23 APR 2019 · How many local artists can we fit into one podcast? How about 7!!! A few episodes ago I did the "8 Guests, 1 Podcast episode listen here https://ihr.fm/2IQgXLq ) and it was big for me. I wanted to take that premise and focus on local artists. So here we are, 7 artists in 1 podcast. Each convo with each artist is totally different.
(Each artist will have the time that their segment starts next to them)
1 :00. Zak G- we talk about his growth in the past year, and his brand new video and song El Dorado.
2. 16:44 Eddie Cito- We've had him on before and he was inspiring. We talk about his growth since we last spoke, but we also get real deep on the acceptance we turn to social media for. We also talk about football (Go Steelers)
3. 49:40 Lock7 Mac the MC, Slickfashonz, and 485Draskii- This convo is all about Syracuse, and how artists and alike can help elevate Syracuse's reputation, and relevance within NY state, and regionally.
4. 84:25 Sakhari- Another guest we've had on before, but this time we had him by himself instead with other artists. Bridging the gap between pop and hip hop Sakhari has a large social media following and we speak about his career growth in getting a new manager, and preparing to move to LA.