Advocates and Educators from around the country sharing how to survive.

Episodes & Posts
25 SEP 2019 · Join Constance Miller, Ken Collins, and Les Paul Morgan this evening for an exciting evening of discussion on brain injury topics in the Empowerment Zone. Thanks to our listeners for bringing our voices, to your home, your mobile device, wherever you are all around the world. Have you ever sustained a brain injury have you ever known anyone who had a concussion? These days there is a lot of talk in the media about domestic violence, football players and Post Concussion Syndrome, PCS. However, the general public doesn’t really understand how serious a seemingly minor concussion can be. Nor do they understand the relationship between a history of concussion and domestic violence. One of the main reasons we’re tackling this topic this evening is that even a seemingly minor concussion can have life-long, life altering consequences.
11 JUL 2019 · Jodi Lyons is an eldercare expert who helps older adults and those with special needs find the care they need throughout the country. An ardent patient advocate, Ms. Lyons helps people navigate the complicated, often convoluted system, identify what they need, and learn how to create an action plan. With more than twenty years' experience in the nonprofit health-care arena, she has been a leader in national and international organizations representing health-care and long-term care service providers. She was on the Executive Committee of the Alzheimer's Association/National Capital Area and an Alzheimer's Association Ambassador to Capitol Hill. Lyons is a writer for and industry advisor to Telemedicine Magazine. She also wrote the award-winning book The Smart Person's Guide to Eldercare to empower and educate consumers, to make sense of a complex system, and to highlight some of the humor that can be found even in the most challenging times as we grow older. Jodi also co-authored the book Brain Health As You Age-A Practical Guide to Maintenance and Prevention See More at:  brainhealthasyouage.com This show is a gathering place for anyone seeking recovery from the challenges of life on life's terms. We discuss useful tools that have helped us lighten the load, of our journey through recovery. This is a "we" recovery program, because it is in the "we," that we find the new "me." We focus on the four A's of Recovery: Awareness, Acceptance, Action and Adaptation. This is a place for survivor's striving to become thrivers, which takes a large Warrior spirit! Host is Kim Justus, author of In a Flash: Miracles Here and Beyond found at inaflash.org & "Like" at facebook.com/inaflash.org
24 AUG 2016 · EMPOWERMENT ZONE LesPaul & Brandon Charles, Arlington Independent Media Host Tonight I have a very empowering and exiting guest, Brandon Charles. He is the host of an FM radio show called Breaking Boundaries in Arlington, Virginia. Even though Brandon has a visual impairment he has amazing insight and abilities! His Radio show Breaking Boundaries raises conversations with people who have disabilities in the Arlington community -- discussing their experiences and personal interests. Listen every Monday, 4-5pm, on WERA 96.7 FM, Arlington Independent Media Brandon recently moved to the Washington DC area to pursue his passion for learning about people with varying disabilities and hear their stories of life and overcoming societal adversity. His radio program out of Arlington Virginia is about this concept, and he is on a journey to share stories of passion and human interaction with the world. The mission of the Empowerment Zone was designed to Advocate, Educate, and motivate people with disabilities to live their dreams to never give up and how to the ADA as a tool to guide, protect, and educate people with disabilities that we have rights and laws that many people fought for and died to in act! Dial 424-243-9540 to call in to speak and press the number 1# if you would like to speak. LesPaul Morgan.
13 JUL 2016 · The Empowerment Zone - Disability Rights are Civil Rights - With LesPaul Morgan THE ADA DRAWS HEAVILY from previous civil rights legislation, including Titles II and VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It prohibits discrimination against Americans with physical and mental disabilities in such areas as employment, public accommodations, and transportation. Don’t you think it’s high time we the people with disabilities come together all across the USA as a community and start working to fulfill the Dream of Access and Independent for all? Well If you do then it’s time to much as the people with disabilities did back in the 1960,s and 70,s but with a modern disability rights technological advantage and twist! Using the Americans with disabilities act as a guide line and a tool to educate and communicate I believe that people with disabilities can begin forging a bolder and brighter future together for all people who want to help change the World and that’s beginning right now!!!  Tonight’s Topics Include, 1. Civil Rights Are Disability Rights 2. Putting Advocacy into action 3. Coming together for the greater good 4. Having positive Impact 5. Breaking down Barriers 6. Discovering what works for you 7. Social Media, Internet, and how you can youse it for positive Change
8 JUN 2016 · The Worlds proportion of people with disabilities is rising and now represents 1 billion people – 15% of the global population – according to the first official global report on disability. In the United States Disability effects more than 54 Million Americans (1 in 6 People) and even though there have been strives to improve the lives of people with disabilities has had some success until we the people with disabilities step forward and take our place at the table life for people with disabilities will never reach a higher plane! And so I ask you and everyone out their listening this one simple question. When will we the survivors come together and say enough is enough, we are a huge majority so why don’t we start acting like it and make our voices be heard around the World, Have you had enough of the eternal lip service? Are you tired of waiting for your life to begin over and over again? Well if that’s the case join me tonight for this important discussion.
16 MAR 2016 · The biology of brain injury needs to be better understood if we are going to effectively treat brain injury and the consequences of the fight or flight response. Learning about the Sympathetic Nervous System is important because the limbic system is where the fight or flight response and many other problems people with brain injuries are centered. I have found that long walks (over an hour) help me deal with the consequences of fight or flight and improve my memory and processing issues. The key seems to get the blood flowing and oxygen to my brain.  Sometimes just sitting and thinking about problems only makes them worse because once the fight or flight gets triggered it prolongs my body’s ability to regulate the hormones that are part of the fight or flight response.  Bad memories play a role in this too because they play a role in triggering fight or flight response.  When we set around hoping things will get better it only gets worse because our muscles remain tense and the chemicals that should be going to out brain are diverted to our muscles. The bad memories and problems continue just like a dog chasing its tail. Fight or flight remains in place because of this - we are victims to its consequences. Medications are not the answer because they don't deal with what causes the fight or flight response. Exercise and mindfulness-based stress reduction work better than meds because exercise and mindfulness-based stress reduction controls the fight or flight response - meds only treat the symptoms. Becoming more pro-active in our recovery process instead of reacting to the consequences of our brain injury is important. Finding a sense of purpose and meaning is the key to recovery and will lay the foundation for building a new life after brain injury.  Having a sense of purpose will also make it easier to get out of bed in the morning.
6 JAN 2016 · The Disability Collective - The Empowerment Zone - Les Paul Morgan Tonight I am going to be talking in quite a bit different than I usually do. What I mean is that I am going to be talking about the need for all survivors of all disabilities no matter what they are and about person to person interaction on another level. So no matter what you disability is I want you to feel the inclusion that Independent Living Centers offer to all people with disabilities everywhere because I see the greatness in diversity among all disabilities not just the chosen few! Happy New Year’s its 2016 and I am ready to see change, Advocacy and action take on an entire new meaning and level for this New Year how about you!!! Why the disability collective? Because now it’s time to lay your disability title down and work across the isles with every type of disability and yet be comfortable as who we are! Live Chat and talk over the phone and internet! Why so Many Labelle’s Understanding there are many million with other disabilities  No more to each his own Never forgetting we are TBI or Aneurism survivors Independent Living all for one and one for all The ADA is? Separate is never equal The good fight Legislation Federal Local State
30 SEP 2015 · Living with and knowing you have Brain Injury or any disability can be really hard and downright nasty!!! Tonight we are going to be turning the table tables because here in the Empowerment Zone we believe that trough the power of peer support, Advocacy, and the Independent Living movement and especially us the survivors finding the motivation of self-determination that we can all do much better once we start working to build a better tomorrow now! With that in mind we want you to call in, chat on the show, and provide input on how as a community we can start changing the World together now!!! Tonight’s topics include: Life is too short so why not enjoy itChallenging yourself to learn something newNot re-inventing the wheelFree your mindNo mistakes many opportunitiesBeing and encourageMusic as recovery therapy
22 JUL 2015 · When I creted the concept of the Epoerment Zone I had a vision of a hub or a place on the World Wide Web were people with all types of disabilities could meat, exchange Ideas, and make plan for a better kind of future. That Idea is here Today! So It is my greatest hope that people with all types of disabilities will come in and join into rhe mix because if all 56 Million people with disabilities could ever come together with one voice we could change the World!!!! Powerd by the (Americans with disabilities act) ADA, Centers for Independent Living all across the USA which are the largest Cross disability Agencises in the Nation are here to Advocate for a brighter future for all people with disabilities everywher so lets get the show on the road ad put the pedal to the medal!!!
1 MAY 2015 · .Welcome to another episode the Brain Injury Roundtable. I am your host, Constance Miller, brain injury survivor of 32 years; author of the original brain injury owner's manual entitled From The Ashes. This innovative guidebook was featured on Super Bowl XXXIV. Miller is Managing Director of Brain Injury Resource Center, located on the Internet at http://www.headinjury.com. Also joining us will be Tai Campbell, my invaluable contributor who is a tireless community activist, and founder of Taken Back Our Community (TBOC) http://www.tbocnow.org. Also of note he is the survivor of an incredible history of childhood brain injuries.   I'd like to thank: all our listeners for bringing our voices, to your home, or your mobile device wherever you are around the world. Additionally, I’d like to give a big thank you to this show’s sponsors: Martha Marcum, mother of a brain injury survivor and author of MARTHA'S FABLES and Gordon Johnson, attorney of http://www.TBILaw.com . The Brain Injury Roundtable is a place for Ideas, discussion, and recovery for people seeking solutions, to bridge the gap between understanding brain injury and insights on how to change life for the better so be prepared to hear some great information to motivate and inspire us and change the world. The main reason we are tackling this topic this evening is that even a seemingly minor concussion can have life-long, life altering consequences. And that is the topic of tonight's discussion. The plan is to learn from one another and to educate one another about TBI and its aftermath. We know personally just how a traumatic even a concussion can be.
Advocates and Educators from around the country sharing how to survive.
Author | Brain Injury Radio |
Organization | Brain Injury Radio |
Categories | Mental Health |
Website | www.braininjuryradio.com |
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