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My Happy Ass Life

  • Life's Friction as a Catalyst for Change and Growth

    25 APR 2024 · Hello, Radiant Souls! It's Karen here, navigating the rollercoaster of life with a smile and a dash of audacity, coming to you in the midst of what could easily be a 10.25 on the crazy meter. Today, we're diving into the soulful process of fine-tuning the friction in our lives, inspired by personal revelations and the wisdom of Marie Forleo. It's about finding peace in uncreating, simplifying, and making intentional choices that align with our deepest values and desires. In This Episode: We explore the concept of being formed in friction, embracing the challenges that shape us, and realizing that we can uncreate and redefine our lives. Drawing from the mantra "Everything is figureoutable," we discuss the struggle of limiting our intake to just one book and the significant impact of small, mindful changes on our overall well-being. Highlights: Fine-Tuning the Friction: How embracing and adjusting to life's challenges can lead to profound personal growth. The Power of One Book: The discipline and insight gained from focusing on a single source of inspiration. Creating and Uncreating Our Lives: The realization that we can design our lives, not by adding more, but often by letting go. Affirmation for Peace in Uncreating: This is a powerful reminder that peace comes from making intentional choices about what we create and what we let go of in our lives. Today’s Takeaway: Simplifying for Serenity In the constant push and pull of life's demands, finding peace often means stepping back to evaluate what truly matters. It's about making time for what truly enriches us and gracefully uncreating the rest. We’d Love to Hear from You How have you fine-tuned the friction in your life? Share your journey of uncreating, simplifying, and finding peace amidst the chaos on our "Happy Ass" page. Your stories inspire us all to embrace the beauty of living intentionally. A Parting Thought: In every moment of friction, there's an opportunity to polish, refine, and reveal the truest parts of ourselves. Let's cherish these moments, for they guide us back to peace, clarity, and a sense of purpose. Thank you for joining me in exploring life’s complexities and the tranquil art of uncreating. May we all find the courage to fine-tune our lives, embracing the peace from simplicity and intentionality. Until next time, keep shining your light, embracing the lessons in every challenge, and finding joy in the journey of uncreating. Be sweet, y’all. Bye
    9m 14s
  • Adapting and Overcoming: Real Stories of Triumph

    24 APR 2024 · Hello, Brilliant Beings! It’s Karen, fresh off the workout train and into the heart of life’s unpredictable journey. Today, we navigate the rugged yet rewarding terrain of life’s adversities, inspired by the resilience and dreams of John Tesh and the wisdom found in the friction of our own lives. Let’s explore how our trials are not merely obstacles but the forge in which our strength, purpose, and joy are shaped. In This Episode: Diving into the concept that our greatest selves are formed in friction, we reflect on personal stories of overcoming and adapting, drawing parallels to John Tesh's remarkable journey through music, adversity, and ultimate triumph. It’s a reminder that the rainstorms of life, like those at Red Rocks, are not endings but beginnings if only we’re prepared to play through them. Highlights: Adapting to Life's Challenges: How segmenting time and squeezing in moments for growth and learning can lead to profound changes. John Tesh’s Rainy Concert at Red Rocks: A testament to perseverance, the power of preparation for adversity, and the unwavering support of those who believe in us. The Beauty of Being Formed in Friction: Recognizing that our most valuable lessons and strengths are honed in the face of challenges. A Call to Embrace Adversity: Encouraging listeners to see adverse conditions not as deterrents but as opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Today’s Takeaway: Preparedness for Life’s Unpredictable Weather Much like the weather at Red Rocks, life can change instantly, drenching us in unexpected challenges. Yet, in these moments, if we keep playing, we discover our resilience, passion, and authentic audience. We’d Love to Hear from You How have you been formed in friction? Share your stories of adversity, preparation, and triumph with us on our "Happy Ass" page. Let’s inspire each other with tales of persistence, preparation, and the power of pushing through. A Parting Thought: In the symphony of life, each note of hardship contributes to the melody of our existence. The music we make, despite—or perhaps because of—the rain- defines us. Thank you for sharing this time with me, reflecting on the beauty of our battles, and continuing to play your unique melody, rain or shine. Let’s carry forward the lesson that the best parts of us are often formed in the heart of adversity. Until we meet again, keep dancing through the rainstorms and celebrating the friction that shapes us. Be sweet, y’all. Bye.
    8m 8s
  • Embracing Patience: The Path to Post-Traumatic Growth

    22 APR 2024 · Hello, wonderful souls! This is Karen, and I am here to discuss the theme of patience against the unexpected backdrop of a golf course. I want to remind you all that sometimes the most significant growth happens quietly in the background of our busy lives. Today, we will explore the transformative journey from patience to post-traumatic growth, inspired by Enki Johnson's insightful words on the Ed Mylette podcast.  In This Episode:We talk about the idea that proper growth and success don't happen overnight but require patience, perseverance, and a shift from a mindset of immediate gratification to one of long-term vision and quiet strength. Drawing from personal anecdotes and the wisdom surrounding us, we're reminded that the path to becoming who we're meant to be is often paved with challenges that teach us patience. Highlights: - Patience vs. Immediate Results: Unpacking the myth of overnight success and the importance of nurturing patience in our fast-paced world. - Post-Traumatic Growth: A fresh perspective on how challenges and adversity can fuel our growth and transformation. - The Serenity of Patience: How patience can calm storms in our lives, offering peace and a stronger sense of self. - Affirmation for Patience: A powerful declaration that patience is a quiet power, a prerequisite for post-traumatic growth, and a catalyst for becoming the best version of ourselves. Today’s Takeaway: Embracing Patience in a World of Instant GratificationIn a culture that often values speed over depth, embracing patience can be a radical act of self-love and a step towards profound personal growth. It's about finding strength in stillness, wisdom in waiting, and joy in the journey. We’d Love to Hear from YouHow has embracing patience led to growth in your life? Share your stories and reflections on our "Happy Ass" page. Your journey inspires us all to slow down and appreciate the beauty of becoming. A Parting Thought:Patience is not just a virtue; it's a vehicle for transformation. As we navigate the challenges and adversities of life, let's remember that every moment of friction is an opportunity for formation, building us into champions on the other side of "I don't feel like it." Thank you for joining me in this contemplation of patience and growth. May today's conversation inspire you to embrace the quiet power of patience and allow it to lead you towar the incredible growth that awaits. Until next time, keep nurturing your soul, embracing your journey, and always, always be sweet to yourself and others. Be sweet, y’all. Bye.
    7m 32s
  • The Serenity Of embracing change in our lives

    18 APR 2024 · Hello, Lovely Souls! Karen here, coming to you not from the usual spots but amidst the serene backdrop of a golf course, embracing the winds of change with every swing. In today’s episode, we’re diving deep into the concept of change - not just any change, but the kind that reshapes our world, challenges our perspectives and ultimately leads us to the growth we yearn for. In This Episode: We reflect on the power of choosing "I won't" over "I can't," setting the stage for a discussion on embracing change in our lives and industries. Inspired by wisdom from Socrates and the serenity prayer, we explore how focusing on building the new, rather than fighting the old, can transform our approach to life's inevitable shifts. Highlights: From Resistance to Acceptance: Understanding that it's not change that eliminates us, but our inability to accept it. The Serenity of Embracing Change: How the serenity prayer aligns with the journey of acceptance and courage in the face of change. Gratitude for Growth: The transformative power of thanking our changes for making us incredible, unique humans. Affirmation for Change: This is a powerful reminder that change is not scary but a gateway to exciting, life-giving possibilities. Today’s Takeaway: The Blessings in Change Change might appear daunting, but it contains the seeds of our future joy, growth, and fulfillment. By shifting our perspective, we can see change not as a threat but as the birthplace of endless possibilities. We’d Love to Hear from You How has change been a catalyst for growth in your life? Share your stories of transformation and how you've embraced the winds of change, either on the golf course of life or off it, on our "My Happy Ass" page. A Parting Thought: Life is an ever-evolving journey of changes. Like a day on the golf course, it comes with challenges and rewards. So, as you step into this week, remember to swing with the change, focusing on the life that unfolds before you, not what was left behind. Thank you for joining me in this conversation about change, growth, and embracing the new chapters of our lives with open hearts and minds. Let's continue to support each other through every pivot and turn, creating a brighter, sweeter world together.
    5m 24s
  • Commit to Happiness: How Small Choices Lead to Big Changes

    17 APR 2024 · Hello Radiant Beings! It’s Karen, your fellow adventurer on this journey of growth, self-love, and a dash of happy-ass magic. Today, we're cozied up (yes, in my car post-gym session) to chat about a topic that’s both thrilling and a tad intimidating—commitment. But not just any commitment; we're exploring what it means to commit to ourselves, our goals, and the joy of living fully, even when our lives look like squiggly lines on a map. In This Episode: We unravel the mysteries of commitment - the fears, the overload, and the exhilaration it brings. Sharing from my squiggly, vibrant life and the wisdom gleaned from John Acoff, we delve into the art of committing by cutting down, focusing on what truly matters, and the surprising joy of scheduling coffee dates or picking just one book to read (yes, just one!). Highlights: The Squiggly Line of Life: Embracing the beautiful chaos that leads us to our passions and commitments. Celebrating Four Years of Happy Ass: A reflection on consistency, commitment, and the journey of creating something profoundly impactful. Commitment by Elimination: Inspired by John Acoff's wisdom, this method teaches one to focus on what's truly important by letting go. Practical Commitment Challenges: From scheduling coffee dates to committing to a single book for a week, join me in these delightfully simple yet transformative commitments. Today’s Takeaway: The Joy of Commitment Let’s reframe commitment not as a daunting obligation but as a loving dedication to ourselves and our growth. It’s about making those small, daily commitments that, piece by piece, build a mosaic of a beautiful, fulfilling life. We’d Love to Hear from You Which commitment challenge are you taking on? Whether it’s the book, the coffee date, or making your bed at the same time each day, share your journey with us on the "My Happy Ass" page. Your stories are the threads that weave our community together. A Parting Thought: Commitment isn’t just about achieving goals; it’s about who we become. It’s about the daily small steps that light up the world around us. Remember, in committing to the small joys, the gentle routines, we open doors to vast landscapes of happiness and fulfillment. Thank you for letting me share this space with you, committing to your happiness, and being an irreplaceable part of this journey. Let's celebrate our commitments, the squiggly lines, and the happy moments that make life unique. Until next time, keep shining, keep loving, and let’s make every commitment a reason to smile. Be sweet, y’all. Bye.
    9m 43s
  • Unlock Joy and Self-Love with a Simple High Five

    15 APR 2024 · Hello, Beautiful Souls! It’s Karen, sending waves of positivity and empowerment from our cozy corner of the world to wherever you are. Today’s episode is a heart-to-heart about the simple, yet transformative power of high-fiving ourselves. Yes, you heard it right – it’s about celebrating our reflections, acknowledging our efforts, and setting a tone of kindness towards ourselves that echoes throughout our day. In This Episode: We dive into the essence of turning our morning mirror meet-ups into moments of empowerment, inspired by Mel Robbins' enlightening "The High Five Habit." It’s about transforming our self-talk from critical to celebratory, and how such a small gesture can profoundly impact our mental and emotional well-being. Highlights: - The Spark of the High Five Habit: Unpacking the magic behind Mel Robbins’ practice and its potential to revolutionize our daily routines. - From Self-Criticism to Self-Celebration: Personal anecdotes and reflections on shifting the internal narrative, fostering a spirit of self-compassion and recognition. - Join the Movement: An invitation for you, our beloved listeners, to partake in this joyous, silly, yet deeply meaningful ritual. Let’s share our high-five moments and build a community of cheerleaders cheering for ourselves! Today’s Takeaway: Embrace the High Five Let's challenge ourselves to see what shifts when we replace our morning critiques with cheers. How does this change the way we face our day, our challenges, our interactions? We’d Love to Hear from You How have you cheered yourself on today? Snap a high-five selfie and share it on our "My Happy Ass" page. Your stories, your triumphs, big or small, are the melody of our shared journey toward self-love and joy. A Parting Thought: Remember, the relationship we nurture with ourselves sets the stage for every other relationship in our lives. So, let’s start with a high five – a symbol of acknowledgment, encouragement, and unconditional support for the person we spend all our time with – ourselves. Thank you for joining me on this journey of self-celebration and empowerment. Let’s spread happiness like confetti and keep uplifting ourselves and each other. Stay radiant, keep laughing, and let’s make every day a high-five day.Till next time, keep shining your light. Because, my dear, the world needs your unique glow.
    8m 3s
  • Finding Joy and Overcoming Limits: A Gentle Nudge Forward

    11 APR 2024 · Finding Joy and Overcoming Limits: A Gentle Nudge Forward Hello, everyone! It's Karen here, sharing moments and insights from the Panhandle Golf Therapy Alliance golf tournament. Today's episode weaves together stories of support, mental health awareness, and the journey toward personal growth. It's about gentle reminders that we can shape our lives, regardless of past challenges. In This Episode: We discuss the importance of supporting mental health initiatives, the transformative power of community, and how confronting our self-imposed limitations can lead to a fuller life. This conversation is sparked by the belief that every one of us can overcome barriers and find joy on our own terms. Highlights: Championing Mental Health: A Closer Look at how the Panhandle Golf Therapy Alliance is making a Difference for those struggling with PTSD and mental health challenges. Beyond Limitations: Reflecting on the wisdom that if we argue for our limitations, we get to keep them. Instead, we explore how embracing potential and possibility can change our trajectory. Joy Is Personal: Reminding ourselves that joy isn't something handed to us but something we cultivate within, a personal job that we can all master. Celebration and Giving: As a significant birthday approaches, Karen shares her hopes for giving back more and setting intentions for personal growth and community support. Today’s Takeaway: Let Go of Limitations Consider the limitations you've been holding onto. How have they shaped your path? Today, let's take a small step towards releasing one, opening up space for growth and joy. We’d Love to Hear from You How do you cultivate joy in your life? Share your experiences and insights with us. Your stories are the heartbeat of our community. A Parting Thought Remember, the journey towards joy and beyond our limitations is not about grand gestures but the quiet, steadfast commitment to betterment and understanding. Thank you for spending your time with me today. Let's embrace the possibility, cultivate our joy, and gently but firmly push beyond the barriers we've set for ourselves. Stay kind, keep growing, and let's all find joy in every day.
    8m 58s
  • Believe and Achieve: How Your Thoughts Shape Your World

    10 APR 2024 · This episode will explore how our beliefs can shape our reality, health, and happiness. Join me on this journey as we discover the true power of the mind. Highlights: Golf Therapy Alliance: Discover how this outstanding organization uses golf therapy to aid those with PTSD, demonstrating the healing power of community and outdoor activity. The Science of Belief: Explore Dr. Bruce Moseley's placebo surgery experiment and discover the powerful influence of the mind on physical recovery. The Placebo Effect's Astonishing Evidence: Learn about experiments that show how powerful the belief in healing can be, even outperforming actual medical procedures in some cases. The Allergy Experiment: A mind-boggling study showing how belief alone can trigger physical reactions, underscoring the potency of our thoughts. 🚀 Today’s Challenge: Believe in Your Power to Create 🚀 Consider the beliefs that guide your life. Are they serving you? Are they opening doors to joy, health, and fulfillment? Today, challenge yourself to shift a limiting belief into one that empowers and energizes you. 💬 Join the Conversation: Share Your Belief Transformations 💬 Have you ever experienced a moment where your belief dramatically influenced your reality? Whether it healed, hindered, or heightened your life, share your stories with us at @myhappyasslife. Let's inspire each other with the power of positive thinking. 🌿 A Heartfelt Note: 🌿 Your beliefs are the architects of your destiny. They sculpt the unseen into the seen, turning thoughts into realities. Remember, beneath every thought, lies the bedrock of belief – and it's within your power to choose beliefs that lift you up. Wrap-Up Wisdom As we wrap up today’s exploration of belief, remember that the most extraordinary changes begin in the quiet depths of our minds. By nurturing beliefs that elevate and inspire, we can transform not just our own lives but the world around us. Thank you for joining me on this journey of discovery and for opening your hearts to the infinite possibilities that lie within. Keep believing, keep creating, and most importantly, keep being the amazing Happy Ass you are. 💕 Stay sweet, keep glowing, and let's continue to create a world as beautiful as our beliefs. 💕
    7m 41s
  • Befriending Fear: Wisdom for Overcoming Challenges

    8 APR 2024 · Hey there, my Happy Asses! It’s Karen, your guide to all things bright, bold, and beautiful in this journey we call life. Today, we’re not just dipping our toes but diving headfirst into the swirling waters of a topic that touches everyone: fear. But here’s the twist—we’re about to turn those fears into our most unexpected allies.  Highlights: Cheering on Tenacity: A shoutout to the incredible souls who inspire us by simply being their amazing selves. Today, it’s all about the power of showing up—for others and ourselves. A Whisper of Wisdom: Reminding us that the quest for wisdom is not just an ancient pursuit but a daily commitment to growing, learning, and glowing. The Embrace of Discomfort: Here’s to acknowledging our struggles, facing our fears, and finding strength in unexpected places. Befriending Fear: How our scariest Moments can guide us to discovering deeper courage and resilience. 🎈 Today’s Glittering Challenge: Step Towards Your Fear 🎈 Think of a fear that’s been nudging you lately. What if you took one small step towards it instead of shying away? Fear can shrink when we meet it with action and a lot of heart. 💖 We Want to Hear Your Fearless Stories! 💖 Ever had a heart-to-heart with your fears and come out dancing on the other side? Share your victories, big and small, with us at @myhappyasslife. Your journey could be the very spark someone else needs to light their way. 🌈 A Rainbow of Thanks: 🌈 For every stormy day and every fear-faced, thank you for allowing me into your world, for sharing this space of growth, and for walking this path together. You are the heartbeat of this Happy Ass community. As we wrap up today’s heart-to-heart, remember: every fear faced is a step closer to the you that’s been waiting to shine. Fear is not the enemy; it’s the invitation to a more fearless, fabulous you. Thank you for rocking with me today, for every laugh, every tear, and every moment in between. Remember, Happy Asses, you’ve got the strength, the courage, and the dazzling spirit to face anything. 💕 So here’s to us, diving into fear and emerging with smiles as bright as the sun. Keep shining, keep loving, and let’s keep kicking ass together. 💕
    7m 7s
  • Pursue Wisdom: Elevate Your Everyday

    4 APR 2024 · Hello, everyone! I'm Karen, and I'm back to share more from our hearts to yours. Today, we're diving deeper into the topic of wisdom. It's an age-old concept that remains as fresh as the morning dew. Throughout this week, we'll be exploring the vast and sparkling seas of wisdom, and how it can positively impact our minds, bodies, and spirits. I'd love for you to join me on this journey as we uncover the secrets to living a brighter, sweeter life. 💡 The Wisdom That Touches Souls 💡 My journey towards wisdom began after listening to John Acuff's insightful podcast, "All It Takes Is a Goal." One particular sentence stood out to me: "Wisdom is supreme. Therefore, get wisdom. Though it cost you all you have, get understanding." This powerful statement serves as our guide this week, encouraging us to reflect, learn, and grow.🌱 🌱 Growing in Wisdom Every Day 🌱 Wisdom isn't just about accumulating knowledge; it's about allowing every experience, every stumble, and every triumph to deepen our understanding and enrich our lives. It's about recognizing that not knowing is the first step to learning something new. From embracing humility to reshaping our relationships, wisdom invites us to view life through a lens of curiosity and growth. 🎈 Ego Down, Soul Up: The Dance of Wisdom 🎈 "A bad day for the ego is a good day for the soul." This nugget of truth reminds us that growth often comes when we least expect it, in moments that might first seem like setbacks. Wisdom teaches us the art of balance—when to hold on and when to let go, especially in our relationships. It's about finding harmony between who we are and who we aspire to be. Today's Luminous Challenge: Reflect on how you're pursuing wisdom in your daily life. Are you creating space for learning, for listening, and for loving the process of becoming? Wisdom is calling—how will you answer? Join Our Wisdom-Filled Journey: Share your steps, stumbles, and leaps in the pursuit of wisdom on @myhappyasslife. Let's inspire each other with stories of transformation and moments of insight. This Week's Wisdom Quest: Consider dedicating a part of your day or week to intentionally seeking wisdom. Whether through reading, podcasting, journaling, or conversing, let's weave wisdom into the fabric of our everyday lives. Until our paths cross again in this beautiful journey, remember to love, learn, and lean into the wisdom that life offers. Here's to growing wiser together and making the world a brighter, sweeter place for all. Stay sweet, keep seeking, and oh—let's dive deep into the wisdom of life together, y'all! 🌟
    8m 11s

Join Karen Key-Smith to grow mind, body and spirit so that we can in turn go out and make the world a brighter and sweeter place. Every episode, Karen aka...

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Join Karen Key-Smith to grow mind, body and spirit so that we can in turn go out and make the world a brighter and sweeter place. Every episode, Karen aka Happy Ass shares original positive affirmations, stories, and tips to help you live a happier life. Be sweet and remember to follow the podcast to hear new episodes every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

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