JOURNEY TO GREATNESS PODCAST If you came across this podcast, something in your soul was attracting it. It has entered your life precisely at the point you need it to....
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If you came across this podcast, something in your soul was attracting it. It has entered your life precisely at the point you need it to.
Can we discover our true power and potential? Creator Youseline Bataille Jean Baptiste certainly thinks so. If you find yourself wondering which way to go in life, facing a constant Analysis Paralysis — JourneyToGreatness is your sign from the universe to recalibrate and steer your life towards the path of greatness.
In this Podcast, Youseline Bataille Jean Baptiste personalizes every tenet with earthy vignettes from her own life to help you reap the reward of tapping into your inner power. She fuses a clever blend of wisdom gained from profound experiences, as well as on-going study to shed light on how to take the necessary action to realize your potential.
Within this series, you’ll relate to stories of pursuing your calling in this life and discovering where your talents lie – learning all about the techniques and tools you need to find the greatness within yourself.
The truth is, life always oscillates between the good and bad, never settling. We simply cannot afford to exist in the narrow space between our fear of the future and the chokehold of the past.
When we pause to reflect on our power, we touch the energy of the moment, and we learn how to stop living a limited reactionary existence – instead, living up to our highest ideals.
The goal to JourneyToGreatness is to inspire the human spirit and ignite your flame. So come, be inspired and tap into your divine power – after all, it’s your birth right.

JOURNEY TO GREATNESS PODCAST If you came across this podcast, something in your soul was attracting it. It has entered your life precisely at the point you need it to....
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If you came across this podcast, something in your soul was attracting it. It has entered your life precisely at the point you need it to.
Can we discover our true power and potential? Creator Youseline Bataille Jean Baptiste certainly thinks so. If you find yourself wondering which way to go in life, facing a constant Analysis Paralysis — JourneyToGreatness is your sign from the universe to recalibrate and steer your life towards the path of greatness.
In this Podcast, Youseline Bataille Jean Baptiste personalizes every tenet with earthy vignettes from her own life to help you reap the reward of tapping into your inner power. She fuses a clever blend of wisdom gained from profound experiences, as well as on-going study to shed light on how to take the necessary action to realize your potential.
Within this series, you’ll relate to stories of pursuing your calling in this life and discovering where your talents lie – learning all about the techniques and tools you need to find the greatness within yourself.
The truth is, life always oscillates between the good and bad, never settling. We simply cannot afford to exist in the narrow space between our fear of the future and the chokehold of the past.
When we pause to reflect on our power, we touch the energy of the moment, and we learn how to stop living a limited reactionary existence – instead, living up to our highest ideals.
The goal to JourneyToGreatness is to inspire the human spirit and ignite your flame. So come, be inspired and tap into your divine power – after all, it’s your birth right.
Author | Youseline Speaks |
Organization | Youseline Speaks |
Categories | Self-Improvement |
Website | www.youselinespeak.com |
youselinejourneytogreatness@gmail.com |
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