Kimmothy Chapman in a Brain Thing sponsered by the Joe Niekro Foundation

Episodes & Posts
30 APR 2014 · How to find support groups in your area. Our guest will be Natalie Niekro, of the Joe Niekro Foundation. Please feel free to call in, and join us. Your hosts will be Rex and Robin Hardin
26 MAR 2014 · I'm a caregiver now. What next? What resources are available to help me going forward. Hosted by Rex & Robin Hardin
26 FEB 2014 · Rex and Robin will be dicussing various aspects of the role changes within the family after a brain injury. They will talk about their personal experience, and invite callers to the same.
4 FEB 2014 · After a traumatic brain injury (TBI), many couples find that their relationship with each other changes dramatically. These changes are very personal and can be very emotional for both people in the relationship. A TBI can significantly change a couple’s relationship and Rex and Robin will be discussing some of the issues that surfaced during their marriage. Listen in to hear the tips they give on making a marriage work while one of the partners is a brain injured patient
5 NOV 2013 · Hereditary brain aneurysm, could it happen to you?Understanding Genetic Risks to Brain Aneurysms Cerebral aneurysms can “run in families” even when no genetic syndrome is present in affected family members. In these families, multiple people develop cerebral aneurysms due to an underlying genetic cause which is not yet fully understood. Kimmothy and Rex will be doing a speical interview with David A. Miller, M.D., Neuroradiology and Neuroendovascular Surgery at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL. Additional comments by Monica Guterrez who tragedically lost her 11 year old daughter to a brain aneurysm.
8 OCT 2013 · Join hosts Kim and Rex tonight to discuss the recovery process after having an brain aneurysm/AVM. Recuperating from a brain aneurysm or AVM is a multifaceted task. The arduous journey of healing should never be rushed and attempts to speed up recovery can actually stint physical progress. This period afterwards is the recuperation stage. How you approach the recuperation stage can be important in determining how quickly you bounce back from the illness. If you or someone you love has been affected by an aneurysm or AVM, join us as we come together to support one another and share our stories. Please visit:: For more support visit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/aneurysmavm/ If you are a parent to a brain aneurysm/AVM child, please come and join our newest chat room: https://www.facebook.com/groups/373509849447196/
3 SEP 2013 · Hosts Kim and Rex will be taking calls. September is Brain Aneurysm/AVM Awarenss Month. We will be discussing how the public views this condition as compared to 10 to 20 years ago. Rex and Kim want to hear from survivors on how they are celebrating this month. For more support visit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/aneurysmavm/
22 JUL 2013 · Special Scheduled Show of “It’s a Brain Thing…..It could Happen to You” Tonight Rex and Kimmothy are doing a special presentation to their regular schedule monthly show. Call in to share your experience or story. Tonight's discussion will be on relationships and how marriages change after a brain injury. “It’s a Brain Thing…..It could Happen to You” is a gathering place for anyone seeking recovery from the challenges resulting from a brain injury. We will feature guest speakers, talk to survivors and families and provide a communal place for all to feel supported and connected through their recovery. Kimmothy is a 3 time brain aneurysm survivor and a board member with The Joe Niekro Foundation Rex is a husband and caregiver to a brain aneurysm survivor. Make sure to join our Facebook page to meet and chat with other survivors or caregivers- https://www.facebook.com/groups/aneurysmavm/ The Joe Niekro Foundation- https://www.facebook.com/JoeNiekroFoundation
Kimmothy Chapman in a Brain Thing sponsered by the Joe Niekro Foundation
Author | Brain Injury Radio |
Organization | Brain Injury Radio |
Categories | Alternative Health |
Website | www.braininjuryradio.com |
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