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Praise Almighty God

  • Only God Has the Way of Life

    16 APR 2020 · I The way of life isn't something anyone possesses; it's not something anyone can get easily. For life comes only from God, only God Himself has the substance of life, only God has the way of life. So only God is the source of life, and the ever-flowing wellspring of living water of life. From the creation of the world, God has done a lot of work that involves the vitality of life, that brings life to man; He has paid a great price for man to gain life. For God Himself is eternal life; He is the way by which man gets resurrection. II God has never been absent from the heart of man, He always lives among man. He is the driving force of their living, and the foundation of their existence; He is a rich deposit for man to live on. He causes man to be reborn, and makes them live strongly in their different roles. Only God Himself has the substance of life, only God has the way of life. So only God is the source of life, and the ever-flowing wellspring of living water of life. Because of His power and His unfailing life force, man has lived generation after generation. The power of God's life persistently supports man; God has paid a price that no ordinary man has ever paid. III God's life force prevails over all power; and it exceeds all power. His life is eternal, His power is extraordinary. No created being or enemy can overwhelm His life force, which exists and shines brilliant radiance at any time or any place, at any time or any place. Only God Himself has the substance of life, only God has the way of life. So only God is the source of life, and the ever-flowing wellspring of living water of life. Heaven, earth may change hugely, God's life never will. All things are gone, but God's life still remains, for God is the source and the root of the existence of all things, for God Himself is eternal life. IV Man's life originates from God, heaven exists because of God, and the earth exists because of the power of God's life. No object possessed of vitality can transcend the sovereignty of God, and nothing with vigor can break away from the ambit of God's authority. Only God Himself has the substance of life, only God has the way of life. So only God is the source of life, and the ever-flowing wellspring of living water of life. In this way, no matter who they are, all mankind must submit, must submit under the dominion of God, live under His command. No one can escape, no one can escape, escape from His control. from "Only Christ of the Last Days Can Give Man the Way of Eternal Life" in The Word Appears in the Flesh
    9m 23s
  • Only God Incarnate Can Completely Save Man

    15 APR 2020 · I God comes to save mankind not through Spirit or as Spirit, whom none can see or touch, who can't be approached by man. If God saved man as Spirit and not a man of creation, none could get His salvation. Yes, no one could be saved. God becomes a created man, in the flesh He puts His word. So He can impart His word into all who follow Him. So man can hear and see and receive His word. Through this man can be truly saved from his sin. II If God was not incarnate, no man of flesh could be saved, and no one could receive God's great salvation. If God's Spirit worked among man, they would all be smitten, or taken captive by Satan, for they cannot touch God's Spirit. God becomes a created man, in the flesh He puts His word. So He can impart His word into all who follow Him. So man can hear and see and receive His word. Through this man can be truly saved from his sin. III Man receives salvation not from prayers to heaven, but from God's incarnation, for they are all of flesh. They can't see or approach the Spirit of God. Only God incarnate is the One who they can associate with. Through Him, they understand all truth and get full salvation. God becomes a created man, in the flesh He puts His word. So He can impart His word into all who follow Him. So man can hear and see and receive His word. Through this man can be truly saved from his sin, truly saved from his sin. from "The Mystery of the Incarnation (4)" in The Word Appears in the Flesh
    3m 46s
  • O God, You Know I'm Missing You

    13 APR 2020 · I My heart's deeply attached to You. But I feel unworthy of Your love. Too humble to be in the presence of You, how worried and uneasy I am! I can only make up my mind; offer my whole being to You. I will suffer for You, suffer all hardships, till the last breath of my life. God! You know that I am waiting, waiting for You to come back. God, please don't forget about me. I can't live without You! II I know I don't deserve to see You, but I'll never lose my hope. I am full of faith. I never lose my faith, loving You in my heart. I will do anything for You. I won't care too much for my life. I have strong faith; I believe You'll come back. I believe You will come back. Dear God! Please wait for me, wait for me to give You my love. I believe that You are loving me. I can't live without You! III Though I have weakness in flesh. Pains and sorrows always with me. God, please trust me, please put trust in me that I've never forgotten about You. I hate my flesh so much. I loathe Satan even more. How I wish I could get free from sin! How I wish to be free from sin! If I can't satisfy Your will, I won't have peace after death. Only when I see, when I see Your smile, will I feel a bit comforted. IV I am with determination, and I am with strong will. I won't be passive; I am loving You, loving You with my true heart. Ignoring those many hardships, thinking no more of blocks ahead, I will keep going, I will try my best, try my best to satisfy You. When can I live out Your image, pure and lively, a whole new one? Holy spiritual body giving to You, I will never ever leave You! Holy spiritual body giving to You, I will never ever leave You!
    7m 5s
  • Christ's Work and Expression Determine His Substance

    9 APR 2020 · I Christ's substance is determined by His work and expressions. With a heart that is true, He completes what's entrusted, worships God in heaven and seeks His Father's will. This is all determined by His substance, and so too are His natural revelations. So called because His expressions aren't imitations, or from years of man's cultivation or education. They are not learned or self-adorned, but inherent. Ah … They are not learned or self-adorned, but inherent. Ah … II Man may deny His work, His expressions and humanity, they may even deny His life of normal humanity, but not His true heart when worshiping God in heaven. No one can deny that He's here to fulfill the will of the heavenly Father. And no one can deny the sincerity with which He seeks God the Father. His image may not be pleasing to the senses, His discourse may not possess an air of sensation, His work may not be as earth-or heaven-shattering, as what is believed in man's imagination. But He's indeed Christ, who fulfills His Father's will, with a true heart, and total submission and deathly obedience. Ah … It's because His substance is that of the Christ. A truth that's hard to believe but is indeed in existence. A truth that's hard, hard to believe but is indeed in existence. A truth that's hard, it's hard to believe but is indeed in existence. Ah … from "The Substance of Christ Is Obedience to the Will of the Heavenly Father" in The Word Appears in the Flesh
    6m 7s
  • Corrupt Mankind Needs the Salvation of God Incarnate

    8 APR 2020 · I God became flesh 'cause the object of His work is not the spirit of Satan, nor anything not, not of flesh, but man. Man's flesh was corrupted by Satan and so became the object of God's work. The place of God's salvation is man, is man. Man is a mortal being, only flesh and blood, and God alone can save him. God must take on man's flesh, and all that man is, in order to do His work, to achieve the best result. God must take on flesh, because man is flesh, who cannot overcome sin. God must take on flesh, because man is flesh, who cannot free himself from the bondage of the flesh. II Satan has corrupted the flesh of man, who is deeply harmed and who's blinded. And the reason God comes, the reason He comes in flesh is because man is the object of His salvation, and Satan disturbs God's work by using the flesh, the flesh of man, of man. God battles Satan by conquering man, yet saves man at the same time. In this way God Himself must become incarnate, in order to do His work, in order to do His work. Satan has corrupted flesh, it's indwelt man's flesh and God has to defeat him. To battle with Satan and save man, God must come to earth and become flesh. It's a real work. III When God works in flesh He's really fighting Satan. His work in the realm of the spirit becomes practical, it's real on earth, in man. The one that God conquers is disobedient man, while in mankind Satan's defeated, and ultimately the one who is saved is man, is man. It was necessary for God to become a man and take on a creature's shell, to do battle with Satan and conquer mankind, rebellious in his creature's shell. It was necessary for God to become a man and take on a creature's shell, to save mankind who wears the same outer shell, but who has been harmed by Satan, who has been harmed by Satan. Man is God's enemy, God must conquer him. Man is God's object of salvation; God must take on flesh, and become a man. In this way His work is made easier. God can defeat Satan, God can conquer mankind, God can save mankind. from "Corrupt Mankind Is More in Need of the Salvation of God Become Flesh" in The Word Appears in the Flesh
    5m 34s
  • God Has Wrought New Work Throughout the Universe

    7 APR 2020 · Verse 1 God will fill the empyrean realm with many signs of His work, so that under His supreme power falls everything on this earth. His plan to unify all the world will be achieved, and no longer in the world will people roam, but soon they'll find the right place to go. Chorus As above so below, God has wrought His new work; all the people are dazed, shocked by His sudden appearance. As above so below, their horizons growing, wide like never before. This is surely what today is like. Verse 2 God thinks of man in every way, so all people will come to live soon in a land of peace and happiness, where they no longer will feel gloom, His plan will be fulfilled upon the earth. It's there that man exists, and God will build His nation across the world, for there, in part, His glory is revealed. Chorus As above so below, God has wrought His new work; all the people are dazed, shocked by His sudden appearance. As above so below, their horizons growing, wide like never before. This is surely what today is like. Bridge He'll set heavenly cities to rights, He'll make everything new everywhere, and unite all above and below, all things on earth and heaven. This is His (this is God's ultimate plan to accomplish in the final age). Let no one interfere with this part of His work! Verse 3 God will cause man in the universe to submit before His throne. He will judge and classify, sort them into families of their own. This way all will cease disobeying Him, and then they'll be perfectly arranged in His order, where none will move randomly. Chorus As above so below, God has wrought His new work; all the people are dazed, shocked by His sudden appearance. As above so below, their horizons growing, wide like never before. This is surely what today is like. from The Word Appears in the Flesh
    4m 35s
  • Through Thick and Thin, Faithful Till Death

    1 APR 2020 · I From heaven to the earth, hiding in the flesh. Working among men, through winds and rains. Taking a rough path, open a new age. To redeem mankind, lay down Your life and shed blood. Wind and rain, so many years. Forsaken by every man. Humble and hidden, enduring all along. Humble and hidden, enduring all along. II Sacrifice for Your will; this is my wish. Though flesh’s in trials, stronger is my will. Love You more intensely; bitterness most sweet. Eyes blurred by tears, but my life is so bright. Broken and smashed time after time, care about Your will even more. Faithful till death, through thick and thin. Faithful till death, thick and thin. III Going through pains, tasting hardships. Chastened and disciplined, reviving from death. Under Your care again, adore You all the more. Thinking of the past, great regrets in my heart. Broken and smashed time after time, care about Your will even more. Faithful till death, through thick and thin. Faithful till death, thick and thin. IV Heavy burden on, hesitate no more. Small stature as mine; thanks to Your love, my journey till today, experienced Your great love. Bitter and sweet, happiness with sorrows. Broken and smashed time after time, care about Your will even more. Faithful till death, through thick and thin. Faithful till death, thick and thin. V Bestow Your mercy, pity my weakness. Unleash Your anger, curse my disobedience. Abundantly merciful, profoundly wrathful. Seen Your majesty, experienced Your wisdom. Broken and smashed time after time, care about Your will even more. Faithful till death, through thick and thin. Faithful till death, thick and thin. VI Live in Your love, offer myself up. Painful refining, all You predestined. To be perfected, fulfill Your commission, and satisfy Your heart; it’s the life of mine. Sweets and bitters, I’ve tasted much. Hardships fill in my life. Suffering or bitterness, I won’t complain. I won’t complain till my life’s end. from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs
    7m 36s
  • God's Righteous Judgment Approaches the Whole Universe

    29 MAR 2020 · Verse 1 To the universe comes righteous judgment. All men grow faint-hearted and fearful, because the world in which all mankind dwell is a world where righteousness is unknown. Verse 2 And when the Sun of righteousness appears, the East will be lit up, then the whole universe. If man can carry out God's righteousness, then there would be nothing to fear at all. Chorus The time has finally arrived. God's work He will start to perform, He will reign as King among men. God is on the point of return, and He is about to depart. For this all have hoped and they wished. God will let all see His day's arrival, let them welcome this day with bliss. Verse 3 God's people long for the coming of His day. They wait for God to bring retribution, yeah, and to set the destination of man in His role as the Sun of righteousness. Verse 4 God's kingdom is now coming into shape above the universe, His throne holds sway among the hearts of trillions of people. With angels' help, God's great work will soon be attained. Chorus The time has finally arrived. God's work He will start to perform, He will reign as King among men. God is on the point of return, and He is about to depart. For this all have hoped and they wished. God will let all see His day's arrival, let them welcome this day with bliss. Verse 5 All of God's sons and God's people await, longing for Him to reunite with them. With bated breath they wait for His return, never to be separated again. Verse 6 How could the innumerous populace of God's kingdom not race towards each other in celebration because He is with them? Could this gathering come at no cost, at no cost? Chorus The time has finally arrived. God's work He will start to perform, He will reign as King among men. God is on the point of return, and He is about to depart. For this all have hoped and they wished. God will let all see His day's arrival, let them welcome this day with bliss. Bridge God is noble in all the eyes of men. He is proclaimed in the words of them all. When God finally makes His return, enemy forces He'll conquer in full. Chorus The time has finally arrived. God's work He will start to perform, He will reign as King among men. God is on the point of return, He is about to depart. For this all have hoped and they wished. God will let all see His day's arrival, let them welcome this day with bliss, let them welcome this day, this day with bliss. from The Word Appears in the Flesh
    6m 1s
  • God Has Appeared in the East of the World With Glory

    21 MAR 2020 · I God is doing work throughout the universe. Thunderous noises in the East do not relent, shaking all denominations and all sects. It's God's voice that brought all to the present. It's His voice that will have all conquered. They fall in this stream, and submit to Him. God has long ago reclaimed glory from the earth, and from the East He has reissued it. Who doesn't long to see the glory of God? Who doesn't await His return with eagerness? Who doesn't thirst for Him to reappear? Who doesn't miss His loveliness? Who would not come toward the light? Who wouldn't see the wealth of Canaan? Who doesn't long for the Redeemer's return? Who doesn't admire the One with omnipotence? II God's voice must spread through all the land. To His chosen people, He has more words to speak. Like a mighty thunder shaking mountains and rivers, He speaks to all the universe and all mankind. Hence God's words become man's treasure. His words are dearly loved by all. Lightning flashes straight from East to West. God's words make people loathe to give them up. God's words are unfathomable yet bring joy. All men rejoice and celebrate God coming, just like a newborn baby. God's voice attracts people before Him. God formally enters among men henceforth. All men come to worship Him because of this. Due to the glory and the words that God gives forth, all come before God and see lightning from the East. III God has come down on the "Mount of Olives" in the East. He's long been on this earth, no more Son of Jews. He's Lightning of the East, for God has resurrected. He left men and now reappears, full of His glory. God is He who was worshiped before the ages, the baby forsaken by the Israelites from that phase. He's the all-glorious Almighty God of the present age! All He wants to achieve is nothing but this: People all come before the throne of God, to see His face and deeds, to hear His voice. It's the end and the climax of His plan, and the purpose of the management of God. So all nations worship and acknowledge Him. All people trust and are subject unto Him! from "The Seven Thunders Peal —Prophesying That the Gospel of the Kingdom Shall Spread Throughout the Universe" in The Word Appears in the Flesh
  • God's Tabernacle Has Come Unto the World

    19 MAR 2020 · Verse 1 When God returns, nations will have been divided along the boundaries that are set by His burning flames. He'll appear as the scorching sun, as the Holy One, He'll walk in nations like Jehovah did in Jewish tribes. He will lead man in their lives with a pillar of clouds. They'll see His glory, for God appears in holy lands. They'll see God's righteous day, see His glorious appearance when God reigns on earth and brings His sons into glory, into glory. Chorus Man will bow down, God's tabernacle set among them, erected on the rock of work He's doing today. God will smash the altar of filth, build one anew. Man will serve Him in the temple, lambs, calves piled on the altar. You will see the day when God receives great glory, when He tears down the temple and builds a new one. You will see His tabernacle coming to earth. It'll be the same as when you see Him descending. Verse 2 God'll gather the nations anew after crushing them, He'll build His temple and set up His altar, so all may offer sacrifices and serve Him, devote themselves to His work in the Gentile's nations. They will all be like present day Israelites, who are all dressed up in their priestly robes and crowns, and who all have the glory of God in their midst. His majesty hovers over, abiding with them, abiding with them. Chorus Man will bow down, God's tabernacle set among them, erected on the rock of work He's doing today. God will smash the altar of filth, build one anew. Man will serve Him in the temple, lambs, calves piled on the altar. You will see the day when God receives great glory, when He tears down the temple and builds a new one. You will see His tabernacle coming to earth. It'll be the same as when you see Him descending. Bridge God will work similarly in Gentile nations as He has done in the land of Israel. For He will expand His work in Israel and spread it to the nations of the Gentiles. Chorus Man will bow down, God's tabernacle set among them, erected on the rock of work He's doing today. God will smash the altar of filth, build one anew. Man will serve Him in the temple, lambs, calves piled on the altar. You will see the day when God receives great glory, when He tears down the temple and builds a new one. You will see His tabernacle coming to earth. It'll be the same as when you see Him descending. You'll see Him descending. (When you see Him descending, when you see Him descending.) You'll see Him descending. from The Word Appears in the Flesh
    5m 14s

We praise God in the hymn, singing loud and clear to shake heaven and earth and resound throughout the cosmos. We preach the words of God, and our aim is...

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We praise God in the hymn, singing loud and clear to shake heaven and earth and resound throughout the cosmos. We preach the words of God, and our aim is to allow the world’s people to know and worship God, to receive the provision, watering, and shepherding of God’s words, to understand God’s will, to establish the right values and outlook on human life, to follow the way of God, to glory God as light and salt, to live out a life of meaning hymn, singing loud and clear to shake heaven and earth and resound throughout the cosmos.
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