1 MAY 2024 · This is episode two continuing the conversation about the https://hns.mit.edu/, a 7-year multidisciplinary, multi-site participatory action research (PAR) project focused on neighborhood change, climate-related exposures, community resilience, and health equity in 9 low-income, racially/ethnically diverse communities in metropolitan Boston. In this episode our guests share their experiences as researchers, friends, and community members, the concept of “naming the player, naming the game”, including how they work to understand the influence of investors and their accountability on neighborhood development projects.
Irodina Abreu, New Bedford Resident Researcher, Healthy Neighborhoods Study
https://www.linkedin.com/in/vedette/, Public Health Research Consultant , Co-PI, Healthy Neighborhoods Study
https://www.regsolutions.org/about, Founder/ Principal, https://www.regsolutions.org/ , Mattapan Resident Researcher Coordinator, Healthy Neighborhoods Study
https://impactengines.northeastern.edu/ia/c2c/team/patrice-williams/, Assistant Research Professor of Participatory Action Research, Provost Impact Fellow, School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs, Northeastern University Host:
https://sph.tulane.edu/sbps/caryn-bell-phd, Associate Director, P4HE Collaborative, Assistant Professor, Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine