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The Soul Food Revival Series - Encouraging Spiritual Intimacy Unto Christ-like Fruitfulness

  • The Spirit of Balaam Behind The Trump Cult

    28 SEP 2020 · There is a cultish submission to the American President Donald Trump in the American Church. It seems that regardless of the evidence exposing his corrupt immoral behavior, abuses of presidential powers, and financial corruption, there are many in the church who are willing to compromise their faith over idol-worship to this president. In this episode, I submit scripture in an attempt to explain the source behind this deception influencing the Church in America.
    33m 59s
  • Is There Such A Thing As Blind Faith

    14 AUG 2019 · Is faith really blind? Can you see without seeing? What's the difference between the invisible and unseen? In this episode, I address these questions and much more.
    16m 40s
  • The Best Offering You Can Give

    2 AUG 2019 · What offering do you think is the best offering you could give to God the Father?  Is it monetary?  Is it acts of service?  Tune into this episode and you will be surprised to find an answer hidden in Mark 10.
    12m 54s
  • Righteousness Credited To Your Account

    25 JUN 2019 · It is “Testimony Tuesday”. What is the testimony that you have being that you've been saved; that you're in Christ. I want to give a testimony that applies to me and it might apply to you as well.  And it's really something that, if you don't have a testimony you can think of that you can share then I think you should share this one. At least share it internally with your own heart and then express that out.  
    11m 54s
  • Use Your Spiritual Gifts To Strengthen Others

    7 JUN 2019 · I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong— that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith. Romans 1:11-12. Your faith in exercising your spiritual gifts is what someone needs to be strengthen and encouraged. Listen to this episode and hear how natural it is.
    7m 29s
  • Looking Forward To The Saints Graduation Day

    27 MAY 2019 · Last weekend we attended my daughter’s college graduation ceremony. The day she had been working toward had finally arrived. In the face of all the difficulties, she pressed on to receive a degree. As believers in Christ, we too, have a graduation day that awaits. Tune into this episode to hear what that is and discover if you have are poised to graduate.
    16m 25s
  • Before You Were Born God Knew You

    10 MAY 2019 · Welcome to The Soul Food Revival Series with your host Jimmy Hilton, “encouraging spiritual intimacy unto Christlike fruitfulness”.  Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations”.  I want to talk about this ‘knowing’.   When I ponder that,  it's an amazing thought to think, that even before Jeremiah the prophet was born, even before God had actually formed his substance in the womb, God already knew him. Now, because others have stated... like Ezekiel, Paul...they’ve all mentioned that... and David, they mentioned the ‘knowing’. This is the revelation that the Spirit gives, that God knows us. God is the one who created us. He is our creator. And so, He already has an idea of what He was doing before we were born.     Sometimes we might think, you know, it's my parents choice or I was an accident.  But think about this; what God was saying to Jeremiah. “Even before you were conceived I knew you”.  Past tense, “I knew you”, not, “getting to know you”. Sometimes we think that when we come to Christ that's when God begins to know who we are.  But the reality is before you were even a thought, before your existence, God knew you.   Just think about that. God knew you, He knows us.  He knows us. He knows us better than we know ourselves.  He knows us better than those around us. And yet it should encourage us because like with Jeremiah he was appointed to be this prophet to the nation and he was scared.  And yet God already knew what He was working with even before he (Jeremiah) became a prophet, even before. So were talking about even when he was a child, even when he was a baby, even when he was in the first trimester the second and third in the womb. God already knew him.  And I wonder if we apply it to ourselves and realize (you know) God knows us and why should we try to avoid Him. Shouldn’t that encourage us and build us up to really grow in intimacy with Him; in an intimate relationship, in a more consecrated type of lifestyle with Him? Because before we became a Christian, God knew us.     Or maybe you're not a believer right now.  Maybe you don't believe in God. You don't believe in Christ.  But God says, “before I formed you in the womb, I already knew you. I already know you”.  And he's not disappointed in what He knows. Jeremiah found out that God says, “I have plans for you” (Jeremiah 29:11).  Because He knows us He has plans. And He was saying this to Israel, “plans for welfare and not for evil to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11).  It's not just a crowd of people He’s saying that to. But, He is saying that to us as individuals because God knows us. He knows us in accordance to the plan that He has for us.  These plans are not to make it hard on us, but it's to give us a good life; for us to have a future to look forward to, because that's where hope is.   Hope is for a good expectation not an evil one.  And God says, “No matter where you are now, or how you see yourself, or how others perceive you, it doesn't matter.  I know what I'm doing. I know what I have intended (for us) for you”. And when we come to Christ, sometimes we think that at the time we became born-again that's when God found us.  But the reality is, that's when we discovered that God was already prepared for us. And that should be exciting because even if you don't know Him now, He's already said, like he said to Jeremiah, “Before you were born, I consecrated you.”  Consecration means that, “I've actually set you apart and I've claimed you to be my own. I've claimed you to be my spokesman or my own prized possession”. And you know sometimes we might think, ‘Well I may not be qualified for this, so I don't think that God has any interest in me”.  And that would be a lie.   Paul, the Apostle Paul, he was not always a good guy in regards to the gospel.  He was actually someone who would be working in an antichrist type of spirit when he was Saul, even as a religious leader, a Pharisee amongst the Jews.  But when he had his Damascus Road experience and he was blinded for those three days and received this insight, the revelation that it was the Lord that he was actually working against.  He thought he was trying to serve God but in reality he was fighting against God. And he was humbled by that experience and realized that he was in error.   But Paul has this letter to the Galatians because he says to them, in essence, “what God began in the Spirit, why are you trying so hard to perfect it or complete it with your flesh.” (Galatians 3:3). Because it starts with Him and no matter what you put into it, unless you're relying on Him, it's a failure.  If you're trying to do it in your own strength not being led by the Spirit being obedient in the new creation that He made you, then you're actually just trying to do these works and you're not getting closer to Him. He's the one who formed you in the womb. He knows you. And because He knows you, He still loves you.  He loves you as you are. But He loves you more than that, to not leave you the way you were.   He has plans for good and not for evil.  It's for your welfare. And so Paul, in Galatians 1:15-16,  and he says, “But when He who had set me apart before I was born, and who called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son to me, in order that I might preach Him among the Gentiles,...”   You hear that? ‘He set me apart before I was born’, that's what Paul said. And yet, the years from birth to maybe this man was in his 30s or 40s, I don't know before that Damascus Road experience, he was against God.  He was actually operating in an antichrist spirit trying to persecute the church that Jesus built, that the Spirit was leading. And yet here is this man who is violently opposed to that movement, to the church of Christ, and yet God revealed to him that even when he was in that state of mind, and the only reason why he had a change and a transformation is because the reality is God had already set him apart before he was born, before he knew who he was.  And that's something that God wants us to know.   We might be caught up in a wrong identity because we think we know who we are and that might be affecting some type of relationship with Christ.  We think that we're always failing so sometimes some people just don't bother to try anymore. They don't try to enhance the relationship. So they stop praying.  They stop reading the Word. They stop being a witness for allowing God to make changes. And they say, “Well, this is the way I am”. No, God knows the way you are, the real you.  And if you allow Him in, He might be able to remove the layers of the ‘false’ to bring out the ‘real’ in you. And it's by this grace that God is pleased to reveal his Son to us. He's pleased to reveal Christ no matter where we are in our belief; if we’re in unbelief, If we’re in opposition, like Paul.  Paul was in opposition. He was actually one who would, you can say he would be a modern day heckler...or atheist...or agnostic...or New Ager...or someone who just has a strong animosity towards the church. And that could be you right now. You could have a little inclination of animosity or it could be a strong animosity.     But God is saying to you who's listening, “I know you. I know you enough that I love you to send my Son to die for your carry your burden, because I have plans for you; plans for your good, for welfare, and not for evil. My plans for you are not to bring destruction. I want to reveal my Son to you, so that you might know what you've been set apart for.”  And what God can accomplish in you, He can accomplish in you because he can accomplish it in anybody. And Paul says I'm probably the worst of all sinners, says that the Apostle Paul. He went about with a group of people to execute a type of torture towards Christians. Now whether you’re that type of person and you’re doing it towards other Christians or towards other races, it doesn't matter in the sense that, at anytime, if God is speaking to you, to reveal his Son to you, let it be known you can answer and you can respond because God is faithful.  He knows you. And you just don't know yourself. You don't know the new you in Christ yet.   But if you are in Christ, know this, He has appointed you to something.  And if you're out there kind of drifting through life walking aimlessly about where it says somewhere in the scriptures that, “My people perish for lack of vision”. (Hosea 4:6)  That's not God's will or his intention. if He has consecrated us and appointed us as he appointed Jeremiah or Paul, they're just not that special. God is not a respecter of persons. (Romans 2:11-16).  So if He has an appointment for one He has an appointment for another. That's just the course of history we see that. Abraham was appointed to be a father of many nations, the father of faith, before he knew it. Joseph, appointed to be a deliverer, yet being the youngest son.  Moses, appointed to be delivered and yet he said, ‘I can't even speak. I need help. I can't speak publicly I stutter’. Gideon, appointed to be a leader for deliverance, and yet he's like I'm the least of the least in my tribe. And right now we're oppressed people and I'm scared.     And yet in all these people and all of these individuals in all of their struggles, you know, I even think of with Boaz, Ruth, someone who is a widower, someone who is not in the Jewish, who is not a Jew, a Jewish woman.  And yet God had appointment to bring David through her lineage. Or Rehab, a woman who was a prostitute and yet she would be in grafted in and find safety. She would also be in that lineage for she would be in the lineage with Boaz and Christ in all this.  It's all coming to a point where we just don't know, but we know God knows. God knows you. He knew you before He formed you, and He doesn't want you to miss your appointment. So I encourage you today, pursue Christ, pursue Go
    18m 1s
  • Meditate On The Scriptures

    10 MAY 2019 · Welcome to The Soul Food Revival Series with your host Jimmy Hilton, “Encouraging Spiritual Intimacy Unto Christ-like Fruitfulness”.  So recently I was reading an excerpt, an article and it is found in the Free Grace Broadcaster issue 245, which is based on the subject of meditation.  And in it, I believe it's probably a copy of a sermon from Arthur W Pink,  titled “Chewing The Bread Of Life”.  And in that article that was reprinted from Arthur Pink, he has a quote that says, “Meditation stands to reading as mastication does to eating".   You might be wondering, “Well, what is mastication?”  Masticate means ‘to grind or to crush food’, you know, ‘with your teeth’. So what he’s saying is, meditation as it is in regard to reading, that's what mastication is to eating.  And his main point was that in reading the scriptures most people fail to meditate on what they’re reading.   So instead they’ll spend more time trying to rush through reading the scriptures of the Bible, so that, there really is no absorption of the Word of God. So therefore the nutrients in the life of the Word never really gets into them because there's really no digestion. So when we look at the scriptures and we are reading just to read through it we're missing a lot. He has this interesting comparison, where he talks about basically that the...what we put in regular food when we’re chewing or fail to chew and when we use our teeth, we’re making our stomachs to be responsible for the duty of what the teeth are to do.  Therefore, when you don't chew, and the stomach is doing the work of what the teeth should've done, then you're at the point of causing pain and discomfort and therefore the reason for digestion problems.  And when we equate that to the spiritual life, we're doing the same.  When we fail to meditate on the Word, then we are doing ourselves harm because were not receiving the sustenance of the Word of God into our lives.   So the question is, “Are you meditating for understanding?”  “Are you able to receive what the Word has in it, because God's Word is Life?”  One of the things that Psalm 19:11 says, it says, “I've hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You”.  The focus of meditation from the psalmist’ perspective was to hide, to digest the Word, so that there would be the strength to not sin against God.  And the reason why the psalmist was focused on that and was able to do that, you can see later on in Psalm 119:103, he says, “How sweet are your words to my taste!  Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth.  There was an appetite that was developed through meditating on the scriptures through the Word of God.  When we ourselves are willing to take the time to think on the scripture and meditate on that, instead of rushing to read through, we too will find that they are sweet to our mouth, our heart, they are more dear than the appetite of our flesh.  So the encouragement here is to not rush through reading the Bible as if you needed to speed read, but instead to take your time to hear.  Taste...taste...taste...taste and see that the Lord is good. Taste what He has.  Allow it to be filtered into your spirit and your soul, so that, you too might grow spiritually strong in the fullness of God. Then you'll find that the passages that you struggle to remember, they'll be ingrained.  They’ll be so ingrained that they'll come out naturally because it'll be a part of your DNA.  It'll be what has brought about the spiritual muscles or fitness that you need. You'll find that you'll be able to live a life more upright than being bent over and weighed down with sin.  This is God’s will.  There's no race.  There's no need to rush through the scriptures to check off on a list, how many passages or how many chapters you read in a night or a day.  If you are one of those individuals, it's better for you to read one passage and take a week and discover other passages through that and gain understanding and insight, than it is to read three hundred chapters in one day and have no understanding; and therefore not changed. So with that, practice meditating on the scriptures as you read.  Allow the nutrients of God’s Word to infiltrate your heart and to cause there to be eternal life springing up from your soul.  And with that this is Jimmy Hilton from The Soul Food Revival Series, encouraging you to have revival, to experience revival through the meditation of the Word. God bless.
    8m 39s
  • Happy Justification Day

    21 APR 2019 · In this episode we encourage you to celebrate Easter as the day it should be recognized by those who are in Christ.
    4m 37s
  • Fighting Sickness By Faith - Ep11

    22 FEB 2018 · Still fighting off this attack against my respiratory system. In my most recent sleepless night the Lord revealed an interesting insight that secured faith and assurance in the midst of my sufferings. Check it out. It may benefit you as well.
    18m 3s

Welcome to The Soul Food Revival Series where you will hear content that is food for your soul so that you might experience revival in your life. You will be...

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Welcome to The Soul Food Revival Series where you will hear content that is food for your soul so that you might experience revival in your life. You will be encouraged to develop intimacy with Jesus Christ through scripture revelation, application, prayer, and meditation. If you have longed for stronger faith and spiritual maturity, be sure to subscribe and join us on the journey to a Holy Spirit filled life in Christ.
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Author James Hilton
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