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  • Alligators (MM #4827)

    9 JUN 2024 · Even though we live in the city, we have critters all around us. Things like deer and skunks are almost commonplace. Every now and then, we'll hear stories of wolves and bears nearby. That doesn't happen very often, but when it does, we're not that surprised. Fortunately, there are some animals we haven't had to deal with here in Tennessee that I know of, such as alligators. But I know they're easy to find in Florida. I often see stories about alligators wandering near rivers, golf courses, and sometimes in neighborhoods. But thankfully, they're not something we have to deal with here in Tennessee yet... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-66658dc84a97e').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-66658dc84a97e.modal.secondline-modal-66658dc84a97e").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });
  • Saying Farewell (MM #4826)

    8 JUN 2024 · I've spent a lot of time around famous people throughout my life. And it must be rough. Even though being a celebrity, musician, TV star, or actor gets tiring, they never really want the adoring fans to disappear. Saying farewell is difficult. Final tours for famous bands can last for years. Pat Sajak announced he was leaving Wheel of Fortune last year, but it seems like he made the announcement years ago. Ryan Seacrest will take over the hosting duties when the new season begins. As much as they deny it, you never really want to go away when you're famous... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-66643c71de840').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-66643c71de840.modal.secondline-modal-66643c71de840").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });
  • Harmful Chemicals (MM #4825)

    7 JUN 2024 · It seems that every time I open my news reader, there's a new story about some food recall. So much of what we eat or drink is filled with harmful chemicals. Is this a new problem, or does it seem worse since we now get worldwide news as it happens? Often, these recalls are a result of sloppy manufacturing. The good news is that these problems are often regional or limited to a specific product run. But this sure is happening more often. Nearly every time a problem arises, I check my pantry or refrigerator to see if something in my house is contaminated... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-6662eafe02170').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-6662eafe02170.modal.secondline-modal-6662eafe02170").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });
  • Ad Break (MM #4824)

    6 JUN 2024 · If you spend a lot of time on social media, you've likely encountered a feed filled with ads. Even though everything you do online is tracked, and the sites make money from your data, they want more. That's why you see more of them every day. So what more can they do to annoy you? Instagram is rolling out new ads that they call an ad break. The reason they're different is you can only move past them once they play all the way through. YouTube has been doing this for years, and Instagram hopes to make this a permanent feature. It sounds like a hard sell to me... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-66619a2a75e17').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-66619a2a75e17.modal.secondline-modal-66619a2a75e17").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });
  • Cola Wars (MM #4823)

    5 JUN 2024 · If you drink soda or pop if you prefer, you're probably familiar with the cola wars. This battle has been going on for decades between Coke and Pepsi. Most people fall into either one of the two camps. You're either a Coke person or a Pepsi person. But the cola wars are on hold, at least for a while. There's a new player in this war that's not actually a cola; it's Dr. Pepper. For the first time, Dr. Pepper has climbed into the number 2 position in soft drink popularity. It only beat Pepsi by a fraction of a point, but this ranking is something no one ever thought possible... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-666047f271bd7').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-666047f271bd7.modal.secondline-modal-666047f271bd7").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });
  • Track Your Data (MM #4822)

    4 JUN 2024 · Consumers today are frustrated. And that's putting things mildly. Businesses continue to raise prices and decrease service. They're trying to push the limits without losing customers. For many, it's not working. Perhaps we've reached the boiling point. Now, many companies tell you to download their app in order to save. But they want to track your data, behavior, and online movements. They want to lure you in with some small offer and hope you don't realize what they're really after. They want to know everything about you without you knowing it... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-665ef677d3598').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-665ef677d3598.modal.secondline-modal-665ef677d3598").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });
  • More School (MM #4821)

    3 JUN 2024 · The school year has wrapped up for more students here in Middle Tennessee. And the last thing many kids want is more school. Now, I'm not talking about summer school. But I noticed a trend around town. Most churches that conduct vacation bible school every summer now do it the week after school ends. It's been decades since I attended VBS, but I know it didn't happen the week after we cleaned out our desks. If my memory serves me, we went in mid to late July. And that was back in a time before most buildings had central air. There has to be a reason that so many churches have made this move... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-665da4b3b4953').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-665da4b3b4953.modal.secondline-modal-665da4b3b4953").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });
  • High Beams (MM #4820)

    2 JUN 2024 · I've been driving for a long time. But I can close my eyes and still remember my first driver's test like it was yesterday. I spent hours pouring through the test materials, ensuring I knew all the rules of the road. No matter where we live, the tests are very similar. But I'm amazed at how many people don't follow the rules or don't care. And I'm not talking about speeding. I'm thinking about a basic courtesy when you drive at night. For some reason, more people are driving with their high beams on all the time, even when they're approaching cars on the highway. And as headlights get brighter, the problem gets worse... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-665c539217960').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-665c539217960.modal.secondline-modal-665c539217960").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });
  • Standing In The Sun (MM #4819)

    1 JUN 2024 · I often think back to my younger days and some of the silly things I did. Okay, I did some stupid stuff, too. When we're young, we don't think about the future. I'm reminded of this every day when I pass our local water park on my way home from work. I always see kids standing in the sun, waiting for their turn to go down the giant slide. They don't have a care in the world. But they will pay for all that sunshine when they get older. We all do. Even today, as hard as I try to avoid the sun, I still get burned every now and then. It's not as severe as it used to be, but avoiding the sun is brutal... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-665b01f4c2793').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-665b01f4c2793.modal.secondline-modal-665b01f4c2793").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });
  • Stay Back (MM #4818)

    31 MAY 2024 · I've long wondered why dump truck companies are allowed to put signs on the back of their trucks telling you they aren't responsible for damage to your vehicle if something flies out of their back end. We've all seen the signs that say 'Stay Back 200 Feet'. Because Nashville is growing quickly, construction vehicles are seen on the road daily. I encounter at least one dump truck on my way to work every morning. And sometimes I have to deal with three or four. Even on multi-lane roads, they slow down traffic because everyone is afraid to pass. In rush hour traffic, staying 200 feet behind causes lots of problems... Click Here To Subscribe Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIniHeartRadioPandoraDeezerBlubrryBullhornCastBoxCastrofyyd.deGaanaiVooxListen NotesmyTuner RadioOvercastOwlTailPlayer.fmPocketCastsPodbayPodbeanPodcast AddictPodcast IndexPodcast RepublicPodchaserPodfanPodtailRadio PublicRadio.comReason.fmRSSRadioVurblWe.foYandex jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; $('#podcast-subscribe-button-13292 .podcast-subscribe-button.modal-6659b064da284').on("click", function() { $("#secondline-psb-subs-modal.modal-6659b064da284.modal.secondline-modal-6659b064da284").modal({ fadeDuration: 250, closeText: '', }); return false; }); });
Musings From the Mind Of Kevin Mason; a retired radio guy who just won't give up the microphone.

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