Space Patrol is a science fiction-adventure series that first appeared as a TV series from 1950 to 1955 on ABC Television. The radio version was produced almost simultaneous with the...
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Space Patrol is a science fiction-adventure series that first appeared as a TV series from 1950 to 1955 on ABC Television. The radio version was produced almost simultaneous with the TV version.
The radio series also ran from 1950 to 1955. The actors, writers, and director of the TV show were also the ones who worked in the radio adaptation. The series' main character was Buzz Corry, the Commander-in-Chief of the United Planets Space Patrol, who fights interplanetary monsters along with his partner Cadet Happy Osborn. Those characters were portrayed by Ed Kemmer and Lyn Osborn, respectively.
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The radio series also ran from 1950 to 1955. The actors, writers, and director of the TV show were also the ones who worked in the radio adaptation. The series' main character was Buzz Corry, the Commander-in-Chief of the United Planets Space Patrol, who fights interplanetary monsters along with his partner Cadet Happy Osborn. Those characters were portrayed by Ed Kemmer and Lyn Osborn, respectively.
Space Patrol
Space Patrol
21 MAR 2019 · Space Patrol - Episode 127 - The Monster from the Past
21 MAR 2019 · Space Patrol - Episode 126 - Voyage to the Future
21 MAR 2019 · Space Patrol - Episode 120 - The Crown of Dargeeda
21 MAR 2019 · Space Patrol - Episode 128 - The Weed of Despair
21 MAR 2019 · Space Patrol - Episode 129 - The Fugitive from Telarma
21 MAR 2019 · Space Patrol - Episode 125 - The Time Pirates
21 MAR 2019 · Space Patrol - Episode 123 - The Conquest of Dargeeda
21 MAR 2019 · Space Patrol - Episode 119 - Prison Planet
21 MAR 2019 · Space Patrol - Episode 122 - The Planet of Discord
21 MAR 2019 · Space Patrol - Episode 121 - The Shadow of Shardu
Space Patrol is a science fiction-adventure series that first appeared as a TV series from 1950 to 1955 on ABC Television. The radio version was produced almost simultaneous with the...
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Space Patrol is a science fiction-adventure series that first appeared as a TV series from 1950 to 1955 on ABC Television. The radio version was produced almost simultaneous with the TV version.
The radio series also ran from 1950 to 1955. The actors, writers, and director of the TV show were also the ones who worked in the radio adaptation. The series' main character was Buzz Corry, the Commander-in-Chief of the United Planets Space Patrol, who fights interplanetary monsters along with his partner Cadet Happy Osborn. Those characters were portrayed by Ed Kemmer and Lyn Osborn, respectively.
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The radio series also ran from 1950 to 1955. The actors, writers, and director of the TV show were also the ones who worked in the radio adaptation. The series' main character was Buzz Corry, the Commander-in-Chief of the United Planets Space Patrol, who fights interplanetary monsters along with his partner Cadet Happy Osborn. Those characters were portrayed by Ed Kemmer and Lyn Osborn, respectively.
Author | The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network |
Organization | The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network |
Categories | Leisure |
Website | - |
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