GoodCorporations podcasts offer an insightful and in - depth view on a range of business ethics issues.
The GoodPod
The GoodPod
31 JAN 2023 · Dans ce podcast, nous posons les bases pour comprendre les liens entre droits humains et changement climatique : pourquoi est-ce un sujet crucial ? En quoi les droits humains ont à voir avec le changement climatique? Quels sont les droits humains affectés par le changement climatique?
Retrouvez la deuxième partie de cet épisode.
Pour en savoir plus
- GoodCorporation, Le GIEC démontre les conséquences du changement climatique sur les droits humains -
- GoodCorporation, Le rôle des entreprises pour garantir le droit à un environnement sûr et durable -
- Nations Unies, Droits humains -
- OHCHR, Understanding Human Rights and Climate Change -
- UNEP, Climate Change and Human Rights -
- We are Human Level, Business transformation the vision of a holistic approach to environmental and human rights risks -
- We are Human Level, Yes you know everyone knows but no one acts -
- We are Human Level, Business human rights and the climate crisis what’s expected of business -
- wbcsd, Vision 2050, time to transform -
- Nations unies, Convention d’Aarhus : la CEE/ONU nomme son 1er Rapporteur spécial sur les défenseurs de l’environnement -
- Oxfam, Oxfam dénonce que l’objectif « zéro émission nette» est un dangereux moyen de faire diversion face à l’impératif de réduire les émissions -
- LSE and Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change & the Environment, “Global trends in climate change litigation: 2022 snapshot  -
- UN, Inégalités entre les sexes et changements climatiques : des enjeux étroitement liés -
31 JAN 2023 · Dans ce podcast, nous abordons le rôle des entreprises, les risques et les défis auxquels elles font face, et nous donnons des conseils pour qu’elles fassent évoluer leurs pratiques et saisissent l’opportunité unique de mettre en place des mesures respectueuses des droits humains et du changement climatique.
Retrouvez la première partie de l'épisode épisode.
Pour en savoir plus
- GoodCorporation, Le GIEC démontre les conséquences du changement climatique sur les droits humains -
- GoodCorporation, Le rôle des entreprises pour garantir le droit à un environnement sûr et durable -
- Nations Unies, Droits humains -
- OHCHR, Understanding Human Rights and Climate Change -
- UNEP, Climate Change and Human Rights -
- We are Human Level, Business transformation the vision of a holistic approach to environmental and human rights risks -
- We are Human Level, Yes you know everyone knows but no one acts -
- We are Human Level, Business human rights and the climate crisis what’s expected of business -
- wbcsd, Vision 2050, time to transform -
- Nations unies, Convention d’Aarhus : la CEE/ONU nomme son 1er Rapporteur spécial sur les défenseurs de l’environnement -
- Oxfam, Oxfam dénonce que l’objectif « zéro émission nette» est un dangereux moyen de faire diversion face à l’impératif de réduire les émissions -
- LSE and Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change & the Environment, “Global trends in climate change litigation: 2022 snapshot  -
- UN, Inégalités entre les sexes et changements climatiques : des enjeux étroitement liés -
1 NOV 2022 · In this podcast episode, we speak to managing director Leo Martin on the benefits of using risk assessment workshops to strengthen an anti-corruption training programme. The podcast highlights the benefits of involving key individuals from across a range of business functions to develop a deeper understanding of specific ethics and compliance risks.
9 AUG 2022 · With the seemingly exponential rise in capital allocation to ESG funds, ESG is clearly here to stay. Our podcast explores the role of investors in driving the agenda and the steps businesses need to take to demonstrate ESG credentials.
In particular we explore the S and the G, highlighting the issues that businesses need to consider when analysing the social and governance factors that are material to their ESG credentials.
We also examine the virtuous circle that an effective ESG strategy can help deliver, and explore how effectively managing ESG risks is integral to long-term sustainability, giving details of the range of ESG services that GoodCorporation can provide
16 MAR 2022 · Implementing a speak-up system is one thing, persuading staff to use it is the key to making it work. In this podcast, GoodCorporation senior consultant Lisa Randles talks about the key steps organisations meed to take in order to embed their whistleblowing programmes effectively.
28 FEB 2022 · A bribery risk assessment is one of the principle steps that a company must take in order to accurately identify and prioritise the corruption risks it faces. With regulatory and investigative authorities regarding ABC risk assessments as critical to the development of adequate procedures to prevent bribery, it is vital to get this important step right. In this podcast, GoodCorporation senior consultant Michael Pollitt discusses the key barriers to implementing effective anti-corruption risk assessments and explores how these can be overcome.
16 FEB 2022 · Working with third parties continues to be the single biggest corruption risk for business. Despite this, effective due diligence of third parties in particular sales agents, intermediaries, distributors and brokers remains one of the hardest anti-corruption area to get right. In this podcast, GoodCorporation director Chloé Blais explains how our due diligence design services enable companies to carry out the risk appropriate and robust due diligence on even the most complex supply chains.
1 DEC 2021 · When an organisation faces allegations of fraud, bribery or corruption it needs to understand, in detail, the full nature of the charges and the extent to which any wrongdoing may have taken place. This is a highly complex process, often involving an analysis of hundreds of thousands of documents to find the necessary evidence. In this podcast, GoodCorporation director Gareth Thomas describes how we apply our expertise in the prevention of corporate malpractice to the effective management of detailed investigations, using our e-discovery tool Logickull
24 NOV 2021 · Building a defence when facing prosecution or debarment is a critical and time consuming exercise. While each case is unique, there are typical elements that any crisis team managing the situation will need to consider, not least whether the allegations being made are true. In this podcast, Leo Martin explains the different ways in which GoodCorporation supports companies managing debarment or investigation, from the use of our discovery platform to carry out detailed investigation work, to an analysis of adequate procedures, to corporate renewal.
24 NOV 2021 · Businesses are under increasing pressure to ensure they have robust anti-bribery controls in place. But how can a company be sure their procedures are working or that a regulator would consider them adequate to prevent corruption? While most authorities have published guidance on their anti-bribery legislation, it remains for companies and their advisers to judge what is considered adequate. To assist with this judgement, GoodCorporation has developed an adequate procedures benchmark which ranks companies according to the percentage of anti-corruption controls judged to be effective during our assessments.
In this podcast, Leo Martin explains why the benchmark was developed, how companies use it, and how it can help strengthen anti-corruption programmes.
GoodCorporations podcasts offer an insightful and in - depth view on a range of business ethics issues.
Author | Sally Mcgeachie |
Organization | Sally Mcgeachie |
Categories | Business |
Website | | |
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