20 NOV 2024 · Astrologer Dawn, born in England and now living in the USA was fortunate to grow up in a family who understood the metaphysical world. From a young age, Dawn was exposed to a wide variety of experiences and lifestyles that allowed her to observe people and tap into her natural intuition.
Dawn studied Astrology with Julian Lee, Eugene Moore and many others. She was trained in Natal and Relocation Astrology, Advanced Tarot as well as an understanding of the basics of the Venus Sequence, Human Design and Numerology. Dawn is a past President of the American Tarot Association.
Astrologer Dawn believes that when you follow who you are at your core, which can be seen in your Astrological and Human Design Charts, you can customize a life experience that works for you!
A customized lifestyle includes monetizing your passions, talents, skills, experience, knowledge, wisdom and education to bring joy and fulfillment. A life in flow consists of success financially, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically.
Age 36 she created Astrologer Dawn and EvolvingU and embarked on the entrepreneurial journey of a Metaphysical Practitioner/Business Coach! Dawn’s sessions include a blend of the alternative, traditional, metaphysical and practical to assist, validate and empower the client’s journey.
Astrologer Dawn continues with her commitment to share her wisdom, intuition, knowledge, tools and resources, both alternative and traditional to empower you to evolve and become more aware of your choices in both your personal and professional life.
If you want to know more about who you are and where you are going check out the Initial Consultation information with Astrologer Dawn or contact her at 520-419-5419 or  mailto:dawn@astrologerdawn.com