Lee Chambers Live is your weekly dive into the entrepreneur journey, hosted by award-winning British psychologist Lee Chambers. This is the live show that introduces guests who will be featuring...
show moreEach episode features a guest who gives you insight on their entrepreneurial and leadership journey, sharing both the comedy moments and the important learnings.
As with any live show, expect those raw funny moments, unfiltered honesty and refreshing edge, this isn't polished corporate fluff, this is real people being transparent bringing their advice and entertainment to empower your career and business journey.
Lee Chambers Live is your weekly dive into the entrepreneur journey, hosted by award-winning British psychologist Lee Chambers. This is the live show that introduces guests who will be featuring...
show moreEach episode features a guest who gives you insight on their entrepreneurial and leadership journey, sharing both the comedy moments and the important learnings.
As with any live show, expect those raw funny moments, unfiltered honesty and refreshing edge, this isn't polished corporate fluff, this is real people being transparent bringing their advice and entertainment to empower your career and business journey.
Author | Lee Chambers |
Organization | Lee Chambers |
Categories | Entrepreneurship |
Website | | |
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