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Todd Coconato Show — The Remnant

  • "What is The Narrow Gate?" • The Todd Coconato Radio Show

    1 MAY 2024 · "What is The Narrow Gate?" • The Todd Coconato Radio Show To Give: Website: The narrow gate, also called the narrow door, is referred to by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 7:13-14 and Luke 13:23-24. Jesus compares the narrow gate to the “broad road” which leads to destruction (hell) and says that “many” will be on that road. By contrast, Jesus says that “small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” What exactly is meant by this? Just how many are the “many” and how few are the “few”? First, we need to understand that Jesus is the Door through which all must enter eternal life. There is no other way because He alone is “the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6). The way to eternal life is restricted to just one avenue—Christ. In this sense, the way is narrow because it is the only way, and relatively few people will go through the narrow gate. Many more will attempt to find an alternative route to God. They will try to get there through manmade rules and regulations, through false religion, or through self-effort. These who are “many” will follow the broad road that leads to eternal destruction, while the sheep hear the voice of the Good Shepherd and follow Him along the narrow way to eternal life (John 10:7-11). While there will be relatively few who go through the narrow gate compared to the many on the broad road, there will still be multitudes who will follow the Good Shepherd. The apostle John saw this multitude in his vision in the book of Revelation: “After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, ‘Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!’” (Revelation 7:9-10). Entering the narrow gate is not easy. Jesus made this clear when He instructed His followers to “strive” to do so. The Greek word translated “strive” is agonizomai, from which we get the English word agonize. The implication here is that those who seek to enter the narrow gate must do so by struggle and strain, like a running athlete straining toward the finish line, all muscles taut and giving his all in the effort. But we must be clear here. No amount of effort saves us; salvation is by the grace of God through the gift of faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). No one will ever earn heaven by striving for it. But entering the narrow gate is still difficult because of the opposition of human pride, our natural love of sin, and the opposition of Satan and the world in his control, all of which battle against us in the pursuit of eternity. The exhortation to strive to enter is a command to repent and enter the gate and not to just stand and look at it, think about it, complain that it’s too small or too difficult or unjustly narrow. We are not to ask why others are not entering; we are not to make excuses or delay. We are not to be concerned with the number who will or will not enter. We are to strive forward and enter! Then we are to exhort others to strive to enter before it’s too late.
    46m 15s
  • What God Showed Me At The Playground • The Todd Coconato Show

    1 MAY 2024 · What God Showed Me At The Playground • The Todd Coconato Show Website: To give: http://www.toddcoconato.come/give Yesterday afternoon, I took my daughter to the playground and God showed me something… Life, in many ways, can be likened to a playground—a place filled with opportunities, challenges, and a spectrum of experiences. From a Biblical Christian perspective, this analogy can help us understand the journey of faith, the choices we make, and the attitudes we hold toward life's ups and downs. Just as a playground is dotted with slides, swings, and sandboxes, life presents us with a variety of paths and experiences. The biggest slides could symbolize the moments that require courage and faith, the opportunities to step out in trust, believing that God is with us even in the most daunting challenges. My daughter was scared and shaky, but she knew her father was with her so she went to the highest slide and when she did, she loved it! These moments often lead to significant growth and exhilarating experiences in our faith journey, much like the thrill of going down the biggest slide. On any playground, you'll notice some children hesitantly watching from the sidelines, perhaps overwhelmed by fear or discouraged by a previous fall. Similarly, in life, some of us find ourselves on the sidelines, held back by fear, past failures, or a sense of inadequacy. We watch others embrace the fullness of life's playground, longing to join but unsure if we can. Instead, we remain on the bench. I even saw a few kids crying. Crying at the playground? They were missing out on a good day and many awesome memories! The Bible encourages us to not be controlled by fear but to trust in God's presence and promises. Isaiah 41:10 says, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." This verse is a gentle nudge to step into the playground of life, reassured of God's unfailing support and guidance. We need to get off the bench and participate. We still have many opportunities ahead, and we need to enjoy the moment. The playground is most enjoyed when we participate fully, whether that's by tackling the biggest slide, swinging as high as we can, or simply enjoying the sandbox. Similarly, life is richest and most fulfilling when we engage with the opportunities God places before us, using our talents for His glory, and stepping out in faith where He leads! Paul's words in Philippians 4:12-13 remind us of the secret to contentment and strength in every situation: "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, ... I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Encouragement to Step Off the Sidelines For those of us on the sidelines, it might be time to wipe away our tears and trust that the same God who created the universe is with us on the playground of life. He's cheering us on, ready to catch us if we fall, and encouraging us to experience the fullness of life in Him. The playground analogy serves as a reminder that life, with its challenges and joys, is an opportunity for us to live boldly and faithfully. It invites us to move beyond our fears, to embrace the adventures God has in store, and to experience the profound joy and fulfillment that come from trusting and walking with Him. So, whether you're facing the biggest slide of your life or you find yourself sitting out, remember that the Lord is with you, offering strength, courage, and joy for the journey. Let's step into the playground of life with faith, ready to experience all the beautiful moments God has prepared for us. You are greatly loved by God! -Pastor Todd
    28m 27s
  • The Oil... | Live Stream With Pastor Todd Coconato

    26 APR 2024 · The Oil... | Live Stream With Pastor Todd Coconato  Website: To Give: In this live broadcast, Pastor Todd Coconato shares a revelation from the Holy Spirit and the Bible about "The Oil" of anointing and why we must keep our lamps filled! Listen to this important message now...  
    17m 6s
  • Is It Midnight in America? • The Todd Coconato Show

    22 APR 2024 · Is It Midnight in America? • The Todd Coconato Show Website: To Give: On today's powerful episode we welcome a gentleman that I've gotten to know over the years who is the real deal. He's a pastor of Influence Church out there in Orange County area in California. He also is an author, and he's got a brand new book out called "It's Midnight In America". His name is Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller and we talk about his book that fearlessly uncovers the alarming slumber within the church, drawing parallels to the biblical narrative of Samson. Just as Samson unknowingly lost his power, the American church finds itself in a similar state, unaware of its diminished influence and complacent in the face of critical challenges. Through this book, readers will be awakened to the urgent need for revival and transformation.
    21m 57s
  • LIVE: The Men's Conference that everyone is talking about…

    17 APR 2024 · LIVE: The Men's Conference that everyone is talking about… To give: Website: Join Pastor Todd Coconato on today's broadcast as he addresses the recent, much-talked-about men's conference incident involving an alarming stunt with a sword. Pastor Todd will delve into how this event not only raises questions about the appropriateness of such acts in spiritual settings but also highlights a critical issue facing the church today: the profound loss of the fear of God. Tune in as Pastor Todd explains why this is a pivotal moment for reflection and a return to the foundational respect and reverence for the Holy Spirit and the sanctity of our faith. Don't miss this essential discussion on restoring the core values that should define our gatherings and our growth as believers.
    21m 14s
  • When To Wait & When To Go | The Todd Coconato Show

    16 APR 2024 · WhenTo Wait & When To Go | The Todd Coconato Show  Website: To give: Welcome to today’s episode of the Todd Coconato Show, where we delve into one of the most essential topics for any believer: discerning when to wait and when to move forward. Today, we’re exploring this critical question from a biblical perspective, providing you with the insights and guidance necessary to understand when it’s crucial to patiently wait on the Lord and when it’s time to step ahead in victory. We'll discuss the signs and signals from Scripture that help us recognize God's timing, share stories that highlight the powerful outcomes of both waiting and moving at God's command, and offer practical advice to apply these lessons in your daily walk with Christ. Whether you're standing at a crossroads in your personal life, career, or ministry, today’s show is tailored to help you make decisions aligned with God’s will, ensuring that you’re moving in the right direction—whether that means holding still in faithful anticipation or advancing boldly in triumph. Join us as we unpack these vital truths, ensuring you’re equipped to follow God’s leading in every aspect of your life.  
    27m 4s
  • Bringing Back Sanity & Reverence In The Church | The Todd Coconato Show

    16 APR 2024 · Bringing Back Sanity & Reverence In The Church | The Todd Coconato Show Website: To Give: In today's episode of the Todd Coconato Show, we're addressing a critically important topic for the church: the need to bring back fear and reverence to a holy God. This discussion is not just timely but essential, as it delves into the foundational aspects of our faith and the current state of our worship and daily living. We also address some of the recent scandals and why they matter! 
    45m 27s
  • Don't Let The Heaviness Of This Hour Steal Your Joy | The Todd Coconato Show

    11 APR 2024 · Don't Let The Heaviness Of This Hour Steal Your Joy | The Todd Coconato Show Website: To give: 1. Our Distinct Identity The words of Jesus in John 17:16, "They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world," are a profound reminder of our unique identity as followers of Christ. This distinction is not merely about behavior or morality; it's about belonging. We belong to the Kingdom of God, governed by divine principles and the law of love. Our actions, choices, and lifestyle should reflect this kingdom citizenship, demonstrating values that often contrast with worldly norms. This realization empowers us to engage with the world from a position of spiritual security and confidence, knowing we're ambassadors of Christ's kingdom. 2. The Source of Our Joy Philippians 4:4 commands us to "Rejoice in the Lord always." This is a joy not dependent on circumstances because its source is the eternal, unchanging nature of God Himself. It's a call to find delight in our relationship with God, in His promises, and in the salvation He has given us through Jesus Christ. This joy acts as a wellspring of strength (Nehemiah 8:10), enabling us to face life's challenges with a steadfast spirit. By keeping our focus on God and His goodness, we cultivate an attitude of joy that transcends our external conditions. 3. The Nature of God's Peace The peace that Paul speaks about in Philippians 4:6-7 is not as the world gives. It's a peace "which surpasses all understanding," a divine calm that doesn't make sense from a human perspective. It guards our hearts and minds, providing stability and serenity in the midst of chaos. This peace comes from casting our anxieties on God through prayer and supplication, coupled with thanksgiving. It's a peace that reflects a deep trust in God's sovereignty, knowing that He is in control and that His plans for us are for good. 4. Setting Our Minds on Heavenly Things In Colossians 3:2, when Paul instructs us to "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth," he's guiding us towards an eternal perspective. This doesn't mean we ignore the reality of our lives or the needs of those around us. Rather, it means our ultimate hope, our ultimate joy, and our ultimate peace are not tied to the temporal but to the eternal. By focusing on the things of God—His Kingdom, His righteousness, His promises—we anchor ourselves in what is unshakeable. This perspective shapes our priorities, influences our decisions, and determines our reactions. 5. Overcoming Through Christ Finally, John 16:33 encapsulates the victorious assurance we have in Jesus. "In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." Jesus does not promise a life free from trouble, but He promises His overcoming power. This is the bedrock of our hope and peace. In every trial, in every moment of uncertainty, we have a victor on our side. Being "of good cheer" isn't about denying difficulties; it's about holding onto the victory we have in Jesus, even in the face of tribulation. As we reflect on these Scriptures, let us commit to living out our heavenly citizenship with joy, peace, and a focus on the eternal. Let's engage with the world from a place of divine assurance, embodying the Kingdom of God in our everyday lives. May our lives be a testament to the overcoming power of Jesus, as we navigate this world anchored in the hope and truth of His Word. Amen.
    26m 59s
  • What Is GOD Saying Post Eclipse? | The Todd Coconato Show

    8 APR 2024 · What Is GOD Saying Post Eclipse? | The Todd Coconato Show  Website: To give: Join us on the Todd Coconato Show for a post-eclipse special where we delve into the pressing issues shaping our world today. From global affairs to personal callings, we explore how to navigate these turbulent times while remaining steadfast in our faith. Tune in as we discuss real-world events and discover how to align our lives with God's purpose amidst the chaos. Don't miss this enlightening episode as we strive to stay focused on God's guidance in an ever-changing world.  
    45m 34s
  • Transformed Mind Part 3: Taking Risks |Todd Coconato Show

    3 APR 2024 · Transformed Mind Part 3: Taking Risks |Todd Coconato Show  Website: To give: Join Pastor Todd Coconato in today's broadcast of "The Todd Coconato Show" for an enlightening installment entitled "Transformed Mind Part 3: Taking Risks." Building upon his previous discussions on the Transformed Mind state, Pastor Todd delves deeper into the concept of taking risks as part of our journey of faith. In this compelling episode, Pastor Todd explores the notion that God often calls upon us to step out of our comfort zones and take leaps of faith in order to fulfill the unique calling He has ordained for each of us. Drawing from biblical examples and personal anecdotes, he elucidates the importance of trusting in God's guidance even when faced with uncertainty and fear. Through his engaging and insightful commentary, Pastor Todd inspires listeners to embrace a mindset of courage and conviction, reminding us that great accomplishments often require bold action and unwavering faith. Whether it's pursuing a new opportunity, embarking on a mission, or simply stepping out in obedience to God's voice, "Taking Risks" challenges us to surrender our fears and trust in the transformative power of God's plan for our lives. Tune in to "The Todd Coconato Show" as Pastor Todd empowers listeners to cultivate a Transformed Mind and embark on a journey of faith characterized by courage, obedience, and unwavering trust in God's providence.  
    27m 4s

We interview exciting guests and talk about relevant topics of the day from a biblical lens. if you want to be informed and updated as to what is going on...

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We interview exciting guests and talk about relevant topics of the day from a biblical lens. if you want to be informed and updated as to what is going on in our nation and world, then listen to Remnant News and The Remnant Godcast!
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