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Moving To Oneness

  • Ep. 118 ~ Guest Andrea Woolf - The Power of Self-Advocacy in Adversity

    26 MAY 2024 · Andrea Woolf emphasizes the importance of self-confidence and self-belief as crucial factors for women's empowerment. These qualities are seen as foundational for women to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Timestamped Outline  ( Empowering Women for Success and Transformation  ( Ripple Effect of Local Girl Education  ( Embracing Opportunities: Conquering Self-Doubt for Success  ( Navigating Cancer Treatment with Family Support  ( The Power of Self-Advocacy in Adversity  ( Empowering Through Supportive Community Networks  ( Igniting Dream Lives Through Personal Storytelling  ( Igniting Dream Lives Through Shared Wisdom  Find out more about Andrea on her website: Information about her workshops you find through these links: or Watch the video of Episode 118 with Andrea Woolf on our YouTube channel Moving To Oneness: ~ * ~     ~ * ~    ~ *  ~    ~ *  ~ You are invited to bring your wisdom and powerful energy over to our Fb group where you can share it with us and others. Feel welcomed and comforted in our community. You can request a topic of your choice to be spoken about or a song to be sung for you on a future podcast. Just let us know. :)  Email me: Follow the show on YouTube: In Love and Light,  Your host,  Meilin 
    1h 3m 52s
  • Ep. 117 ~ Meilin Ehlke - Global Celebration of Motherhood Across Cultures

    12 MAY 2024 · Community support and unity among mothers are essential in nurturing the next generation. In this episode where we discuss the power of mom tribes and how they shape our children's future. (00:01:24) Global Celebration of Motherhood Across Cultures (00:09:05) Maternal Activism: Nurturing Peace Across Generations (00:15:34) Unity and Nurturing in Maternal Communities (00:18:40) Sacred Song This is the link to the song of Yael Deckelbaum "Prayer of the Mothers" ~ * ~     ~ * ~    ~ *  ~    ~ *  ~ You are invited to bring your wisdom and powerful energy over to our Fb group where you can share it with us and others. Feel welcomed and comforted in our community. You can request a topic of your choice to be spoken about or a song to be sung for you on a future podcast. Just let us know. :)  Email me: Follow the show on YouTube: In Love and Light,  Your host,  Meilin 
    27m 23s
  • Ep. 116 ~ Guest Raja Vaidya - Raise Each Other Up

    28 APR 2024 · Raja learned the value of prioritizing connections with others for a more balanced and fulfilling life. Join us discuss the importance of relationships.  (00:00:07) Breaking Societal Norms for Personal Growth (00:02:30) Value of Connections in Overcoming Adversity (00:12:35) Empowering Growth Through Martial Arts Training (00:23:25) Transformative Growth through Personal Challenges (00:28:53) "Embracing 'Getting to' Over 'Having to'" (00:38:09) Belief Transformation for Achieving the Impossible (00:45:41) Unboxing Fears for Personal Growth and Success (00:48:20) Embracing Limitless Potential Through Mindset Shifts Connect with Raja Vaidya:  On LinkedIn:  On Facebook:  Read his book: Black Belt Mindshift  Watch out for his next book: Unbox Me Today ~ * ~     ~ * ~    ~ *  ~    ~ *  ~ You are invited to bring your wisdom and powerful energy over to our Fb group where you can share it with us and others. Feel welcomed and comforted in our community. You can request a topic of your choice to be spoken about or a song to be sung for you on a future podcast. Just let us know. :)  Email me: Follow the show on YouTube: In Love and Light,  Your host,  Meilin 
    52m 27s
  • Ep. 115 ~ Meilin Ehlke - Accelerated Cosmic Spectacle

    14 APR 2024 · Meilin Ehlke, a key voice in this discussion, suggests that these changes are indicative of a grand shift in the cosmos, urging us to adapt and align ourselves with these transformative energies. Enjoy... Show Notes (00:01:24) Cosmic Energies Accelerating Nature's Growth Patterns (00:06:15) Earth's Response: Accelerated Growth and Energy Shifts (00:13:05) Embracing Harmony and Courage through Self-Discovery (00:16:08) Supporting Sacred Sounds ~ * ~     ~ * ~    ~ *  ~    ~ *  ~ You are invited to bring your wisdom and powerful energy over to our Fb group where you can share it with us and others. Feel welcomed and comforted in our community. You can request a topic of your choice to be spoken about or a song to be sung for you on a future podcast. Just let us know. :)  Email me: Follow the show on YouTube: In Love and Light,  Your host,  Meilin 
    20m 39s
  • Ep. 114 ~ Guest Jennifer Regular - Living in truth is protection

    11 MAR 2024 · Embracing differences and living in truth are essential for personal growth, self-actualization, and fulfillment, as exemplified by Jennifer's journey of self-awareness and transformation. She found strength and resilience in staying true to her authentic self and purpose, and learned the importance of soul care and spiritual wellness.  (00:11:01) Navigating Life Through Embracing Authenticity (00:13:01) Embracing Divine Spirit for Truth and Resilience (00:16:57) Transforming Your Life Through Self-Empowerment Journey (00:25:27) Transmitting Universal Love for Global Unity (00:29:55) Fostering Small Group Interactions for Community (00:39:11) Soulful Transformation through Divine Connection and Purpose (00:51:52) Liberating Mindfulness Through Dance and Music (00:54:30) Dance and Nature Meditation for Inner Peace Learn on his website more about Jennifer Regular and how you can connect with her: Watch the video of Episode 114 with Jennifer Regular on our YouTube channel Moving To Oneness: ~ * ~     ~ * ~    ~ *  ~    ~ *  ~ You are invited to bring your wisdom and powerful energy over to our Fb group where you can share it with us and others. Feel welcomed and comforted in our community. You can request a topic of your choice to be spoken about or a song to be sung for you on a future podcast. Just let us know. :)  Email me: Follow the show on YouTube: In Love and Light,  Your host,  Meilin 
    1h 1m 13s
  • Ep. 113 ~ Meilin Ehlke - Harmonizing Hearts: A Triad of Celebrations

    25 FEB 2024 · Rhythms of remembrance: love, healing, and reflection on this unique Wednesday  2. 14. 2024. A quick outline: (00:11:30) Expressing Love Through Meaningful Gestures on Valentine's Day (00:22:12) Vibrant Samba Music and Colorful Festivities (00:24:47) Celebrating Unity Through Cultural Festivities and Traditions (00:28:06) Celebrating Unity Through Creative Practices ~ * ~     ~ * ~    ~ *  ~    ~ *  ~ You are invited to bring your wisdom and powerful energy over to our Fb group where you can share it with us and others. Feel welcomed and comforted in our community. You can request a topic of your choice to be spoken about or a song to be sung for you on a future podcast. Just let us know. :)  Email me: Follow the show on YouTube: In Love and Light,  Your host,  Meilin 
    21m 49s
  • Ep. 112 ~ Guest Julian Rosser - Essence of Oneness

    4 FEB 2024 · The evolution of the human race is a fascinating journey currently underway. As our culture awakens, our collective consciousness is being raised, leading to a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness with all beings. This realization extends beyond our immediate circle of family and friends, encompassing people we may never meet and those with different views and from different parts of the world. The essence of oneness is the recognition that we are all part of one family, regardless of our differences.Timestamped Outline (00:14:14) City of Cultural Fusion and Unity (00:16:35) The Profound Experience of Cosmic Oneness (00:19:56) The Multifaceted Perception of the Elephant (00:22:58) Paths to Oneness: Perspectives of a Mountain (00:29:10) Embracing Unity: Breaking Barriers and Fear (00:31:21) The Cosmic Awakening of Human Consciousness (00:34:27) The Profound Impact of the Cosmos (00:57:24) Embracing Oneness Through Julian Rosser's Wisdom Learn on his website more about Julian Rosser and how you can connect with him:  Watch the video of Episode 112 with Julian Rosser on our YouTube channel Moving To Oneness: ~ * ~     ~ * ~    ~ *  ~    ~ *  ~ You are invited to bring your wisdom and powerful energy over to our Fb group where you can share it with us and others. Feel welcomed and comforted in our community. You can request a topic of your choice to be spoken about or a song to be sung for you on a future podcast. Just let us know. :)  Email me: Follow the show on YouTube: In Love and Light,  Your host,  Meilin 
    1h 3m 25s
  • Ep. 111 ~ Meilin Ehlke - Unleashing Unique Talents through Collaborative Creativity

    30 JAN 2024 · Meilin shares a heartwarming anecdote about the power of kind words.  Discover how positivity and kindness can make a significant difference in our lives and the lives of others. Spread the love and create beauty, together! Nature too, has a way of bringing different elements together to create something truly magical.  Meilin shares her awe-inspiring experience in the forest, where she discovered leaves rimmed in white crystals, creating a fairyland-like atmosphere.   Sponsor of this episode is Magic Mind Inc. Learn more about their Productivity Shot: Detailed Outline 00:01:26 - NatureNature is a captivating and awe-inspiring topic. In a podcast episode, Meilin shares her deep love for nature and recounts a mesmerizing experience in the forest. As she drove up the hill, she noticed two buzzards gracefully soaring in the sky. This led her to a parking spot where she embarked on a walk. In a micro area of the woods, she discovered a breathtaking sight - leaves rimmed in white crystals, creating a fairyland-like atmosphere. This juxtaposition of different elements showcased the beauty that can be created when different things come together. Meilin's experience highlights the importance of appreciating and connecting with nature, as it can bring us a sense of wonder, support, and inspiration.00:10:06 - CreativityCreativity is essential for unlocking our unique talents and making meaningful contributions to the world. In 2024, Meilin Ehlke suggests that we should explore our creative selves and discover new dimensions of expression. By embracing our differences and collaborating with others, we can tap into our strengths and become even more creative. This creativity can take various forms, such as painting, writing, science, cooking, or any other passion we pursue. Ehlke also emphasizes the importance of creating a harmonious environment, both within ourselves and in our physical surroundings, to nurture our creative endeavors. Ultimately, by embracing our own unique abilities and collaborating with others, we can bring forth a new wave of creativity in the world.00:13:37 - EnergyEnergy is crucial for our productivity and well-being. Meilin introduces Magic Mind, a liquid shot with twelve ingredients, including matcha, vitamin C, lion's main mushroom, and turmeric. This unique blend boosts energy, focus, mental clarity, and helps overcome procrastination. Magic Mind is a convenient solution when you need a quick energy boost. Meilin also highlights the importance of connecting with nature for energy and support. In summary, Magic Mind enhances energy and focus while promoting a deeper connection with the natural world.00:19:19 - PositivityPositivity is the theme of this episode, as Meilin, the host of the Moving to Oneness podcast, shares a heartwarming anecdote about the power of kind words. She emphasizes the importance of saying nice words to others and ourselves, highlighting the positive impact it can have on someone's day. Meilin encourages listeners to be the best version of themselves and bring their purpose to life, shedding their light on the world. She believes that by recognizing and supporting each other, we can create beauty together and build a sense of community. Ultimately, Meilin's message revolves around the idea that positivity and kindness can make a significant difference in our lives and the lives of others. ~ * ~     ~ * ~    ~ *  ~    ~ *  ~ You are invited to bring your wisdom and powerful energy over to our Fb group where you can share it with us and others. Feel welcomed and comforted in our community. You can request a topic of your choice to be spoken about or a song to be sung for you on a future podcast. Just let us know. :)  Email me: Follow the show on YouTube: In Love and Light,  Your host,  Meilin 
    20m 54s
  • Ep. 110 ~ Guest Sabina ÄŒanić - The Power of Art as a Tool of Empowerment

    14 JAN 2024 · Healing through art is a transformative process that allows individuals to find solace and connection through creative expression. Discover how artists Meilin and Sabina embarked on journeys of self-discovery and embraced new materials and techniques to heal and transform. Join the discussion on the power of art to communicate our inner selves and create a positive impact on our lives and the world. Timestamped Outline: (00:09:17) Embracing Inner Strength: Empowering Women (00:13:39) Transmuting Ancestral Fear Through Art (00:17:11) Embracing the Flow of Creative Energy (00:28:53) The Transformative Power of Nature in Art (00:31:12) The Transformative Fusion of Natural Materials (00:49:15) Embracing the Creative Journey: Letting Go Guests Bio: Sabina Čanić is a talented artist hailing from Dubrovnik, Croatia, with a passion for empowerment and personal growth through art, particularly from women artists' perspectives. Her artwork is known for its expressive and feminine qualities, capturing the multifaceted nature of both women and men. Using natural materials, Sabina's art possesses an intense quality that captivates viewers, allowing them to deeply connect with their own emotions. With a desire to communicate profound messages through her art, Sabina has exhibited her work and been invited to participate in various exhibitions. She aspires to use her artistic platform to raise awareness and support those in need, making a positive impact on others through her creative endeavors. Her  see her art via Linktree: Watch the episode: ~ * ~     ~ * ~    ~ *  ~    ~ *  ~ You are invited to bring your wisdom and powerful energy over to our Fb group where you can share it with us and others. Feel welcomed and comforted in our community. You can request a topic of your choice to be spoken about or a song to be sung for you on a future podcast. Just let us know. :) Email me: Follow the show on:  YouTube: Love and Light,  Your host, Meilin 
    55m 22s
  • Ep. 109 ~ Meilin Ehlke - Embracing Vibrancy

    13 DEC 2023 · Meilin  explores the cosmic energies and DNA connection. Discover the presence of crystalline structures within our DNA and how they're being activated in this new era. (00:00:07) Embracing Differences and Creating Positive Change(00:04:13) The Interplay of Cosmic Energies and DNA(00:30:03) Preserving Vital Ecosystems: The Mango Groves(00:37:22) Embracing Brilliance and Creating Transformation Magic Mind - The World's Productivity Shot sponsored this show. I want to thank James Beshara. You can find more info about the organic drink here: As promised during this episode I want to share with you the title  of the documentary film Blue Carbon by the  Grammy-nominated DJ and biologist Jayda G. as I was speaking about the mangrove forests. English poem by Jane Taylor 1806: The lyrics were first published with the French tune "Ah! vous dirai-je, maman" 1838. Twinkle, twinkle, little star,  How I wonder what you are.  Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.  Twinkle, twinkle, little star,  How I wonder what you are.  When the blazing sun is gone,  When he nothing shines upon,  Then you show your little light,  Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.  Twinkle, twinkle, little star,  How I wonder what you are.  Then the trav'ller in the dark,  Thanks you for your tiny spark,  He could not see which way to go,  If you did not twinkle so. Twinkle, twinkle, little star,  How I wonder what you are.  In the dark blue sky you keep,  And often thro' my curtains peep,  For you never shut your eye,  Till the sun is in the sky.  Twinkle, twinkle, little star,  How I wonder what you are. 'Tis your bright and tiny spark, Lights the trav'ller in the dark: Tho' I know not what you are, Twinkle, twinkle, little star. ~ * ~     ~ * ~    ~ *  ~    ~ *  ~ You are invited to bring your wisdom and powerful energy over to our Fb group where you can share it with us and others. Feel welcomed and comforted in our community. You can request a topic of your choice to be spoken about or a song to be sung for you on a future podcast. Just let us know. :) Email me: Follow the show on:  YouTube: Love and Light,  Your host, Meilin 
    39m 12s

Moving to Oneness is nourishing curiosity, embracing differences and being One. Let yourself be surprised every Sunday with what arises for you, when Meilin Ehlke brings you inspiration, wisdom, transformation,...

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Moving to Oneness is nourishing curiosity, embracing differences and being One.
Let yourself be surprised every Sunday with what arises for you, when Meilin Ehlke brings you inspiration, wisdom, transformation, exploratory thinking and motivation through this podcast. She is having conversations, with you, and her guests, contributing to the quality of life for humans, animals and our planet as we move to live our Oneness.
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