A youth perspective on disabilities.

Episodes & Posts
30 OCT 2015 · We are sad to inform you all hells to the yeah hosts wes and renae are transfering shows we will be officially be joining That's il baby with mike beers, so this is our last show under this name. the music and the fun wont change! so tune in for a good night
25 SEP 2015 · WELCOME BACK hells to the yeah episode 10 wes and renae back in the house we are touching on disibality news Killer music and special geust on tonight! and we are doing our new segment called online improve we are excited and we hope you are too 2nd day of fall what are you looking towards this year?  awesome ice breaker questions like always be none the less and awesome show we have instore for you guys new music as well tune in!!Â
11 SEP 2015 · Join Wes & Renee for a stimuating evening of discussion on the challenges of young adults with health challenges
28 AUG 2015 · Hells to the Yeah a show for today's youth living with disabilities Those who are looking for their dreams of living a great, independant life join in today's youth as they explore this in a way they decide, check them out
31 JUL 2015 · Hells To The Yeah And That's IL Baby Cobined in one show called Hell That's IL Baby same good music from hells to the yeah and amazing topics from thats iL baby  we will touch on good music and topics about teens life and disabilites. we will talk about our exsperiance at mylf as staff members. we have base update and whats happinging down in zoo town tune in for an awesome show with renae mike and wes we are ready are you? new walking corpse song for you guys called apocolypse
24 JUL 2015 · Live From Montana Youth Leadership forum!!!!! Interviews from staff and the delegates! good topics ice breakers and killer music from your main man wes!! mylf is a fun invent for youth. 20 kids out of montana state have to fill out an applaction almost like a job and send it in and the slection is randomized, wes and renae were delagets last year and now are staff this year, we are very excited to bring this show to mylf, new band on the show calle d verites from butte Montana!! tune in tune in july 23rd at 8pm moutain standard time!!!
29 MAY 2015 · Ep five ladies and gents tune in for great topics good music and wes and renae you will not be displeased. the ceative minds of wes and renae rock brain injury radio just like usual dont for get the like the facebook www.facebook.com/hellstotheyeah
1 MAY 2015 · this show will appear with any month that has five thursdays. that will be a colabaration between hells to the yeah and thats il baby, as well as other people from our thursday line ups.
24 APR 2015 · episode #4 guys 4-23-15 good music guys artist such asVeins Of MaliceMorrigainSeasons AfterWalking Corpse SyndromeThe Rep 8:00pm mountain standard time!! amazing topics as always
27 MAR 2015 · We are back!!! round three of hells to the yeah, this show is of course ganna have some killer tunes from the main main Wes and some great topics from Renae as well as wes. come join us for the comedy and amazing music.
A youth perspective on disabilities.
Author | Brain Injury Radio |
Organization | Brain Injury Radio |
Categories | Alternative Health |
Website | www.braininjuryradio.com |
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