Sunday Services, movie gatherings, concerts, spontaneous expressions of Joy, and all other types of glorious gatherings from the rest of the Living Church Ministries community!

Living Church Ministries Utah Podcast
Living Church Ministries Utah Podcast
David Hoffmeister ACIM TeacherEpisodes & Posts
26 NOV 2017 · https://mwge.org
This movie gathering starts off with Emily singing "Amazing Grace". Jason begins his pre-movie talk at 2 minutes and 50 seconds, and finishes at 15 minutes and 18 seconds into the recording. At this point, we recommend you watch "Ender's Game" and then resume the audio to listen to the commentary from during and after the movie.
Below is the Holy Spirit write-up included in our online Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment. For more enlightening movie reviews, videos, audios, and much more, subscribe at https://mwge.org.
Ender's Game
“Love thy enemy.” The enemy is the unknown; one who is perceived to have a different purpose and therefore cannot be trusted. To know the enemy is to bring them close and to understand their motives. The only true motive can be a call for love or an extension of love. There is nothing else. In the realization of a shared purpose, oneness (love) is recognized. Ender is one of a group of youths chosen to form a defensive army to protect Earth from an alien invasion.
Ender recognizes a killer instinct (the ego) within himself and his brother. In his sister, he sees the reflection of compassion and kindness (the Spirit). The ego’s world is a battlefield in which killer instinct is valued and used to destroy, and compassion is seen as weakness. Regardless of the external situation, Ender has no choice but to play his part in the plan and to go forward in certainty and strength without holding back. When given the opportunity to lead, Ender guides his team using collaboration, inner listening, and faith.
The Spirit has always been communicating with the mind. When the realization of innocence dawns, there is nothing to go back for. The protection of the symbol of innocence, the Christ child, becomes the only mission.
Recorded at La Casa de Milagros, Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico on the 25th of November, 2017.
For more enlightening movie reviews, videos, audios, and much more, subscribe at
18 SEP 2017 · Frances Xu gives a beautiful and very intimate talk on what is true devotion. This talk is guaranteed to softly take you deeper and leave you feeling uplifted and grateful for the pointer no matter where you find yourself on a spiritual path.
8 AUG 2014 · In this talk with Messenger of Peace, Suzanne Sullivan, we cover topics of people pleasing, community living, cluelessness, and worthiness. Suzanne's deep love and sincere desire to be Helpful shines through in this talk. She has such a genuine gratitude and respect for everyone who has had the courage to turn in the direction of the Spirit. Rest deeply while you listen to her voice and let it soothe and wash your mind. Enjoy!
26 JUL 2014 · Jesus says in A Course in Miracles that all the roadways of this world lead to death. He is offering his students a way beyond the roadways of the world if they are willing to go beyond a purely intellectual understanding of the Course and into a deep commitment to its practical application. The roadways to awakening are highly individualized. Saying yes to the Holy Spirit's plan for your awakening is the first step in experiencing the consistent peace and joy promised in the Course.
This audio is from a recent sharing by Suzanne at an ACIM group in Heber, Utah on July 24th, 2014.
1 JUL 2014 · David and Jason share 4 mini movies at Studio B in Hollywood, California. This recording includes an introduction and welcome, a setup, and profound discussions in between and after the mini movies.
29 JUN 2014 · Enjoy this Sunday Service with Salita & Cody as they share their experiences and miracles from the heart. With musical support from Erik.
Recorded June 29th, 2014 at the Living Miracles Metaphysical Center in Kamas, Utah.
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27 MAY 2014 · A meditative Satsang-like Sunday Service with Jenny: The world seems to be a place of a nearly infinite number of forms, all of which were made-up out of guilt as a defense against the Truth. The escape from suffering comes with the realization that, as A Course in Miracles clearly teaches, guilt is never justified in any form. It seems that guilt arises from behavior, but in truth, it arises solely from a hierarchy of thoughts, which come from the belief that we can judge what things mean and what they are for. Yet when we are willing to accept that we do NOT know what anything means or what anything is for, we are free of judgment and therefore of guilt as well. The mind that is free of guilt is truly Free.
Recorded at a Sunday Service on May 25th, 2014 at the Living Miracles Metaphysical Center in Kamas, Utah.
Piano meditation music by Jessica Rarey.
11 MAY 2014 · The Holy Spirit is our Eternal Friend who will continually remind us of our guiltlessness if we simply call on Him for Help.
This Sunday Service begins with some beautiful guitar playing by Joe, followed by Jenny and Erik sharing about how to remember our Divine Innocence. Erik sings "You've Got a Friend" on his guitar, as well as two original songs, "Let Life Unfold", and "Heaven is Perfect". The service ended in a deep, reverent stillness.
Recorded Sunday, May 11th, 2014 at the Living Miracles Metaphysical Center in Kamas, Utah.
6 MAY 2014 · The Quantum Love Tour visits Stuart Florida. David shares a historical context of his "special function" in this seeming lifetime and answers questions about the world being an outward picture of an inward condition. Then he carries everyone beyond inner and outside.
5 MAY 2014 · Jason, Jenny, and Helena share deep insights at this recent gathering in Tampa, Florida!
Sunday Services, movie gatherings, concerts, spontaneous expressions of Joy, and all other types of glorious gatherings from the rest of the Living Church Ministries community!
Author | David Hoffmeister ACIM Teacher |
Organization | David Hoffmeister ACIM Teacher |
Categories | Christianity |
Website | - |
info@livingchurchministries.org |
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