways to diagnose your business better if you don't have yours truly, The Biz Doctor on speed dial.  Why is this skill so important? Because, if you don't find the root cause of what is ailing your business you are going to be not only plaything whack-a-mole with your business for the foreseeable future, but chances are you are going to flush down the toilet an enormous amount of money, time, and people trying to treat the “wrong thing.” ------------------------- If you enjoyed this episode and it sparked something in you, please give us a 5 Star rating/review and share this with your friends and fellow business owners. Also, don’t forget to subscribe so you are the first to get notified when our next episode is live and ready for your ears. ------------------------- Meet your host. Lauren Goldstein is founder and CEO of the award-winning and globally-recognized business consulting firm, Golden Key Partnership. Her clients lovingly call her “The Biz Doctor” (which also happens to be the way this podcas got its name). Her superpower is helping 7-figure service-based entrepreneurs uncover what is keeping them stuck in the trenches of their business, so that they can have more freedom, profitability, impact, success, happier teams, and can breathe a much needed sigh of relief. She’s been featured in Thrive Global, Huff Post, Authority Magazine and is a trusted expert to fortune 500 companies like Apple, Nike, and AT&T, among others. For more from Lauren, and to learn more about her signature diagnostic framework or how she helps business owners get out from under her business tune visit her website You can also connect with her on instagram ( or LinkedIn ( The Biz Doctor Podcast is produced by Story Studio Network.
    15m 4s
  • Explicit

    Building Your Business From Pleasure, Not Pressure With Andrea Crowder (EP 64)

    28 FEB 2024 · Today’s podcast episode comes with a big red explicit warning… that is explicitly awesome! And fair warning there very well could be some creative swearing and sass so don’t say we didn’t warn ya. If you have ever been burned the eff out in your business, yearning for a better way that doesn’t involve you burning the candle at both ends and essentially being neither early bird nor night owl, but an exhausted, coffee addicted pigeon, then buckle up buttercup, today’s episode is just what you and your business need. Welcome back to the biz doctor podcast, with your host Lauren Goldstein. Today she’s joined in the studio by Andrea Crowder and they are going to get real and raw as we dive into what exactly it means to stand strong with the boundary of if ‘it doesn’t feel like a fuck yes it’s a hell no!’ Imagine with me for a moment… Who would you be without the emotional baggage? What would your life, business, relationships & health look like if you were - wait for it - untriggerable?! 🤯 We’ll Andrea Crowder’s here in studio and in life to answer those questions as as she says f*ck around and find out 💋 Key takeaways: - Rapid Resolution Therapy - How nervous system regulation is something that is thrown around a lot but what does it actually mean and why should we care? - Alright now to the juicy part… how do you build a business around pleasure instead of pressure? Connect with Andrea on instagram: Andrea's book recommendation - Life Changing Conversations: ------------------------- If you enjoyed this episode and it sparked something in you, please give us a 5 Star rating/review and share this with your friends and fellow business owners. Also, don’t forget to subscribe so you are the first to get notified when our next episode is live and ready for your ears. ------------------------- Meet your host. Lauren Goldstein is founder and CEO of the award-winning and globally-recognized business consulting firm, Golden Key Partnership. Her clients lovingly call her “The Biz Doctor” (which also happens to be the way this podcast got its name). Her superpower is helping 7-figure service-based entrepreneurs uncover what is keeping them stuck in the trenches of their business, so that they can have more freedom, profitability, impact, success, happier teams, and can breathe a much needed sigh of relief. She’s been featured in Thrive Global, Huff Post, Authority Magazine and is a trusted expert to fortune 500 companies like Apple, Nike, and AT&T, among others. For more from Lauren, and to learn more about her signature diagnostic framework or how she helps business owners get out from under her business tune visit her website You can also connect with her on instagram ( or LinkedIn ( The Biz Doctor Podcast is produced by Story Studio Network.
    40m 34s
  • The Decision Matrix: How To Objectively Determine The Best Course Of Action For Your Business (EP 63)

    14 FEB 2024 · Have you ever wished that there was a simple, objective way to help you make decisions about what projects to pursue in your business? Well that is exactly what we are going to cover in today's episode. Welcome back to The Biz Doctor podcast, with your host Lauren Goldstein. Today we’ll give you a tool that will drastically transform how you operate within your business and help you better decide where to invest your team, time, and money for the most impact. CTAs/Resources To download the Decision Matrix template go to: Learn more about the work we do with business owners to help you get out from under your business and have the team and operations to support sustainable (and more profitable) scaling at ------------------------- If you enjoyed this episode and it sparked something in you, please give us a 5 Star rating/review and share this with your friends and fellow business owners. Also, don’t forget to subscribe so you are the first to get notified when our next episode is live and ready for your ears. ------------------------- Meet your host. Lauren Goldstein is founder and CEO of the award-winning and globally-recognized business consulting firm, Golden Key Partnership. Her clients lovingly call her “The Biz Doctor” (which also happens to be the way this podcas got its name). Her superpower is helping 7-figure service-based entrepreneurs uncover what is keeping them stuck in the trenches of their business, so that they can have more freedom, profitability, impact, success, happier teams, and can breathe a much needed sigh of relief. She’s been featured in Thrive Global, Huff Post, Authority Magazine and is a trusted expert to fortune 500 companies like Apple, Nike, and AT&T, among others. For more from Lauren, and to learn more about her signature diagnostic framework or how she helps business owners get out from under her business tune visit her website You can also connect with her on instagram ( or LinkedIn ( The Biz Doctor Podcast is produced by Story Studio Network.
    12m 18s
  • Breaking Through Revenue Plateaus With Jose Palomino (EP 62)

    31 JAN 2024 · The number one reason why businesses fail is they run out of cash. One study showed that 82% of companies that fail do so because of cash flow problems. Here’s the really surprising figure…. Only 40% of businesses are profitable - while 30% are actually continually LOSING MONEY! Those figures are WILD - especially given how hard us business owners work, which is exactly why we’re so excited for today’s episode. Welcome back to The Biz Doctor podcast, join your host Lauren Goldstein and guest Jose Palomino - today we are going to dive into the wild ride of revenue. Make sure you listen to the end because Jose is going to share some very impactful advice on How to Break Through Revenue Plateaus Key takeaways: - Bust a myth: Why Hiring More Salespeople Doesn't Turn Into More Sales and Growth v scaling (yes there is a BIG difference) - Why Privately Held Companies Need a Systematic Approach to Growth. - How to Break Through Revenue Plateaus. CTAs/Resources Jose's Book Recommendations: - Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill - Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy - The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande
    51m 24s
  • Explicit

    Resentment: Wiping Out This Silent Killer of Teams (EP 61)

    17 JAN 2024 · When it comes to an employer/employee relationship, I believe there is really only one thing that can’t be overcome, and that is resentment. Welcome back to The Biz Doctor podcast, with your host, Lauren Goldstein, we’ll talk about a feeling and emotion that has been on a lot of lips lately and that is resentment. Lauren says “I will go to my grave saying resentment is one that once it creeps in, that employee HAS to go. This is an emotion that, once infected, is almost impossible to eradicate, in fact, it is the kiss of death in my opinion.” It seems like it is something that’s talked about more and more by employees and employers, so we’ll take some time today and really dive into what it is, where it comes from, and what to do about it if it is infecting someone on your team. Key takeaways: - First, outside of pink eye, this is the most contagious disease in the workplace, this toxicity is sneaky, consuming, and toxic. - Second, rarely if ever can someone become UN resentful once they have crossed that chasm. - Last but not least, resentment can be the gateway to self and subconscious sabotage ... subconscious or conscious thoughts of “this will show them” will be illuminated in their behavior if you start to pay attention. CTAs/Resources Looking for support with creating a high-performing team that is the perfect fit for you? Let's connect! We are here to support you in getting out from under your business with the best team and operations to support you. ------------------------- If you enjoyed this episode and it sparked something in you, please give us a 5 Star rating/review and share this with your friends and fellow business owners. Also, don’t forget to subscribe so you are the first to get notified when our next episode is live and ready for your ears. ------------------------- Meet your host. Lauren Goldstein is founder and CEO of the award-winning and globally-recognized business consulting firm, Golden Key Partnership. Her clients lovingly call her “The Biz Doctor” (which also happens to be the way this podcas got its name). Her superpower is helping 7-figure service-based entrepreneurs uncover what is keeping them stuck in the trenches of their business, so that they can have more freedom, profitability, impact, success, happier teams, and can breathe a much needed sigh of relief. She’s been featured in Thrive Global, Huff Post, Authority Magazine and is a trusted expert to fortune 500 companies like Apple, Nike, and AT&T, among others. For more from Lauren, and to learn more about her signature diagnostic framework or how she helps business owners get out from under her business tune visit her website You can also connect with her on instagram ( or LinkedIn ( The Biz Doctor Podcast is produced by Story Studio Network.
    22m 50s

Friends don't let friends WebMD their business. Get out from under your business. Scale up without burning out. Get the most out of your current team. Make your next hire...

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Friends don't let friends WebMD their business.

Get out from under your business. Scale up without burning out. Get the most out of your current team. Make your next hire your best hire. Understand what the heck business operations actually are. Become more productive in your business and in life.

Welcome to The Biz Doctor Podcast. I’m your host Lauren Goldstein - award-winning business consultant and advisor fondly nicknamed the “biz doctor” by my clients, and the namesake for this show.

At the Biz Doctor Podcast, we believe that building a business doesn’t have to be hard. You can have a thriving business, make an impact, AND true entrepreneurial freedom.

In each episode we are going to bring you no BS, true to life, and effective tools, tactics, perspectives and approaches to business operations, building high performing teams, and leadership that will actually make a difference today to get you closer to your business goals.
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