Civic Cipher is a weekly radio show created to foster allyship for social justice. Hosted by Ramses Ja and Q. Ward, this show is dedicated to empowering Black and Brown...
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Civic Cipher is a weekly radio show created to foster allyship for social justice. Hosted by Ramses Ja and Q. Ward, this show is dedicated to empowering Black and Brown voices, allowing them to engage directly with diverse populations across the country. Self-determination is critical to securing a future free of oppressive systems, and Civic Cipher exists to facilitate discussions toward this end. Furthermore, Civic Cipher seeks to inform non-POC allies who may not be privy to these types of discussions and optics. Finally, Civic Cipher seeks to provide long-form conversations in spaces where there is often a lack of significant resources, potent dialogue, or the necessary engagement for facilitating a healthy and productive civil discourse. FB/Instagram/Fanbase: @civiccipher
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2 NOV 2024 · Today we are joined by Army Veteran, Social Worker, and Arizona State NAACP President Sarah Tyree to discuss navigating the NAACP agenda in a swing state during a presidential election, issues that people should remain mindful of when voting, police reform, and activism in our current political climate.See for privacy information.
2 NOV 2024 · Today's Way Black History Fact examines the roots of the best known civil rights organization in the United States--the NAACP.See for privacy information.
2 NOV 2024 · In the second part of today's episode, we are joined by Army Veteran, Social Worker, and Arizona State NAACP President Sarah Tyree to discuss navigating the NAACP agenda in a swing state during a presidential election, issues that people should remain mindful of when voting, police reform, and activism in our current political climate.See for privacy information.
1 NOV 2024 · Recently we had a live event called Courageous Conversations where we sat down in front of a group of Black men to discuss some of the pressing questions surrounding the election and politics in general. We had several questions we weren't able to address while at the event, but we promised to answer them here! We discuss everything from what Democrats have done for Black people to what are best practices for strategizing to achieve the political outcomes that would be most beneficial to our community--and everything in between!See for privacy information.
31 OCT 2024 · Nicole Tisdale joins us to discuss the security of the U.S. Election, the tactics used by foreign agents to interfere with public opinion, and the importance of having faith in our democracy. The conversation covers steps people can take to ensure they are consuming valid information, the differences in policy from the two competing administrations, and other pertinent things to keep in mind before, during, and after casting your ballot!See for privacy information.
30 OCT 2024 · joins us to discuss national security threats, online best practices, and election integrity ahead of Tuesday's election. She helps us identify vulnerabilities in our digital lives as well as in the fabric of our country!See for privacy information.
29 OCT 2024 · Today's episode was necessary to highlight the Trump effect on the population. We discuss the racist rhetoric spewed from the Madison Square Garden stage and how Trump is very much responsible for the political climate in which we live.See for privacy information.
29 OCT 2024 · Longtime friend of the show Jacob Raiford AKA Roqy Tyraid joins us to discuss other ways people can get engaged and push an agenda forward ahead of the election...and what to do afterwards!See for privacy information.
28 OCT 2024 · The younger sister of the Vice President, Maya Harris joins us to discuss her sister's bid for the presidency, address some of the misinformation surrounding her bid for the White House, and what it was like growing up with the most powerful woman in the world!See for privacy information.
24 OCT 2024 · Tony West is an attorney, former government official, and the Senior Vice President and chief legal officer of Uber. Before Uber, he was Associate Attorney General of the United States under President Obama and general counsel of PepsiCo. He previously served as the Assistant Attorney General of the Civil Division, the largest litigating division in the Department of Justice...oh and he's also the VP's brother-in-law!See for privacy information.
Civic Cipher is a weekly radio show created to foster allyship for social justice. Hosted by Ramses Ja and Q. Ward, this show is dedicated to empowering Black and Brown...
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Civic Cipher is a weekly radio show created to foster allyship for social justice. Hosted by Ramses Ja and Q. Ward, this show is dedicated to empowering Black and Brown voices, allowing them to engage directly with diverse populations across the country. Self-determination is critical to securing a future free of oppressive systems, and Civic Cipher exists to facilitate discussions toward this end. Furthermore, Civic Cipher seeks to inform non-POC allies who may not be privy to these types of discussions and optics. Finally, Civic Cipher seeks to provide long-form conversations in spaces where there is often a lack of significant resources, potent dialogue, or the necessary engagement for facilitating a healthy and productive civil discourse. FB/Instagram/Fanbase: @civiccipher
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