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The One Day At A Time Recovery Podcast

  • 323 Adam Nimoy on Growing Up With Spock and Recovery From Addiction

    4 JUN 2024 ·   Welcome to the podcast!    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to grow up in the shadow of a famous father? Well that’s exactly what Adam Nimoy faced as the son of Leonard Nimoy, the actor who played Spock in the Star Trek franchise.    Adam will be talking about his new book, “The Most Human, Reconciling with My Father, Leonard Nimoy”.   In case you didn’t know, we have a YouTube channel where you can watch all of the interviews and this one will be fun because Adam looks so much like his Dad it’s uncanny. Be sure to subscribe because I'm going to start doing give aways of all the books I feature and lot's more!   I’m really excited to share this conversation with you, so without further delay, please enjoy this episode with Adam.  Listen to the episode on, Spotify, Podcast Addict, YouTube Podcasts, Amazon Music, or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here. Subscribe So You Don’t Miss New Episodes!  
    55m 4s
  • 322 - Dr Adriana Popescu on How to Heal Root Causes of Addiction

    30 MAY 2024 · Today I’ll be joined by Dr. Adriana Popescu is a licensed clinical psychologist, addiction specialist, author and podcast host. She has been working in the addiction recovery space for over 25 years using a variety of really fascinating holistic modalities. If you’ve been listening to this podcast for any length of time, you know that I’m very obsessed with learning about all the healing modalities, and I’m excited to share this conversion with you because Adriana is going to be talking about some that I’ve not heard of before.   Just a little programming note, I lost my podcast editor a couple months ago, so I have been producing the episodes myself, which takes quite a bit of time. To make things a little easier, I’m taking a cue from my buddy Shane Ramer, the host of That Sober Guy podcast, and kinda treating it like a live show, which means very little editing. You’ll have to let me know what you think!    And if I could ask a favor from you, please leave a review on Apple podcasts. There are several dream guests I have in mind that I would love to have on the show, and the first thing they do is check the number of reviews. So if you have 2 minutes, just tap the 5 starts in the app, and write a review. I’ll have to read some on the next episode. It’ll be fun! Maybe a little nerve wracking but still fun!   Anyway, I learned a ton from Adriana in this conversation,  so without further delay, please enjoy this episode and let me know what you think!   Connect with her here: ​​ Listen to the episode on, Spotify, Podcast Addict, YouTube Podcasts, Amazon Music, or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here. Subscribe So You Don’t Miss New Episodes! Apple:   Spotify:   Amazon Music:    
    53m 29s
  • 321 - Pete Sousa, ESPN Announcer On Addiction, Recovery, And Spreading Hope

    23 MAY 2024 · Hi Friend,   Welcome to the podcast!    Today I’ll be joined by ESPN Announcer, and Morning Show Host, Pete Sousa. He is sharing his story of how he fell into addiction, the struggles he had to get sober, and the incredible work he does now to support the recovery community.   Before we jump in, just a reminder that I have some free resources for you if you’re just starting out on your sober journey. First, there is a private women’s facebook group where I regularly share books, podcasts or videos that are helping me stay sober. You can find it by searching “One Day At A Time Private Women’s Group”.   The other resource is a free downloadable guide called “How To Quit Drinking: 30 Tips For Your First 30 Days”. It has my best suggestions for the biggest challenges most people face in the beginning, like how to tell your friends and family, how to deal with cravings, how to socialize and what feelings to expect in the first 30 days. You’ll find it on my website at   And of course if you are looking for private 1:1 coaching, you can book a free 30 minute call to see if sober coaching is right for you. You can find that at as well.   I’m really excited to share this conversation with you, so without further delay, please enjoy this episode with Pete.   Listen to the episode on, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here.   Subscribe So You Don’t Miss New Episodes!   Apple:   Spotify:   Amazon Music:    
    59m 54s
  • 320 - Christina Galbato on The High Functioning Alcoholic, Recovering Out Loud, and Staying Grounded

    16 MAY 2024 · Welcome to the podcast! In case you are new here, my name is Arlina, and I just celebrated 30 years of sobriety! I’m also the founder of Sober Life School where I’ve helped hundreds of women quit drinking and create a life they love.    Today I’ll be joined by Christina Galbato. She is a very successful entrepreneur, who got her start as a travel blogger and now helps Content Creators to Build Profitable, Long-Lasting, and Impactful Businesses.    She is coming on today to share her journey of becoming alcohol-free. We talk about what it was like to be a high functioning business woman, with a large public community, while privately struggling with alcohol. We talk about how she recovered from alcoholism, going public with her story, and how she stays grounded in the face of public opinion. I found her to be genuine, very smart, and incredibly courageous. I think she’s such a great example of what it means to break the stigma of addiction by recovering out loud.   I’m really excited to share this conversation with you, so without further delay, please enjoy this episode with Christina, and let me know what you think!   Connect with Christina here: Subscribe So You Don’t Miss New Episodes! Listen to the episode on, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here. Subscribe So You Don’t Miss New Episodes! Apple:   Spotify:   Amazon Music:    
    48m 13s
  • 319 Charlie LeVoir On Addiction, Healing Trauma, and The 12 Steps

    8 MAY 2024 · Welcome to the podcast!    Today I’ll be joined by Charlie LeVoir, the Co-host of The Way Out Podcast. With nearly 400 episodes, it has become wildly popular and ranks in the top 1%.    Charlie has got to be one of my absolute favorite people to talk to about recovery, especially the 12 step program. He’s got such deep knowledge of the literature, and addiction recovery in general. I really love talking to people who have put in the work to heal trauma.   If you are just starting your recovery journey, I have a free guide that you can download from my website called “how to quit drinking: 30 tips for your first 30 days”. It includes strategies to deal with cravings, how to socialize sober, managing stress, and resources to gain the perspectives you need to change your relationship with alcohol. You can get a copy by visiting   And if you have been trying to get sober on your own, and you’re just not able to get past 30 days, you might want to consider private 1:1 coaching. My coaching practice is usually full, but I have some availability coming up. You can book some time with me through Sober Life School to see if coaching is right for you.   I’m really excited to share this conversation with you, so without further delay, please enjoy this episode with Charlie, and let me know what you think!   Connect with Charlie here:   Subscribe So You Don’t Miss New Episodes! Listen to the episode on, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here. Subscribe So You Don’t Miss New Episodes! Apple:   Spotify:   Amazon Music:    
    1h 6m 19s
  • 318 Todd Crandell on Healing Trauma, Recovery, and 114 Ironman Races

    1 MAY 2024 · Today I’ll be joined by Todd Crandell. He is an author, speaker, triathlete, and recovery advocate. This guy has super high energy, does a ton of service work and has an incredible impact on the lives of his clients, and their families through Race for Recovery. I had so much fun talking to Todd. He has a great message and I can’t wait for you to meet him so without further delay, please enjoy this episode with Todd! Connect with Todd here: Subscribe So You Don’t Miss New Episodes! Listen to the episode on, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here. Subscribe So You Don’t Miss New Episodes!
    45m 10s
  • Arlina Celebrates 30 Years Sober, Her Best Advice for The Newly Sober and Long Term Sobriety

    25 APR 2024 · Thank you for downloading the episode! If you’re new here, my name is Arlina and I’ll be your host, and if you’re a long time listener, welcome back!   At the time of this recording which is 4/23 - I am celebrating 30 years of continuous sobriety! It feels a little surreal to be honest, but mostly I feel deeply grateful. Grateful that I was able to stay sober with the help of so many people, grateful for my relentless curiosity about all things self-help and personal development, and all of the experiences I’ve had as a sober woman.   So I’m going to do something a little bit different today.    Typically I interview guests about their recovery journey and ask them to share the solutions that helped them get sober, but today, I wanted to share some things that will help people just starting out, some solutions for people who are focused on staying sober, and some of the practices that I use today to address my own mental health.   As a disclaimer, if you are physically addicted to any substance, please consult with a medical professional. I am not a doctor, and I don’t play one on the internet. This is for educational purposes based on my own personal experiences.   With that out of the way…   First, for those who are thinking about quitting drinking. I’d like to cover some basics that will help you get started. I actually have a free guide called “How to quit drinking, 30 tips for your first 30 days” that you can download for free at but I’ll go into a little more depth here if you are in the contemplation stage.   I think the first step involves coming to the conclusion if you can moderate or not. Like being 100% brutally honest with yourself. You don’t even have to tell anyone yet, but that is a question that you have to answer for yourself.   What I mean by moderation is, can you create a drinking plan that you can stick to? If you decide you want to drink no more than 2 glasses in an evening, and you fail, that is a sign that you cannot moderate. But what about if you can do it some of the time? I would say that if you cannot stick to it 100% of the time, you cannot moderate.    Especially if you experience blackouts, vomiting, interrupted sleep, hangovers, and do or say things under the influence that create problems in relationships, work, or in your finances.    If you are not sure, I suggest you run the experiment. Give yourself a plan, a time frame, and give it a shot because you need to know that you cannot moderate if you are going to practice abstinence.    If you have enough evidence without having to run the experiment, then it’s time to move to the next phase which is getting prepared. I recommend you start by prepping your environment. Take out all the temptation. I don’t care if you pour it down the drain, give it away or put it in the trash, but just get it out of your house.   After you do that, it’s time to let people know. Keep in mind that people receive information with the same intensity and energy that you deliver it. So depending on who you tell, you can keep it light and say something like “hey, I’m focusing on my health right now and creating better habits, so I’m going to go alcohol free for 30 days and I could use your support.” Or there might be people close to you who you feel safe with to say, “I don't think I should drink anymore, and I could really use your support.” The point it to let people know so you don’t walk into a situation with friends or family who expect you to drink, and try to have that conversation then. It’s better to give people a heads up so it’s not so awkward in the moment.   As a side note, you might want to think about what specific support you want. It could be asking someone not to offer you a drink, or drink in front of you. It could be that you ask someone not to lecture you or tease you about it in front of others. It could be that you have a friend that can run interference for you  in social situations, like if someone offers you a drink or tries to pressure you into drinking.    After you clean up your environment, and let someone know, it’s time to set a date. There will never be a perfect time, but I encourage you to trust your instincts and decide on a date that works for you.    Once you’ve picked a date, then I would start thinking about what you will do to replace drinking. Make a list of things you can do to relax, to have fun, to give yourself as a treat, and to de-stress, especially at the end of the day. If you don’t know what you can do instead, the temptation to drink will be too strong to resist.   One thing to note, you can expect to feel a little bored or empty at first. THIS IS NORMAL, but it won’t last. Keep in mind that your brain is healing from being overloaded with dopamine. It needs a little time to heal, so don’t panic into thinking this will be how you feel forever. It won’t.   Also, I highly recommend starting a morning self-care practice. I like to use the 5 minute journal because it incorporates gratitude, setting your intention for the day and a positive affirmation for inspiration. Exercise is huge during this time because it is a great way to reset your neural transmitter circuit that will help you deal with stress, feel better and give you more reserve to resist temptation.   So if you’ve been listening to the podcast, you’ll know I’m a huge fan of support groups. I have a private women’s group you can join if you’re a woman, there are 12 step groups you join and you can join anonymously online to start if you want, or go in person. There are tons of sober facebook groups online too. The point of these groups is to connect with others who are going through the same challenges and feelings that you are too so you don’t feel so alone. They can really make a difference in helping you to get through the hard times.   The next thing I wanted to share are solutions for those that are focused on staying sober.   Outside of support groups, which are peer based, I highly recommend professional help. I want to cover some of the treatment modalities that are available because there are so many and different treatments can offer different results depending on what you are dealing with. And just for reference, I have personally tried all of these that I’ll be covering.   So let’s start with the basics. I would highly recommend that you find someone who specializes in substance use disorders or you might find providers who are addiction specialists. I think it’s important to find someone who understands all of the nuances you’ll be facing.    These people can practice CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy or DBT dialectical behavior therapy, which generally speaking is talk therapy.    There are a couple of forms of trauma therapy you might want to consider like EMDR, which is eye movement desensitization reprocessing. It helps to heal the underlying causes of addiction by reframing past traumatic experiences that are hard to metabolize, and that leave you with negative feelings about who you are as a person.    IFS is internal family systems, which is also amazing at addressing the root cause. You can think of it as doing “parts work”. You have parts within you that drive your behavior, so this is a way to heal the inner child, to calm your protective parts that may show up as self-sabotaging behaviors, and strengthen your higher self so you can be more intentional about creating the life you want instead of being reactive.    Of course as a certified hypnotist, I have to recommend hypnosis for a variety of issues such as developing self-esteem, self-worth, releasing subconscious limiting beliefs, and if you are in long term sobriety struggling with “character defects” this is a drug free process to reprogram your subconscious mind to connect with character assets. It’s especially helpful for people in sobriety who need drug free pain management. It is so effective, I could literally do a whole episode on the benefits of hypnosis. There are actually a ton of good videos on YouTube if you want to try it out at home, but nothing beats a personalized session.    So, I hope this episode gives you some ideas to think about and some resources to try.   This is obviously not an exhaustive list of things to try to quit drinking, or to stay stopped but it should give you some direction. I realize that is a lot of information to absorb, so if you are feeling a little overwhelmed, just know you are not alone. If you want to talk through some of this stuff and come up with a plan, you can actually book a free strategy call with me. There’s no obligation to hire me, it’s literally my purpose in life to help, so don’t be shy. You can put some time on my calendar by visiting and I’d be happy to talk with you, man or woman. I realize a lot of my marketing is aimed at women, but honestly, I’m happy to support the men too!   If you’ve found this episode helpful, please share it with a friend. Or let me know on social media, and I will do more of these in the future.   Thank you for spending time with me today. Thank you for supporting the podcast and just know I am sending you all the love and peace you can handle… bye for now!
    15m 41s
  • Overcoming Childhood Trauma, Addiction, and The Path of Healing

    18 APR 2024 · Welcome to the podcast! In case you are new here, my name is Arlina Allen and I am the founder of Sober Life School. I have been sober since 4/23/94 (which means I will be celebrating 30 years!) In that time I have been obsessed with self-help, spirituality, psychology, and behavior change.   And let’s not get it twisted, I did not do it alone. In fact, I have had many many helpers along the way including mentors, sponsors, professional therapists and lots of loving friends and family.   As a way to say thank you to them, I try to be as helpful as I can and pass along what was given to me. That’s why I created a free guide for you with all my best tips on how to start your alcohol-free journey. It’s called “How to Quit Drinking: 30 tips for your first 30 days”. In it you will find strategies on how to avoid common mistakes, foods that will reduce cravings, how to talk about it with friends and family, what to do in social situations, and so much more!   So visit, get your free copy and start creating a life you love!   And just a little programming note: I recently lost my podcast editor, so this episode and future episodes will be published in the raw and unedited format. I appreciate your patience and continued support!   Today I’ll be joined by Justin B. Long. He is an author, business owner of a successful veterinary practice, and author of The Righteous Rage of a Ten-Year-Old Boy. He shares the traumatic events in early childhood that formed his negative self-image, his journey through addiction, and the process of healing that has led to finding peace.    You know, after hearing Justin’s story, I was reminded of just how painful childhood can be for some people. When I hear these stories, I often feel amazed at how they survive, and the truth is, some people don’t. In fact, Justin could have very easily become another statistic - but he didn’t. He survived. And not only did he survive, but he is thriving today!   That is the story of hope.    So without further delay, please enjoy this episode with Justin.   Subscribe So You Don’t Miss New Episodes! Listen to the episode on, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here. Subscribe So You Don’t Miss New Episodes!  
    1h 14m 33s
  • How To Recover With Co-occuring Addictions And Find What Works For You

    11 APR 2024 · Welcome to the podcast!    Today I’ll be joined by Barb Nangle, who is going to give an absolute masterclass on how to recover with co-occuring addictions. We’re going to talk about OA, ACA, Coda, and go over some practices for setting boundaries, building self-worth and finding your true identity.    I’ll just note that Barb does more for her self-care than anyone I’ve ever met, I’m not even kidding. She’s incredible. So if you’re new to recovery, it might sound a little overwhelming, but just know that you don’t have to do everything that we talk about to start feeling better right away. Listen for the practices that pique your interest and follow your intuition.   Before we jump in, I just want to give you a heads up about some upcoming changes to the podcast. After 7 years of the same format, I’m going to be experimenting with solo episodes focusing on some of the basics for those who are just starting their recovery journey.   Also, I would like to hear from you, the listeners! What do you want to hear more of? What do you want to hear less of? Do you want more book recommendations or are there people out there that you think I should interview? Let me know!   Follow me on IG @arlinaallen and shoot me a DM with your suggestions.    So without further delay, please enjoy this episode with Barb   Connect with Barb here:   Subscribe So You Don’t Miss New Episodes! Listen to the episode on, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here. Subscribe So You Don’t Miss New Episodes! Apple: Spotify: Amazon Music:  
    57m 44s
  • How to Overcome Addiction and Loneliness

    28 MAR 2024 · Welcome to the podcast!    Today I’ll be joined by CEO and Founder Chandler Rogers of the Relay app. He’ll be sharing his story of overcoming addiction to pornography and how it led him to create a highly successful sobriety app to help people connect anonymously.   We’re going to talk about how we met, and how after I heard about their project, I decided to partner with them so I could connect with you!    I’m always reachable on social media, but not everyone wants to reach out that way. In fact, a lot of people either want to say anonymous or NEED to be anonymous because of work or fear of exposure, or you’re not ready to tell your family and friends or whatever…    The point is that we all need a safe place to start, with support, accountability and compassion.   So I’ll be hosting a private group, not on social media, totally private, where you can get support from me and others just like you who want to live an alcohol and drug free life.   I’m going to give you some instructions but don’t worry if you can’t remember everything, I’ll put it in the show notes:   - You can join my recovery team by signing up here: (, answer Yes when the signup survey asks "Do you already have a group?", and input the team code ONEDAY. You'll get to try Relay for free + 20% off after the free trial, and you can stay as anonymous as you want. I'm excited to meet you soon!   I’m really excited to share this conversation with you, so without further delay, please enjoy this episode with Chandler, and let me know what you think!   Subscribe So You Don’t Miss New Episodes! Listen to the episode on, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here. Subscribe So You Don’t Miss New Episodes!  
    55m 46s

This podcast is about recovery from alcoholism, drug addiction, sobriety and the journey of recovery, community and healing. The stories are inspiring, funny and touching. They will provide hope and...

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This podcast is about recovery from alcoholism, drug addiction, sobriety and the journey of recovery, community and healing. The stories are inspiring, funny and touching. They will provide hope and help others to feel like they are not alone. Today is the day to start living the life of your dreams and be who you were meant to be! For more resources, visit or visit us on Facebook, search ODAAT Chat Podcast
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