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Dance Mishap Turns to Magic on Stage

Dance Mishap Turns to Magic on Stage
Dec 17, 2023 · 16m 17s

Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Dance Mishap Turns to Magic on Stage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekega sončnega popoldneva je bilo v...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Dance Mishap Turns to Magic on Stage
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekega sončnega popoldneva je bilo v Ljubljani čutiti posebno vzdušje.
En: One sunny afternoon, there was a special atmosphere in Ljubljana.

Sl: Na Kongresnem trgu se je pripravljal veliki plesni dogodek, tradicionalno slovensko tekmovanje v folkornih plesih.
En: A big dance event, a traditional Slovenian folk dance competition, was being prepared at Congress Square.

Sl: Trije prijatelji, Ana, Luka in Maja, so se odločili, da bodo skupaj nastopili.
En: Three friends, Ana, Luka, and Maja, decided to perform together.

Sl: Bili so člani folklorne skupine "Ljubljančani" in dolgo so vadili za ta dogodek.
En: They were members of the folk dance group "Ljubljančani" and had practiced for a long time for this event.

Sl: Na dan tekmovanja so bili vsi trije zelo vzhičeni.
En: On the day of the competition, all three of them were very excited.

Sl: Oblekli so se v tradicionalne slovenske noše, s katerimi so izgledali kot pravi plesalci iz preteklosti.
En: They dressed in traditional Slovenian costumes, looking like real dancers from the past.

Sl: Luka je nosil srajco z vezenimi vzorci, Maja je imela na sebi pisano narodno obleko, Ana pa je imela okoli pasu rdečo prejo, ki je plapolala ob vsakem koraku.
En: Luka wore a shirt with embroidered patterns, Maja wore a colorful national costume, and Ana had a red yarn around her waist, fluttering with every step.

Sl: Ko je napočil čas za njihov nastop, so bili vsi trije na robu odra in se pripravljali na glasbo.
En: When it was time for their performance, all three of them were on the edge of the stage, getting ready for the music.

Sl: Ampak, ko se je glasba začela, je prišlo do velikega zapleta.
En: But when the music started, there was a big problem.

Sl: Glasba, ki je pričela igrati iz zvočnikov, ni bila prava!
En: The music playing from the speakers was not the right one!

Sl: Namesto tradicionalne slovenske polke je začela igrati hitra pop pesem.
En: Instead of the traditional Slovenian polka, a fast pop song started playing.

Sl: Občinstvo je začelo šepetati in se čuditi temu čudnemu razvoju dogodkov.
En: The audience began to whisper and wonder at this strange turn of events.

Sl: Ana, Luka in Maja so se pogledali, negotovi, kaj storiti.
En: Ana, Luka, and Maja looked at each other, unsure of what to do.

Sl: Naj stopijo z odra?
En: Should they step off the stage?

Sl: Naj se zavijejo v molk?
En: Should they freeze?

Sl: A Luka, ki je bil vedno najbolj pogumen, je v zrak dvignil roko in zajel Majo in Ano pod roke.
En: But Luka, always the bravest, raised his hand and took Maja and Ana by the hands.

Sl: Začel je improvizirati plesne korake na sodobno glasbo.
En: He began improvising dance steps to the modern music.

Sl: Ana in Maja sta se opogumili in mu sledili.
En: Ana and Maja gathered their courage and followed him.

Sl: Kmalu so vsi trije zavrteli pravo predstavo - mešanico tradicionalnih slovenskih korakov in modernih plesnih gibov.
En: Soon, all three of them put on a real show - a mix of traditional Slovenian steps and modern dance moves.

Sl: Občinstvo se je sprva držalo za glave, misleč, da priča napaki, a kmalu so jih Anin nalezljiv smeh, Lukovo oponašanje vadbenih korakov in Majina milost pri plesu prepričali.
En: The audience initially held their heads, thinking they were witnessing a mistake, but soon Ana's infectious laughter, Luka's imitation of practice steps, and Maja's grace in dancing convinced them otherwise.

Sl: Začeli so ploskati in navijati za naše junake, ki so s svojo pozitivno energijo obrnili zaplet v priložnost za zabavo.
En: They started clapping and cheering for our heroes, who turned the predicament into an opportunity for fun with their positive energy.

Sl: Ko se je pesem končala, so Ana, Luka in Maja stali na odru, zadihani, a polni smeha.
En: When the song ended, Ana, Luka, and Maja stood on the stage, breathless but full of laughter.

Sl: Direktor tekmovanja je priznal, da je prišlo do napake s predvajanjem glasbe, a pohvalil je plesalce za njihov duh in iznajdljivost.
En: The competition director admitted that there was a mistake with the music playback, but praised the dancers for their spirit and resourcefulness.

Sl: Publika je že glasno navijala za naše plesalce, ki so postali prave zvezde večera.
En: The audience was already loudly cheering for our dancers, who had become the stars of the night.

Sl: In tako se je nekdo v kontrolni sobi zmešal glasbo, a Ana, Luka in Maja so se zapisali v zgodovino kot trojec, ki je znal plesati s srcem in smislom za humor.
En: So, someone mixed up the music in the control room, but Ana, Luka, and Maja made history as a trio that knew how to dance with heart and a sense of humor.

Sl: Od tistega dne so bili znani kot skupina, ki je iz kaosa ustvarila ples in sprejela vsak izziv z nasmehom na obrazu.
En: From that day on, they were known as a group that turned chaos into dance and embraced every challenge with a smile.

Sl: Na koncu se je celoten trg smejal in plesal skupaj z njimi, preplavljen z občutkom skupnosti in radosti.
En: In the end, the whole square laughed and danced together with them, filled with a sense of community and joy.

Vocabulary Words:
  • atmosphere: vzdušje
  • event: dogodek
  • competition: tekmovanje
  • together: skupaj
  • members: člani
  • practice: vaditi
  • excited: vzhičeni
  • costumes: noše
  • dancers: plesalci
  • embroidered: vezeni
  • patterns: vzorci
  • colorful: pisano
  • yarn: preja
  • fluttering: plapolanje
  • stage: oder
  • music: glasba
  • problem: zaplet
  • speakers: zvočniki
  • polka: polka
  • pop song: pop pesem
  • whisper: šepetanje
  • turn of events: razvoj dogodkov
  • unsure: negotovi
  • bravest: najbolj pogumen
  • improvising: improvizirati
  • steps: koraki
  • infectious: nalezljiv
  • laughter: smeh
  • resourcefulness: iznajdljivost
  • positive energy: pozitivna energija
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