Survivor, Advocate and works at a independant living center in North Carolina

Episodes & Posts
5 JAN 2025
5 JAN 2025
9 AUG 2023 · The Dream Catchers Empowerment Zone is about using Empowerment, Life Skills, Peer Support and many other tools to help people with disabilities live a better life... Here at Dream Catchers we belive in In Inclusion for all and Equlity for all meaning no one is above or bellow some with or without a disability Tonight I will have a lot to talk about so get your popcorn ready and your ideas and posibilities are endles if you have a great compasion to reachfor your Deams!!!  Topics will incude: Getting to know you again getting ready for the future Be Bold and be Brave One Step at a time The Independent Lime Open Floor Open disbscussion.
11 JAN 2023 · Disability rights are civil rights we often say in the independent living movement. I had to learn that the hard way after having a traumatic brain injury and waiting 17 years to try to find a career again after being told I would never work or function in society again. The independent living movement is a mean movement it's a you movement isn't everybody who lives with a disability I'm proud moment and you should make 2023 the Year that you decide to be more independent and Brave and Bold and that's what I'm going to talk about tonight.:-)!! Sincerely Les Paul of the dreamcatchers empowerment Zone show on the brain injury radio network!
9 NOV 2022 · Sometimes I feel so miss understood, some days I just want go outside and Scream why me, GOD!!! Then I get up and renderer just who and what I am and say to myself you know Les Paul you can be a silly guy sometimes because while I am in almost constant severe pain, sometimes bump into people do too blindness in one eye don’t see coming towards me and that I can always feel the rather large whole or empty space in my head I can truly say I fought my way back to victory to become and Advocate & Peer Supporter to help you know you matter being just who you are now! The Proof is in the Pudding Think just like the one you wanted to be is now the one you see Believe in yourself and let it show The power of positive self-talk Letting go of the past Seeking new horizons I think I can, I know I can, I will succeed… Rethinking, re-creating, re-Inventing the positive new you Your future plans Closing thoughts
11 MAY 2022 · The independent living movement, which is known to most as the IL movement but people often hear independent living and they think of living in a nursing home which is millions of miles away from what we teach and preach! Whether you have a disability and you work in what is called a sheltered workshop making what is called a sub minimum wage usually $1 per hour or less or at the bare minimum wage. Do you know what is a sheltered workshop? I used to volunteer at a sheltered workshop and I was literally offered $0.19 an hour for a job!
23 MAR 2022 · We are Survives First not a disability! For far to long we have often been put last while the professional's who earn the money from us climb the cooperate ladder later of success leave people with disabilities behind in the lurch and that is wrong! A lot of Money has been made over a very long time that little if nothing ever went to us theSurvivors. Hey Im not hear to just talk bad about disability organizations but instead I will just say if the organization you voulanteer for or work at pays sub minimum wages then I have a problem with that because it shoulddnt be allowed here in America to pay below the minimum wages to anyone just becauuse they have a disablity. Tonights topics include: 1. Huston weve got a problem 2. No more head games 3. Comunity Iclusion for all 4. Equal Rights for people with disabilitie are disability Rights 5. Your Dream is your reality MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! Â
12 JAN 2022 · Dream Catchers - Advocacy & Empowerment Show - Les Paul Morgan Now a special message from me LesPaul. As I soon approach the age of 60 I’d like to say 2021 was only a very hard year for everyone around the World including myself and everyone all around me likewise it’s been very hard year on my health as well and we have lost so many loved ones to Covid 19 that it just makes me sick, but that’s no reason to surrender, give up, or quit, but instead a call to action for people with disabilities and likeminded friends, Families, invidious to be bold and Independent!!! Well if you’ve had heartache, pain and sadness, or loss hit you like a ton of bricks well me to too. So instead I say hello, weather its Covid 19, Aging, or any other types of disability related health issues we want to assist you in find your own voice and dis/ABILITY related toolkits using Peer Support, as advocacy, mentoring, advocacy Let’s get , so let’s instead get out of our pity party and make a difference while we are all still alive and able to do something about helping people with disabilities learn how to advocate for themselves and bring about a new level of hope and change for everyone! Power to the people. That means us taking back control of our livesInclusion. Including everyone at the table no leaving anyone behind anymoreSacrifice. A lot of people went before us payed it forward for us to live a better lifeCarrere’s and income for people with disabilities…The Bidden Build Back Better Plan and how it effects people with disabilities. We need to fight hard for this one a lot of big proposals for people with disabilities to make big positive changes happen If you would like to call in, please call 1424-243-9540 while the show is live and after its over becomes a podcast that anyone can down load Callers welcome....
30 JUN 2021 · President Joe Biden’s effort to get people with disabilities off waiting lists by infusing billions into Medicaid home and community-based services looks stalled for the moment, but the plan may soon get new life. Bidden Plan. Advanced Equity Across the Federal Government, Increased Access to Democracy for Voters with Disabilities, Raised Wages for Federal Contractors to $15, Provided Billions of Dollars to Children and Adults with Disabilities, Provided Guidance to Support Workers with Disabilities, Increased Access to COVID-19 Vaccinations and Affirmed the Civil Rights of Americans with Disabilities in Vaccine Distribution, $2 Billion to Support the Phase Out of Sub minimum Wages, Expansion of Inclusive, Accessible Preschool,$900 Million to Address Teacher Shortages through the Development of Special Education Teachers and... Their is also legislation proposing that SSI, SSDI and other related federal program be increased to at least 125 % of the federal poverty limit. This could greatly improve Monthly benefits to people with disabilities so Advocates now if ever is the time to get motivated and advocate for positive changes now The proposal to also inject $400 billion into the community-based services poverty limit system came as part of Biden’s American Jobs Plan, a wide-ranging infrastructure proposal introduced in March. So call in and share your thoughts and Ideas Tonight on Dream Catchers with Les Paul Morgan... White-House-Disability-Policy-Fact-Sheet.pdf'
28 APR 2021 · Dream catchers people disabilities plan. President Joe Biden is working on a plan for full participation for people with disabilities to be able turn more money to be able to work more and to be able to be able to earn more money as well as ending the marriage penalty
Survivor, Advocate and works at a independant living center in North Carolina
Author | Brain Injury Radio |
Organization | Brain Injury Radio |
Categories | Self-Improvement |
Website | www.braininjuryradio.com |
craig@pfow.org |
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