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Swishing Mindsets with Anuradha Varma

  • Ep 32: Jerry Pinto: 'Murder in Mahim' — Mumbai is like an open-air casino

    30 MAY 2024 · “Mumbai is like a large open-air casino and we are all putting our stakes on something,” says author, whose 2018 novel has been made into a series, playing on Jio Cinema. The action begins when a gay sex worker is found dead, his stomach ripped open, in a toilet at a Mumbai railway station. The plot thickens as good friends Peter Fernandes (played by Ashutosh Rana in the series), a retired journalist and Shiva Jende ((played by Vijay Raaz), a cop piece the clues together even as the body count keeps rising. It also leads Peter into uncharted territory, navigating “gay Mumbai” and coming to terms with the fact that his son may be queer. In some delightful cameos, we have Leslie, a flamboyant and ageing gay man and Unit, a young upwardly mobile sex worker. The book, he says, was born out of anger when the Supreme Court reversed the Delhi High Court ruling decriminalising gay sex in 2016. However, on September 6, 2018, the apex court partially struck down Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, decriminalising same-sex relations between consenting adults. Listen in as Pinto talks about how we exist on the spectrum of possibilities and whether we can look forward to more peter-Jende thrillers! Chapters: 01:03 The book was born out of anger, before homosexual sex was decriminalised 04:00 Eating what he wrote as a child 05:17 Characters Peter Fernandes and Shiva Jende first appeared in the Mumbai Noir anthology; the author as an observer 09:10 “Would you welcome having an LGBTQI child?” 14:50 When a Dalit friend came home for dinner 21:30 The visual thrill of the human body 23:06 His own discovery of “gay Mumbai”: Research is other people 25:35 Many layers to gay sexuality 28:50 Mumbai is like a large open-air casino; physical vs abstract intelligence 34:10 “We are a parade of possibilities” 37:30 Jerry as “Jotin Perry”; writing an honest cop 41:50 More Peter-Jende mysteries? Follow and share to grow the conversation. Follow Anuradha on | | Email: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are personal. Listener discretion is advised.
    44m 28s
  • Ep 31: Women’s motorbike coach Meghna Khanna: “I like the wind in my hair”

    21 MAY 2024 ·, a Bengaluru-based women’s motorcycle coach, is a Limca Book of Records holder for being the first Indian woman motorcyclist to reach Khardung La, the highest motorable pass in the world. You can have the biggest car in the world, but nothing beats the feeling of the wind in your hair when you ride a bike, she says. “When you ride a motorcycle, you know why a dog sticks their head out of the car,” she remarks.  For her 10-year-old daughter, it’s a surprise when she sees her father park the bike, “Oh, he knows how to ride too?” Begging her dad to teach her to start a scooter when she was barely a teen, Meghna’s story of the first bike she fell in love with — and later owned — is serendipitous with meeting her husband. While she goes with the flow, running Levitate, a craft store for 18 years, a preloved store for fashion finds and starting the “Bindi Project”, her passion lies in riding her 1994 Royal Enfield Bullet through dirt roads and forest trails. Listen in! Chapters: 01:00 Her love for bikes started at age 12 06:20 Her first bike – the Enfield 1994 Bullet — and meeting her husband 10:00 No fear when biking; driving as a new mom 13:20 The Khardung La journey, navigating hairpin bends 23:35 Motorcycling is a solo journey 29:20 Helping hand from bikers 34:10 Coaching across age groups 37:25 Driving responsibly; her dad’s advice 39:20 Stories of women riders 44:38 Wearing many hats 47:10 Moving from Mumbai and starting Levitate in Bangalore 53:43 How preloved works 57:15 Empowering women Follow and share to grow the conversation. Follow Anuradha on | | Email: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are personal. Listener discretion is advised.
    1h 17s
  • Ep 30: Mindful leader Nitesh Batra: The mind is clear & knowing

    23 APR 2024 · Living with a negative thought is like chasing a rodent in the house, according to, Mindfulness teacher and Certified Compassion Cultivation Trainer (CCT). He is founder of and also runs the Ashtanga Yoga Program in Bengaluru.  Mindfulness, he explains, is focussing on the task at hand, cherishing what you are doing and practising non-judgement. “When you are washing the dishes, wash the dishes,” he remarks. The mind, he says, is clear and knowing. If you sit in stillness, it’ll become calm and you can look through it.  For leaders, he recommends practising to be calm in the eye of the storm to give out the right energy. He also talks about practising compassion on the go, “Be kinder, more loving, more compassionate and it will reflect in the world around you; something subtle shifts in our mind and life is a lot more joyous.” He emphasises, “We need to put in the effort; without it, nothing will happen.” Simply start by sitting still for a minute in a day, setting a gentle intention. Follow and share to grow the conversation. Chapters: 01:00 Guided meditation 05:40 Explaining the concept of mindfulness 11:10 Accepting negative emotions in mindfulness – good stress vs bad stress 26:58 The Bhagavad Gita and the power of Om 29:02 We need to put in the effort 32:34: The neuroscience of mindfulness; prefrontal cortex vs the fear centre 36:30 Response vs reaction 38:40 Does mindfulness make us live in denial of problems? 44:45 On his mindfulness for effective leadership workshop with Prof Dinesh Kumar at IIM Bangalore 52:14 Compassion cultivation training and the Stanford course; how compassion works 58:16 Compassion vs empathy 01:04:54 Lojong teachings and the Tibetan Tonglen practice 01:10:35 We are lost in “maya”, we forget there is something beyond ourselves Reading references: * by Thich Nhat Hanh * by Jon Kabat-Zinn * by Swami Vivekananda * by Pema Chodron * by Jamgon Kongtrul, translated by Ken McLeod * by Chögyam Trungpa (wrongly credited in the audio) Follow Anuradha on | | Email: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are personal. Listener discretion is advised.
    1h 13m 30s
  • Ep 29: Games2Win CEO Alok Kejriwal: Startups must ask ‘why’

    16 APR 2024 · In this episode and a virtual masterclass on the entrepreneurial mindset, Games2Win co-founder and CEO talks about his latest book “”, published by Penguin Random House India. Alok describes himself as a hands-on serial entrepreneur and someone who loves to help entrepreneurs, especially through his immensely popular His last two books were “ and “”. He talks about growing up in south Mumbai apartments, surrounded by entrepreneurs and “just wanting to do business”. “Nobody was an employee; people seemed to be creating things out of magic. Somebody was selling cloth, someone else rubber…I remember thinking, ‘Why can’t I do something?’” He adds, “I am a student of life. Business is a great sport, dhande mein mazaa aata hai – money is a byproduct, to be in the flow is more important.” An Art of Living teacher, he talks about the value of accepting the inevitability of the present moment and moving on from setbacks, although he confesses that it can get tough. For would-be entrepreneurs, he recommends zeroing in on a skill, such as “engagement” that is his strong suit, which he channelled into gaming. Not a gaming enthusiast personally, he narrates how practising his own car games helped him navigate the tricky and unique challenges of navigating US roads. Success, for him, has gone beyond money, which he compares to a “scorecard”. It’s all about achieving happiness and equilibrium, describing the accumulation of assets such as private jets and luxury cars as just “toys”. “With great money comes great responsibility,” he remarks. And no, the serial entrepreneur, whose previous startup Mobile2win was acquired by The Walt Disney Company, does not own a private jet! Listen in!  Chapters: 01:35 What success means to him; Maslow’s hierarchy 05:28 His relationship with money – the more you can accumulate, the more you can give 08:40 Mega weddings vs frugal displays – just posturing 12:43 Is it easy to make money? 14:25 The importance of profit for a business; the role of venture capitalists 16:54 Opportunistic realism vs pessimism, conservatism and surrealism 18:27 “Neti, neti” and asking “why”; go deeper to go further 23:36 Staying true to himself; the idea of “getting dressed and parking cars” 25:47 Facing lows and betrayals; ownership vs operating a business 28:47 What keeps him going; entrepreneurs never retire 32:08 Bouncing back from setbacks; how meditation helps 35:20 Entrepreneurial mindset is wired to nothing working out 36:28 Where the work ethic comes from 38:00 Choosing a business: Skill vs passion 43:28 His parking games helping in real life situations 45:22 Why an Indian entrepreneur is catering to the US 47:27 On his meditation practice, becoming an Art of Living teacher 52:00 His love for teaching people 56:25 On the ‘knowledge industry’; wealth is a dated asset Follow and share to grow the conversation. Follow Anuradha on | | Email: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are personal. Listener discretion is advised.
    57m 57s
  • Ep 28: Aparna Sanyal: Twisted tales of love & torture

    8 APR 2024 · TRIGGER WARNING: The interview contains mentions of mental illness, anxiety, clinical depression and suicide. In this episode, talks about her new book, a collection of short stories published by HarperCollins India and how she has always been drawn to the “dark side”. She talks candidly about battling depression and anxiety, despite growing up as a seemingly happy, “jolly’ child. She shares a delightful anecdote about her friendship with an old man on the street, who kept a monkey for company. Her signature style, she remarks, is telling stories with a twist, exploring the character’s innermost demons. Aparna lets us in on her creative process, where she often draws from characters in real life and then lets them reach their natural conclusion. Each story seeks inspiration from a medieval instrument of torture, going deep into the dark recesses of the mind. While the execution and resolution may be chilling, there is immense beauty and even love that creeps into the otherwise unsettling narratives.  The full-time mom and writer has dabbled in diverse fields, including animation. Instruments of Torture is Aparna’s first foray into fiction. She debuted with in 2018, a book of witty, narrative poems that explores the absurd and the bizarre. She holds an MA from Kings College, London and is a recipient of the 14th Beullah Rose Poetry Prize by Smartish Pace. and was shortlisted for the 2018 Third Coast Fiction Prize. She has been awarded a place in the Hongkong Proverse Poetry Prize Anthology, 2020.  Find her work at  Some of Aparna’s poems: The Penn Review: Visitant: Autumn Sky Poetry Daily: Poetry breakfast:  Chapters: 02:20 Aparna’s vision for the book; fictionalised accounts of people she knows 04:24 Putting herself in a story; talking about her anxiety disorder, mental health 13:17 Need for mental health awareness 15:00 On social anxiety and how you feel 17:25 The story of the shallow beauty queen 20:00 Human trajectories of characters; love is at the core of the book 22:14 Excerpt from the book; drawing inspiration from agonising instruments of torture 25:20 How the stories came together 27:46 On her book of poems “Circus Folk and Village Freaks” 31:40 On her background; full-time parent and writer 35:30 Where the “dark side” and twisted humour comes from 39:20 A “strange friendship” — the “baba” and his monkey 43:14 Regular folk and the anguish within; family stories 46:00 Her next book – paranormal, feminist fiction Follow and share to grow the conversation. Follow Anuradha on | | Email: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are personal. Listener discretion is advised.
    48m 35s
  • Ep 27: Disability activist Nidhi Goyal: Reclaiming fairytales

    1 APR 2024 · “I’m blind, but so is love…get over it!” This is how disability activist and stand-up comic disarms her audience during her performances. In this episode, the Founder-Executive Director of award-winning non-profit organisation talks about their anthology, published by HarperCollins India and shifting mindsets around disability. The idea was sparked during the pandemic, with the heartwarming stories talking about an anxious Ugly Duckling, a deaf Snow White who finds her tribe, a wheelchair-bound Rapunzel, among others. In the magical world of fairytales, where there was no space for disability, the project helps them “reclaim their power and agency”. With her trademark humour and candour, Nidhi, who started losing her eyesight at the age of 15, makes a strong statement about living on her terms and not trying to prove a point to the world. She manages her house, travels for work and enjoys networking as meeting people gives her a rush. However, inaccessibility issues remind her of her disability, such as navigating touchscreens in the elevators of her housing society. She also relates annoying but hilarious instances of picking up the wrong blind person during a cab ride or “inspiring” people simply by the act of walking into a room. She mentions the importance of having a strong support system in her family and the community, with her father teaching her to take responsibility for her actions as “there are no discounts for being a woman or being disabled.” You can follow her work @saysnidhigoyal. Follow and share to grow the conversation. Chapters: 01:48 How she may not have sight, but still has “perfect vision”; on her disability 04:50 On her spiritual guru; deciding to start Rising Flame 06:50 Moving away from the “Why me?” question, drawing strength from family and community 11:00 Her parents being advised to get her married before she turned blind; fighting stigma 13:13 Rising Flame disability study during the pandemic 15:43 Mirroring her story in her book in the chapter “It’s Still Your Choice” 17:15 “Inspiring” others with just a “hello” 20:04 Turning to comedy because of “annoying and hilarious” situations 23:56 On enjoying dressing up; being independent 29:30 Panel discussion at the Purple Fest; disabled persons feeling the need to prove themselves 31:30 What a supportive environment looks like 34:34 On the role blindness plays in her day-to-day life; lack of accessibility and finding hacks 38:48 Apps and softwares, such as screen readers and “Be My Eyes”, that help the visually challenged 42:30 Rapunzel in a wheelchair 47:00 On the story around Cinderella’s “sister”, raising a larger gender question 48:05 Bollywood humour targeting disabilities 50:10 Stories from the book; an anxious Ugly Duckling, a deaf Snow White 52:56 Why a book around fairytales; how the writing project took shape 57:27 The intended audience for the book 59:00 The message of “Ask before you help”; picking up the wrong “blind person with a white cane” 1:03:30 Plans for Rising Flame and the book “And They lived…Ever After” Follow Anuradha on | | Email: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are personal. Listener discretion is advised.
    1h 6m 1s
  • Ep 26: Arundhuti Dasgupta: Desire, love & Radha on Holi

    24 MAR 2024 ·, journalist and co-founder of returns on the podcast to talk of the mystique of Radha, Krishna’s favourite gopi and consort on the occasion of Holi. Radha humanises Krishna, making him approachable and acceptable to everyone. Their playful companionship transcended gender roles as they dissolved into each other. Desire in ancient India, she says, was not distinct from love. A married woman by all accounts, the relationship between Radha and Krishna has been immortalised by 12th century poet Jayadev’s erotic poem An unlikely goddess, as Arundhuti points out, her love for Krishna is unconditional and has inspired many folk tales, poetry, dance and even qawwali. Radha’s spiritual yearning for Krishna also shows that gods are not exempt from the pain of love, including Lord Ram whose heart ached for Sita. Listen in! Arundhuti Dasgupta co-hosts the podcast with Utkarsh Patel. She also runs online and offline classes on myth and folklore. She is the author of and Follow and share to grow the conversation. References: Chapters: 01:00 Radha doesn’t fit into a mould, appeals across caste and class 05:36 A Radha story from Bengal 08:15 Gender fluidity in Radha-Krishna relationship 10:19 Acceptance of Radha as a goddess 14:25 Poetry around Radha 16:30 Desire interlinked with love in Jayadev’s Gita Govinda 19:56 When Radha gets jealous of Ganga 22:50 The idea of Radha as an older, married woman is liberating; an unconditional love 24:50 Chaitanya sings of Radha-Krishna; the Baul singers 27:00 The spiritual yearning for Krishna; gods are not exempt from the pain of love, including Lord Ram 29:00 Prof. Tracy Coleman compares Radha and Sita; Isis, a complex Greek goddess 32:19 The appearance of Radha in text post-Mahabharata and probable origin in an oral tradition 34:18 Krishna was humanised by his relationship with Radha 38:00 Love and desire in ancient India; patriarchy seeping into mythology 42:10 Radha qawwali in popular culture; allows men to be free 43:57 What Radha stands for as an independent spirit Follow Anuradha on | | Email: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are personal. Listener discretion is advised.
    46m 34s
  • Ep 25: Anand Neelakantan: Win at life The Asura Way

    20 MAR 2024 · In a freewheeling chat,, who is out with his new book, talks about how our ancient heritage taught us to believe in action and not just look inward for solutions. He busts the myths of the so-called six enemies of the mind — anger, passion, greed, infatuation, pride and competitive spirit. The author is clear — those who seek moksha and contentment can go to the Himalayas and contemplate. This is the Kali Yuga and we need the Asura Way to succeed at life. He talks about discovering his “Asura qualities” after “being humble and submissive made me miserable”, leading him to re-read and re-interpret the epics. The Puranas, according to Neelakantan, are “the most powerful materialistic literature available in the world”. He mentions ancient rationalists, such as Charvaka, who believed in the dictum “eat, drink, and make merry now, for tomorrow you may die.” The philosopher also had a term for those who forgo life’s pleasures in hopes of a better afterlife — he called them idiots, according to Neelakantan.  Whether it’s The Gita, the Panchatantra, Hitopadesha or the Mahabharata, they all ultimately preached the Asura Way. Listen in!  For corporate and individual training —  online and offline, send an email to (Check out Ep 11: Anand Neelakantan on Ravana as Sita’s daughter) About Anand Neelakantan: A bestselling author, columnist, screenwriter, television personality, cartoonist and motivational speaker, he is renowned for his contributions to mythological fiction and has authored 15 books in English and one in Malayalam. He debuted with Asura: Tale of the Vanquished in 2012 and his other bestsellers include the Ajaya series; Vanara: The Legend of Baali, Sugreeva and Tara; the Baahubali Trilogy; The Extremely Most Naughty Asura Tales for Kids; Valmiki’s Women; Nala Damayanti; The Tale of the Naughty Flying Mountains; Many Ramayanas, Many Lessons (in the audio format); Mahi: The Elephant Who Flew Over the Blue Mountains and Pen Ramayanam (in Malayalam). Follow and share to grow the conversation. Chapters: 01:18 India being wrongly branded as merely spiritual and not materialist 05:35 Stories from the Puranas 08:40 The challenge with positive thinking 10:40 Materialism, agnosticism is also our heritage - Charvaka, Ajivikas and Lokayata 13:35 No commandments in Hinduism; The Gita also offers choice 15:13 Premchand’s Godaan 16:11 Ancient philosophers questioning the concept of heaven and rituals 19:10 Caste system, tolerance and rationality; Europe takes the lead 22:14 Enlightened self-interest is key, even in The Gita 26:00 The Gita gained prominence during the British era; impractical for general folk 29:00 Mahabharata is a great demonstration of The Asura Way 31:50 The hilarious story of Narada and Tumburu, the celestial singer 34:32 On Swami Chinmayananda storytelling 36:00 Being drawn to Ravana over Harishchandra in childhood 41:40 Anger is a good thing, such as Gandhi, Shivaji and Chanakya 43:35 How the Bhakti era changed the definition from action to praying for results 45:45 Krishna preaches The Asura Way as Arjuna and Pandavas follow 47:20 Re-reading Panchatantra and Hitopadesha; all about winning in life 49:25 The ego war between Vishwamitra and Vashishta 50:37 Going beyond words to get the right message from mythological figures, who dealt with ego, lust and anger 55:45 Tips on corporate scenarios from The Asura Way 1:00:30 Manifestation; be audacious Follow Anuradha on | | Email: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are personal. Listener discretion is advised.
    1h 3m 34s
  • Ep 24: Dr Wallace J Nichols: How to get our Blue Mind on

    11 MAR 2024 · Listen in to, marine biologist and author of - The Surprising Science that Shows How Being Near, In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Happier, Healthier, More Connected and Better at What You Do. Blue Mind, explains Dr Nichols, is a simple phrase for something that is familiar, intuitive and about our emotional connection with water or nature. Science, he says, is finally catching up with its therapeutic benefits. While the Red Mind is the new normal, where we live at a frenetic pace, competing to accomplish our to-do lists and stay caffeinated; the Grey Mind is the burnt out state where our body and mind languish. Life is all about moving between the red and blue states, staying calm yet productive. He mentions current research in the field and what makes life on the blue marble unique!  People and organisations are waking up to the benefits and “prescribing” Blue Mind, which means proximity to a river, a pool or anywhere in nature, or simply hearing recordings virtually. Taking a mindful shower or sitting near a fountain can be an instant pick-me-up for someone feeling low. However, next time you take a Blue Mind break, he recommends you take along a friend who may be feeling stuck in their Grey Mind! Follow and share to grow the conversation. Chapters: 01:28 Blue Mind, Red Mind and Grey Mind 02:20 The frenetic red mind and burnt out grey mind 03:36 Water as the source of Blue Mind, extending to nature. 05:30 The womb is our first ocean. 08:08 You can practise Blue Mind anywhere. 10:20 Mindfulness and Blue Mind; a space for calm and creativity 15:38 Float therapy; Dr. Justin Feinstein’s research 21:25 Water and our nervous system 24:36 Growing awareness over the decades; ‘blue health’ research 27:00 The “bluescription” or prescribing “blue mind” 31:32 Our disconnect from nature 34:12 Teaching kids about blue mind 41:20 The blue marble; the ‘opera’ effect of viewing Earth from space 48:40 Dr Nichols’ audacious goal for Blue Mind Follow Anuradha on | | Email: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are personal. Listener discretion is advised.
    53m 48s
  • Ep 23: Leap Day Lady Raenell Dawn: Turning 16 at 64

    26 FEB 2024 · In this special podcast with ‘Leap Day Lady’ Raenell Dawn, we connect on our common birthday — February 29. Based in Oregon, USA, Raenell, who turns 16 in leap years, started the in 1988, doing it how it was done then, through newspaper ads. The group has since metamorphosed into a lively with many members coming across fellow “leapers” for the first time ever through the platform. In this enlightening chat, she talks about petitioning calendar companies — in vain — to highlight Leap Day on the date, the joys and frustrations of being born on the unique birthdate (the odds are 1 in 1461) and stories of leaplings (such as twins born around midnight, with one’s birth date landing on the leap day!). She also recalls consoling a 12-year-old who said, “I hate my birthday; it’s the stupidest ever”. She shares some fun trivia, for instance, a lady born in 1896 didn’t turn "one" till 1904, at the age of eight, as 1900 was not a leap year (not divisible by 4); a Sri Lankan professor has O’Leap as his middle name and, yes, Superman is a Leap Day Baby! Incidentally, the band has invited ‘leapers’ to send snippets of them lip-syncing to their for a new video! Remarks Raenell, “I love being the Leap Day Lady and helping people understand and celebrate their ‘leapness’. It’ll be really cool for everybody to recognise it as an extra day for them too.” Listen to the ‘leaptastic’ episode! Follow and share to grow the conversation. Chapters: 00:40 Turning 13 (the host) and sweet 16 (Raenell) 03:04 On starting The Honor Society for Leap Year Day Babies in 1988 06:00 Righting some wrongs, such as incorrect birth certificates 09:57 Why Feb 29 is the most important date on the calendar 11:36 Being teased in school; being the big sister with no birthday 15:50 ‘Leap Year Day’ is an extra day for everyone 22:05 Frogs, bunnies and other animals for Leap Year Day 24:00 Questions that come in 27:40 Celebrate on Feb 28 or March 1? 31:18 Making it to a Leap Day birth 34:17 Leap Year capital of the world — Anthony, Texas in New Mexico 37:36 The Victorian era; postcards from 1896 to 1916 related to leap year 39:49 Relatives born on leap day; couples, grandparents, twins, etc 42:47 Leap year music 45:25 A Bahamas cruise and Guinness records 49:50 Questions we get on our birthday 51:32 Is Superman a Leap Day Baby? 54:12 Leap year maths is complicated 56:19 Raenell’s birthday plans 1:01:15 Fun is serious business; unique leap names Follow Anuradha on | | Email: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are personal. Listener discretion is advised.
    1h 3m 43s

Deep conversations, real inspiration! Journalist and Mindset Coach Anuradha Varma interviews a diverse cast of people who share their journeys and how they navigated challenges. Follow and share to stay...

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Deep conversations, real inspiration! Journalist and Mindset Coach Anuradha Varma interviews a diverse cast of people who share their journeys and how they navigated challenges. Follow and share to stay updated and grow the conversation!

Anuradha is a journalist with nearly three decades of experience, having worked as head of Parenting for Indian Express Online, editor of interiors magazine Casaviva, as well as with publications such as The Times of India, The Pioneer, etc. She is also a certified Mindset & Executive Coach, NLP Coach Practitioner and Mindfulness Trainer.

Follow her on LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are personal. Listener discretion is advised.
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