The Ledge, n: slang for the legislature. Mostly used by members of the legislative press gallery. On the Ledge posts weekly when the Ontario Legislature is sitting. But there have...
show moreOn the Ledge posts weekly when the Ontario Legislature is sitting. But there have been times when we've had to "recall" the Ledge for an emergency session to address pressing matters of Ontario politics when Queen's Park isn't sitting!
Our OTL team includes the 25th Premier of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne, former Ontario Progressive Conservative Leader, (and Wynne's erstwhile parliamentary sparring partner), Tim Hudak, John Wright, our veteran pollster and co-founding host, Keith Leslie, veteran Queen's Park broadcast journalist, and Dave Trafford, Chief Executive Producer at Story Studio Network.

The Ledge, n: slang for the legislature. Mostly used by members of the legislative press gallery. On the Ledge posts weekly when the Ontario Legislature is sitting. But there have...
show moreOn the Ledge posts weekly when the Ontario Legislature is sitting. But there have been times when we've had to "recall" the Ledge for an emergency session to address pressing matters of Ontario politics when Queen's Park isn't sitting!
Our OTL team includes the 25th Premier of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne, former Ontario Progressive Conservative Leader, (and Wynne's erstwhile parliamentary sparring partner), Tim Hudak, John Wright, our veteran pollster and co-founding host, Keith Leslie, veteran Queen's Park broadcast journalist, and Dave Trafford, Chief Executive Producer at Story Studio Network.
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Organization | Story Studio Network |
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