Theatre-Five (aka Theater-Five or Theatre 5) was a radio drama series, presented by ABC between 1964 and 1965. The series used an anthology format, presenting a number of short (20-minute)...
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Theatre-Five (aka Theater-Five or Theatre 5) was a radio drama series, presented by ABC between 1964 and 1965. The series used an anthology format, presenting a number of short (20-minute) radio plays across a number of genres, a number of which reflected topical issues contemporary with its airing.
Writers for the show varied, as did actors, although a principal cast included George O. Petrie, Brett Morrison, Jackson Beck, Robert Dryden, Elliott Reid, Court Benson, Cliff Carpenter, and Bryna Raeburn. The show's 1965 run featured several well-known actors, including an early role for James Earl Jones (Incident on US 1), a pre-M*A*S*H Alan Alda (A Bad Day's Work), and Ed Begley (The Pigeon) three years after his Academy Award win. Another Theatre-Five actor was Romeo Muller, who also wrote stories for the series but who became best known for his work with Rankin/Bass Productions such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (TV special).
To listen to more great radio shows from The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network, visit,
Theatre-Five is brought to you by Beautiful Mind Coffee, the coffee your brain will love. Visit
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Writers for the show varied, as did actors, although a principal cast included George O. Petrie, Brett Morrison, Jackson Beck, Robert Dryden, Elliott Reid, Court Benson, Cliff Carpenter, and Bryna Raeburn. The show's 1965 run featured several well-known actors, including an early role for James Earl Jones (Incident on US 1), a pre-M*A*S*H Alan Alda (A Bad Day's Work), and Ed Begley (The Pigeon) three years after his Academy Award win. Another Theatre-Five actor was Romeo Muller, who also wrote stories for the series but who became best known for his work with Rankin/Bass Productions such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (TV special).
To listen to more great radio shows from The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network, visit,
Theatre-Five is brought to you by Beautiful Mind Coffee, the coffee your brain will love. Visit
2 JAN 2023 · Theatre-Five - EP 140 - The Chain
Theatre-Five (aka Theater-Five or Theatre 5) was a radio drama series, presented by ABC between 1964 and 1965. The series used an anthology format, presenting a number of short (20-minute) radio plays across a number of genres, a number of which reflected topical issues contemporary with its airing. Writers for the show varied, as did actors, although a principal cast included George O. Petrie, Brett Morrison, Jackson Beck, Robert Dryden, Elliott Reid, Court Benson, Cliff Carpenter, and Bryna Raeburn. The show's 1965 run featured several well-known actors, including an early role for James Earl Jones (Incident on US 1), a pre-M*A*S*H Alan Alda (A Bad Day's Work), and Ed Begley (The Pigeon) three years after his Academy Award win. Another Theatre-Five actor was Romeo Muller, who also wrote stories for the series but who became best known for his work with Rankin/Bass Productions such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (TV special). To listen to more great radio shows from The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network, visit,
Theatre-Five is brought to you by Beautiful Mind Coffee, the coffee your brain will love. Visit
2 JAN 2023 · Theatre-Five - The Sybil of Sycamore Lane
Theatre-Five (aka Theater-Five or Theatre 5) was a radio drama series, presented by ABC between 1964 and 1965. The series used an anthology format, presenting a number of short (20-minute) radio plays across a number of genres, a number of which reflected topical issues contemporary with its airing. Writers for the show varied, as did actors, although a principal cast included George O. Petrie, Brett Morrison, Jackson Beck, Robert Dryden, Elliott Reid, Court Benson, Cliff Carpenter, and Bryna Raeburn. The show's 1965 run featured several well-known actors, including an early role for James Earl Jones (Incident on US 1), a pre-M*A*S*H Alan Alda (A Bad Day's Work), and Ed Begley (The Pigeon) three years after his Academy Award win. Another Theatre-Five actor was Romeo Muller, who also wrote stories for the series but who became best known for his work with Rankin/Bass Productions such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (TV special). To listen to more great radio shows from The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network, visit,
Theatre-Five is brought to you by Beautiful Mind Coffee, the coffee your brain will love. Visit
2 JAN 2023 · Theatre-Five - EP 138 - Lonely Boy
Theatre-Five (aka Theater-Five or Theatre 5) was a radio drama series, presented by ABC between 1964 and 1965. The series used an anthology format, presenting a number of short (20-minute) radio plays across a number of genres, a number of which reflected topical issues contemporary with its airing. Writers for the show varied, as did actors, although a principal cast included George O. Petrie, Brett Morrison, Jackson Beck, Robert Dryden, Elliott Reid, Court Benson, Cliff Carpenter, and Bryna Raeburn. The show's 1965 run featured several well-known actors, including an early role for James Earl Jones (Incident on US 1), a pre-M*A*S*H Alan Alda (A Bad Day's Work), and Ed Begley (The Pigeon) three years after his Academy Award win. Another Theatre-Five actor was Romeo Muller, who also wrote stories for the series but who became best known for his work with Rankin/Bass Productions such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (TV special). To listen to more great radio shows from The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network, visit,
Theatre-Five is brought to you by Beautiful Mind Coffee, the coffee your brain will love. Visit
2 JAN 2023 · Theatre-Five - EP 137 - The Eye Of The Storm
Theatre-Five (aka Theater-Five or Theatre 5) was a radio drama series, presented by ABC between 1964 and 1965. The series used an anthology format, presenting a number of short (20-minute) radio plays across a number of genres, a number of which reflected topical issues contemporary with its airing. Writers for the show varied, as did actors, although a principal cast included George O. Petrie, Brett Morrison, Jackson Beck, Robert Dryden, Elliott Reid, Court Benson, Cliff Carpenter, and Bryna Raeburn. The show's 1965 run featured several well-known actors, including an early role for James Earl Jones (Incident on US 1), a pre-M*A*S*H Alan Alda (A Bad Day's Work), and Ed Begley (The Pigeon) three years after his Academy Award win. Another Theatre-Five actor was Romeo Muller, who also wrote stories for the series but who became best known for his work with Rankin/Bass Productions such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (TV special).
To listen to more great radio shows from The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network, visit,
Theatre-Five is brought to you by Beautiful Mind Coffee, the coffee your brain will love. Visit
2 JAN 2023 · Theatre-Five - EP 136 - Cold Storage
Theatre-Five (aka Theater-Five or Theatre 5) was a radio drama series, presented by ABC between 1964 and 1965. The series used an anthology format, presenting a number of short (20-minute) radio plays across a number of genres, a number of which reflected topical issues contemporary with its airing. Writers for the show varied, as did actors, although a principal cast included George O. Petrie, Brett Morrison, Jackson Beck, Robert Dryden, Elliott Reid, Court Benson, Cliff Carpenter, and Bryna Raeburn. The show's 1965 run featured several well-known actors, including an early role for James Earl Jones (Incident on US 1), a pre-M*A*S*H Alan Alda (A Bad Day's Work), and Ed Begley (The Pigeon) three years after his Academy Award win. Another Theatre-Five actor was Romeo Muller, who also wrote stories for the series but who became best known for his work with Rankin/Bass Productions such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (TV special). To listen to more great radio shows from The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network, visit,
Theatre-Five is brought to you by Beautiful Mind Coffee, the coffee your brain will love. Visit
2 JAN 2023 · Theatre-Five - EP 135 - The Underdeveloped Nation
Theatre-Five (aka Theater-Five or Theatre 5) was a radio drama series, presented by ABC between 1964 and 1965. The series used an anthology format, presenting a number of short (20-minute) radio plays across a number of genres, a number of which reflected topical issues contemporary with its airing. Writers for the show varied, as did actors, although a principal cast included George O. Petrie, Brett Morrison, Jackson Beck, Robert Dryden, Elliott Reid, Court Benson, Cliff Carpenter, and Bryna Raeburn. The show's 1965 run featured several well-known actors, including an early role for James Earl Jones (Incident on US 1), a pre-M*A*S*H Alan Alda (A Bad Day's Work), and Ed Begley (The Pigeon) three years after his Academy Award win. Another Theatre-Five actor was Romeo Muller, who also wrote stories for the series but who became best known for his work with Rankin/Bass Productions such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (TV special). To listen to more great radio shows from The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network, visit,
Theatre-Five is brought to you by Beautiful Mind Coffee, the coffee your brain will love. Visit
2 JAN 2023 · Theatre-Five - EP 134 - Greater Love Hath No Man
Theatre-Five (aka Theater-Five or Theatre 5) was a radio drama series, presented by ABC between 1964 and 1965. The series used an anthology format, presenting a number of short (20-minute) radio plays across a number of genres, a number of which reflected topical issues contemporary with its airing. Writers for the show varied, as did actors, although a principal cast included George O. Petrie, Brett Morrison, Jackson Beck, Robert Dryden, Elliott Reid, Court Benson, Cliff Carpenter, and Bryna Raeburn. The show's 1965 run featured several well-known actors, including an early role for James Earl Jones (Incident on US 1), a pre-M*A*S*H Alan Alda (A Bad Day's Work), and Ed Begley (The Pigeon) three years after his Academy Award win. Another Theatre-Five actor was Romeo Muller, who also wrote stories for the series but who became best known for his work with Rankin/Bass Productions such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (TV special). To listen to more great radio shows from The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network, visit,
Theatre-Five is brought to you by Beautiful Mind Coffee, the coffee your brain will love. Visit
2 JAN 2023 · Theatre-Five - EP 133 - The Hunters
Theatre-Five (aka Theater-Five or Theatre 5) was a radio drama series, presented by ABC between 1964 and 1965. The series used an anthology format, presenting a number of short (20-minute) radio plays across a number of genres, a number of which reflected topical issues contemporary with its airing. Writers for the show varied, as did actors, although a principal cast included George O. Petrie, Brett Morrison, Jackson Beck, Robert Dryden, Elliott Reid, Court Benson, Cliff Carpenter, and Bryna Raeburn. The show's 1965 run featured several well-known actors, including an early role for James Earl Jones (Incident on US 1), a pre-M*A*S*H Alan Alda (A Bad Day's Work), and Ed Begley (The Pigeon) three years after his Academy Award win. Another Theatre-Five actor was Romeo Muller, who also wrote stories for the series but who became best known for his work with Rankin/Bass Productions such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (TV special). To listen to more great radio shows from The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network, visit,
Theatre-Five is brought to you by Beautiful Mind Coffee, the coffee your brain will love. Visit
2 JAN 2023 · Theatre-Five - EP 132 - The Time, The Place, and The Death
Theatre-Five (aka Theater-Five or Theatre 5) was a radio drama series, presented by ABC between 1964 and 1965. The series used an anthology format, presenting a number of short (20-minute) radio plays across a number of genres, a number of which reflected topical issues contemporary with its airing. Writers for the show varied, as did actors, although a principal cast included George O. Petrie, Brett Morrison, Jackson Beck, Robert Dryden, Elliott Reid, Court Benson, Cliff Carpenter, and Bryna Raeburn. The show's 1965 run featured several well-known actors, including an early role for James Earl Jones (Incident on US 1), a pre-M*A*S*H Alan Alda (A Bad Day's Work), and Ed Begley (The Pigeon) three years after his Academy Award win. Another Theatre-Five actor was Romeo Muller, who also wrote stories for the series but who became best known for his work with Rankin/Bass Productions such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (TV special). To listen to more great radio shows from The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network, visit,
Theatre-Five is brought to you by Beautiful Mind Coffee, the coffee your brain will love. Visit
2 JAN 2023 · Theatre-Five - EP 131 - The Boy
Theatre-Five (aka Theater-Five or Theatre 5) was a radio drama series, presented by ABC between 1964 and 1965. The series used an anthology format, presenting a number of short (20-minute) radio plays across a number of genres, a number of which reflected topical issues contemporary with its airing. Writers for the show varied, as did actors, although a principal cast included George O. Petrie, Brett Morrison, Jackson Beck, Robert Dryden, Elliott Reid, Court Benson, Cliff Carpenter, and Bryna Raeburn. The show's 1965 run featured several well-known actors, including an early role for James Earl Jones (Incident on US 1), a pre-M*A*S*H Alan Alda (A Bad Day's Work), and Ed Begley (The Pigeon) three years after his Academy Award win. Another Theatre-Five actor was Romeo Muller, who also wrote stories for the series but who became best known for his work with Rankin/Bass Productions such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (TV special). To listen to more great radio shows from The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network, visit,
Theatre-Five is brought to you by Beautiful Mind Coffee, the coffee your brain will love. Visit
Theatre-Five (aka Theater-Five or Theatre 5) was a radio drama series, presented by ABC between 1964 and 1965. The series used an anthology format, presenting a number of short (20-minute)...
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Theatre-Five (aka Theater-Five or Theatre 5) was a radio drama series, presented by ABC between 1964 and 1965. The series used an anthology format, presenting a number of short (20-minute) radio plays across a number of genres, a number of which reflected topical issues contemporary with its airing.
Writers for the show varied, as did actors, although a principal cast included George O. Petrie, Brett Morrison, Jackson Beck, Robert Dryden, Elliott Reid, Court Benson, Cliff Carpenter, and Bryna Raeburn. The show's 1965 run featured several well-known actors, including an early role for James Earl Jones (Incident on US 1), a pre-M*A*S*H Alan Alda (A Bad Day's Work), and Ed Begley (The Pigeon) three years after his Academy Award win. Another Theatre-Five actor was Romeo Muller, who also wrote stories for the series but who became best known for his work with Rankin/Bass Productions such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (TV special).
To listen to more great radio shows from The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network, visit,
Theatre-Five is brought to you by Beautiful Mind Coffee, the coffee your brain will love. Visit
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Writers for the show varied, as did actors, although a principal cast included George O. Petrie, Brett Morrison, Jackson Beck, Robert Dryden, Elliott Reid, Court Benson, Cliff Carpenter, and Bryna Raeburn. The show's 1965 run featured several well-known actors, including an early role for James Earl Jones (Incident on US 1), a pre-M*A*S*H Alan Alda (A Bad Day's Work), and Ed Begley (The Pigeon) three years after his Academy Award win. Another Theatre-Five actor was Romeo Muller, who also wrote stories for the series but who became best known for his work with Rankin/Bass Productions such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (TV special).
To listen to more great radio shows from The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network, visit,
Theatre-Five is brought to you by Beautiful Mind Coffee, the coffee your brain will love. Visit
Author | The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network |
Organization | The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network |
Categories | Drama |
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