9 DEC 2024 · In this Ortho Marketing Podcast, Dean Steinman is joined by Dr. Amanda Wilson, CEO StraightSmile Solutions. They explore the transformative journey of integrating orthodontic services into an already streamlined practice. Discover actionable insights on balancing efficiency with growth, the benefits of adding orthodontics, and how this strategic move can elevate patient care while boosting revenue.
Ready to elevate your practice?
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About Dr. Amanda Wilson
I’m Amanda Wilson, an orthodontist, dental consultant, and dental advisor by profession. After 10 years in private practice in the San Francisco Bay Area, I created StraightSmile Solutions® as an orthodontic consulting company that directly services primary care dentists and their unique needs.
I can consult on any orthodontic service, process, vendor, or procedure but ultimately my core values are airway focused (AirwayDontics™), non-extraction, non-surgical, early orthodontic treatment (My Phase 1 Smile™). I met my husband, a general dentist, in dental school at UCSF. When he inquired about adding ortho to his menu of services, he asked which course he should take. I took a deep dive, and I was appalled by the lack of quality, airway focused, holistic, comprehensive orthodontic education for General and Pediatric Dentists. I’ve always loved to teach, and I thought I could help save lives and airways by not only teaching primary-care, oral physicians how to do ortho the RIGHT way but also make the process efficient and productive.
On a personal note, I live in Honolulu, and I love spending time with my husband and my teenage kids and volunteering as a Senior Girl Scout® Leader and for USA Swimming® as a N3 Stroke and Turn Judge. I appreciate your support with my small business as I love the flexibility of orthodontic coaching because it allows me to travel with my kids who are both nationally ranked, competitive swimmers. My eighteen-year-old son, Evan, is aiming for 2028 Olympic Trials and currently going through Division 1 recruiting and his fifteen-year -old sister, Olivia, ins’t too far behind him . You make this dream possible for our ohana. Mahalo!