Ray Lucia’s intelligent input and charismatic nature add to his ability to make the fiscal world of financial, tax, and retirement planning not only easy for the average investor to...
show moreRay is largely recognized for his nationally syndicated radio show, The Ray Lucia Show, aired daily from noon until 2:00 p.m. eastern time. On his show, Ray and his guests field questions from live callers with real money issues. Ray has also been featured nationally on television shows and networks such as NBC’s The Today Show, FOX News Channel, FOX Business, CNBC, and Bloomberg TV.
Ray Lucia’s intelligent input and charismatic nature add to his ability to make the fiscal world of financial, tax, and retirement planning not only easy for the average investor to...
show moreRay is largely recognized for his nationally syndicated radio show, The Ray Lucia Show, aired daily from noon until 2:00 p.m. eastern time. On his show, Ray and his guests field questions from live callers with real money issues. Ray has also been featured nationally on television shows and networks such as NBC’s The Today Show, FOX News Channel, FOX Business, CNBC, and Bloomberg TV.
Author | KCAA Radio |
Organization | KCAA Radio |
Categories | Business |
Website | - |
- |
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