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Healing From Within

  • Twin Connections Twin Loss Fate and Free Will

    28 JUN 2021 · Twin Connections Twin Loss Fate and Free Will Welcome to Healing From Within with host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love which shares stories of spiritual awakening spiritual communication healing energies miracles and ways to discover and use intuition for creating healthier happier more productive life experiences and today Sheryl welcomes Linda “Moonrabbit” Zlotnick author of Star Sisters: An Astrologers Memoir of Twin Loss which shares a story of a difficult beginning in childhood, trauma, loss and a love for the connection to Universal truths that helped her find a way to joy and peace beyond all the challenges.Linda as the grandmother of twin granddaughters I am acutely aware of the special connection my granddaughters girls have and have observed the many unique differences of their souls as well as the challenges after their birth and feel blessed to have been part of their special dance together and with my family in life.As listeners of “Healing From Within” are so well aware each show features guests who have explored the realms of metaphysical life moving beyond convention thinking of the ego motivated view of the physical world to know in feeling and by engaging with mind body and soul, the eternal soul nature of life as it begins to know itself and the Divine dimensions of life beyond here in a more loving comprehensive and complete way. In other words as spiritual beings having a physical life many of us often awaken through a trauma loss accident or hardship the true nature of being and greater love for ourselves and others.In today’s episode of Healing from Within Linda Zlotnick shares her journey growing up in Minneapolis with her twin sister Lou Ann and their special spiritual twin “ESP” gift. Their relationship like that of most twins involved sibling rivalry covert competition and unconditional love. When Lou Ann was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer at age fifty six, life changed drastically. We will discover how Linda’s work as an astrologer helped her come to terms with the loss of her beloved twin sister and appreciate that it was the destiny of her sister’s soul and helped her and others to appreciate life in all its multi-dimensional aspects leading us to trust the plan and time of passing.Linda tells us that Lou Ann and she were just about to turn eleven when her view of the world changed in two major ways. At the end of fourth grade they learned Lou Ann and Linda shared a special gift called ESP and over the summer, Linda discovered more about her deep connection to the stars and her interest in astrology began. Knowing and sensing things were part of their sensitive soul nature and they were both gifted although very different in so many ways. Lou Ann was more adventuresome even rambunctious at times while Linda Lea was more reflective and cautious. Linda Lea was always sad at being separated from Lou Ann in school even though my mother said we would make new friends and now we would be separate again either by camp, school marriage, or death.Lou Ann was interested in getting married and escaping living at home and during her second semester met Joe 3 years older and studying to be a math professor. Linda knew she wanted much more than being someone’s wife. Linda decided to live on her own and get an apartment on campus..Linda knew life at home would be intolerable for her with Lou Ann gone. Lou Ann’s marriage was short lived. Just after college they both came out as lesbian and went on to work in healing professions Lou Ann as a social worker and psychoanalyst Linda as a professional astrologerSheryl asks if there was something in their home life or family dynamics which may have lead both girls to healing work and or their sexual orientation?And Sheryl goes on to say,“It’s like healers and mediums are born, but not all things are genetic or predestined. For example some sexual preferences may be determined by what a child int...
    32m 28s
  • We are Immortal

    21 JUN 2021 · Welcome to “Healing From Within” with your host Sheryl Glick, author of The Living Spirit, which shares stories of spiritual awakening, spiritual communication, healing energies, miracles and ways to begin to know intuition and inner guidance for producing a healthier, more prosperous and joyful life experience. Today Sheryl welcomes Tito Abao, author of The Monograph of the Parallel Life of Tito Abao and Niro, a survivor of a near death experience in 2007.As long time listeners of the show are well aware, Sheryl and her guests share intimate insights into the metaphysical aspects of life, both spiritually and physically in order to learn more about the human condition, the Universe, lifetimes of eternal travel to places beyond time and space and dimensions of life that are infinite. Our goal is to develop the tools awareness and higher consciousness to help us evolve and transform ourselves and the world moving towards greater compassion and love for life.In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Tito Abao will share the thoughts he has gathered as the result of eleven years of intense regression work leading us to discover the infinite nature of our inner soul being which transcends the physical life.Jumping ahead to his adult life we find that in the early 60’s Tito became an initiate in a Christian Yoga Church under one of the first American realized beings, Sri Subramuniya. After several years in the Order he went on to become an architectural draftsman until resuming his quest for spiritual liberation after a near death experience in 2007. Tito completed the majority of his metaphysical training at the Monroe Institute, a school dedicated to heightened conscious learning located in Faber Virginia. The author’s lifelong interactions with the paranormal as well as out of body and recurring past life dreams and memories have fueled his desire to produce a book that recounts his spiritual journey. He is hoping to encourage others to explore their own intuitions and metaphysical experiences.Tito tells us how the spiritual world, ancient, new age and the actual truth have always been at odds because religion the codified set in stone realm of belief systems of dogma dominated the landscape for most of the recorded history of the planet.Tito Abao describes The New Age movement as a western development beginning in the second half of the 20th century. Modern psychological sciences pioneered by Freud and Jung attempted to get at the 'truth' about the human psychology. The old religions simply failed and only survived in the past by state sanctioned murder and mayhem not by common sense. Modern western Newtonian principles which demanded proof about one's postulates concerning Life, God and how the Universe works stopped the murderous tendency of the Christian religions in the West dead in their tracks.The New Age movement opened the door to Eastern religions and metaphysical concepts which seemed to point to some very sound ways to view reality. The New Age contemplated the idea of Spirituality. Spirituality being an inherent ability of beings to sense a higher power at work without fixed rules or dogmatic statements of fact which had no proof that could stand up to the scientific method and therefore could not be in fact a fact. Dogma is only a belief and has the same weight as any other belief. It simply boiled down to what any individual human decided he/she wanted to believe. Now, in the new age everyone had the right to believe what they chose without pain of death ordered by The Vatican or any other religious authority which had the backing of the State.Once this door was opened to ordinary men and women to be able to safely think and experience for themselves. The phenomena of the Realized Being began to appear on the scene. A Realized Being is one who has transcended the mind. One who has achieved union with God or Source. David Hawkins in the '70's calculated that this happens spontaneously 1 in 10,000,000 births.
    31m 22s
  • The Mindful Art of Rock Balancing

    14 JUN 2021 · Welcome to Healing From Within with host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love which shares stories of spiritual awakening spiritual communication healing energies miracles and ways to discover and use intuition for creating healthier happier more productive life experiences and today welcomes Travis Ruskus author of The Rock Balancers Guide which demonstrates a new form of mindfulness through art nature and creation to create a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.As listeners of “Healing From Within” have come to expect over the years Sheryl and her guests explore the metaphysical concepts of life suggesting we are spiritual beings of energy having a physical life and therefore the world we create with our thoughts and actions can be balanced refined and help humanity evolve through all challenges for a more cooperative way of helping ourselves and communities to live with love and compassion.In today’s episode of Healing From Within Travis Ruskus who is a professional rock balancer artist and meditation instructor who lives in San Francisco will show us how through the techniques of rock-balancing skills, breathing properly, at each moment, facing fears, and going beyond previous limits you can develop pristine ways of living in balance.Travis when asked to think back to an earlier time in life his childhood and perhaps remember a person place or event that may have shown him or others the life path he would follow and the adult lifestyle he might embrace remembers when he was in kindergarten at about five years of age and made a picture of a bright sun set. The teacher took the picture away and he felt like he had lost a part of himself. Later he discovered his teacher had put the picture in a district art show and he won the blue ribbon award. So from being unable to let go of his work he learned that from something unpleasant at the moment something grand can happen.Travis tells us how he discovered rock balancing and how this art form opened him up to the many paths to enlightenment, peace contentment and self-realization. Rock balancing is an art form in which stones are balanced naturally on top of each other to create beautiful formations without the aid of any artificial props, adhesives or supports. It is also a metaphor for life and the circle of creation –of beginnings and endings. As with any new skill the deeper you go, the more you will discover Travis’ intention with his book is to give you the technical knowledge that will allow you to balance rocks, along with the wisdom that goes with this practice.The art of rock balancing has been around for thousands of years and this guide is part of a reawakening of a lost ancient wisdom. Through rock balancing you can learn how to let go of your creations freeing yourself into the next moment and you will be easier to let go of other things in life.My rock balancing experience began in Boulder Colorado in 2013. I was standing in a river thinking how a recent chain of events had left me feeling almost completely numb inside. I didn’t know how to continue. I would never end my own life, but I didn’t know how to move forward. It was difficult just to breathe.Life as I knew it had collapsed. I’d quit my career in the culinary industry having invested thousands of dollars in going to school to become a chef. Had moved from Portland Oregon and at the same time broken up with my girlfriend—my first time true love. I had no money and most of my friends had forgotten about me. It was the lowest point of my life. There in the water under the surface where rocks! These stones were completely still against the chaos of the rushing water. My vulnerability in the moment led me to see a wall of ancient faces looking back at me. I had no power to judge the stones. All I could do was see the rocks for what they truly were. I picked up one rock and saw sparkles of gold, silver and deep purple in it….
    29m 16s
  • Making a Difference as an Immigrant in America

    7 JUN 2021 · Welcome to “Healing From Within.” with your host Sheryl Glick, author of The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love who is delighted to welcome Arun K. Singh M.D. author of Your Heart My Hands a story of an immigrant's remarkable journey to find the American dream and become one of America’s preeminent cardiac surgeons.Sheryl is delighted today to share the perspective of Dr. Singh who came to America in the 60’s as a young physician from India to be able to find a way to support himself and his family in India and eventually choosing America as his home and all the lives that were helped as a result of his choices to succeed and persevere often against challenging odds and also due to his desire to be part of American life.As listeners of the show are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate insights into the nature of our human and spiritual essence and our hopes for uniting this dual nature to find health truth prosperity and happiness. By knowing more about who we are, where we have originated from in a metaphysical sense we learn how to manifest a healthy self-investigative process, master our emotions and live in harmony and balance with nature man and the universe.In today’s show Dr. Arun Singh will share his journey from rural India arriving with five dollars in his pocket sharing proof that hard work persistence and grit can overcome the most discouraging obstacles and will also share his views on life and the health care system that deserve our attentionWhen asked to think back to his childhood in India to remember a person place or event that might have been a signal to them or others of the interests and lifestyle they would pursue as an adult for it seems our story is written in our soul energy and often signs show us the path we are meant to follow. Arun immediately mentions his very devoted and strong willed mother who helped him with health challenges and injuries to his hands when he was young. Arun grew up in Deoghar a city in northeastern India and in 1944 when he was born it was a nation poised for partition into two states—today’s Indian and Pakistan. It was a violent time, a time of upheaval when society was divided not only between Hindus and Muslims. There were those who had adopted British western democratic ways and on the other side nationalists fighting for independence, self-rule and a return to India's original culture and languages. Arun embodied the tumult of the times and on two separate occasions both his hands were crippled and he had to have painful treatments to regain the use of his hands. Had he been in America he would have been labeled a juvenile delinquent who ran with a bad crowd and got into trouble skipping school and defying authority.Then there was Arun’s learning disability although it wasn’t recognized much at that time..Suffering from dyslexia I couldn’t read or write well and I had to find other ways to grasp information. Arun discusses dyslexia and the challenges he faced in dealing with this learning disability while intellectually quite gifted he did have to find alternative ways around these issues dealing with processing information and his delivery of information. Many people afflicted with dyslexia have difficulty spelling and enunciating words. Sometimes words come out garbled. The problem is not in intelligence: it’s essentially a congenital malfunction in the brain. The cause of dyslexia is a glitch within the language system. Most humans can instinctively and effortlessly articulate the building blocks of words called phonemes. But for those with dyslexia the phonemes are less sharply defined so they are not able to properly construct and articulate words..(example confusing the word cat with scat.) When giving a speech Arun didn’t take the chance on reading it he memorized it. Arun used a system of code words and acronyms to remember strings of facts or terminology. (Example: Veins arteries and nerves go in that order..
    30m 50s
  • Spiritual Living for Healing Joy Prosperity

    31 MAY 2021 · In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” your host Sheryl Glick author of Life Is No Coincidence: The Life and Afterlife Connection and The Living Spirit which share stories of spiritual communication healing energies miracles and ways to reconnect to your intuition and soul guidance system for living a healthier happier life welcomes e Jeff Cox editor of Paul’ Brunton’s work in a new book Instructions for Spiritual Living.As listeners of “Healing From Within” have come to expect Sheryl and her guests share amazing intimate stories and insights into the metaphysical world of energy and eternal life forces which help us know more about our human and energetic influences so we may experience the best of both worlds. As spiritual beings having a physical life there are infinite possibilities for self-discovery and investigation and the mastering of our human emotions for an improved human condition.In today’s episode of Healing From Within we will discover how Jeff Cox was guided while in College to the teachings of Paul Brunton and in the early 70’s moved to an area around Ithaca New York where he and other students studied with Anthony Damiani a close student of Brunton’s We will discuss Brunton’s widely esteemed integrated spiritual teachings and meditation systems into a practical approach for contemporary life.Jeff shares how when he thinks back to his childhood and and his Catholic upbringing he remembers when he was around eight years old he had painful stomach aches and remembers asking God to heal him and it ultimately worked. Sheryl shares with Jeff as a sensitive empathic intuitive child aware of a higher force of being or God she also had many stomach aches but didn’t know to ask for a healing. Quite funny how she eventually became a Reiki hands on spiritual healer and now knows to ask for God’s help all the time.Jeff goes on to tell us about Paul Brunton and why he was so highly regarded. Paul Brunton or “PB” as he preferred to be called, was a gentle man from whom an aura of peace and kindness emanated. His deep understanding of the spiritual life was forged in the crucible of experience and his spiritual depth shines through his writing. PB provides instruction to guide one’s development in three fundamental areas: in a full course of the stages of meditation to deepen one’s inner life: in the process of self-examination that roots obstacles out of one’s character: and in the unfolding of full awakening that includes wisdom in action. As he makes clear, the living expression of realization is a life of service to the inner well spring of wisdom as well as to others.What distinguishes this book from others on the spiritual path may be in describing perhaps the adventure of meditation. PB writes, “ It has been customary for learned professors of the metaphysics of psychology to teach that consciousness always implies a relation to an object because it is always directed toward something. While this is true, it is true only at the level of ordinary experience. It is no longer true on the level of the highest type of mystical experience. Here consciousness can exist without any relation at all for it can be directed toward its own self. The world of ordinary experience is not the last possible one. There is a deeper and diviner world, or as in Wordsworth’s good phrase, an unknown mode of being, open to our adventuring. We have not yet attained true self-consciousness: we live too completely on the lower level of our existence for that. It is indeed time we take full possession of ourselves. For the experience of thousands of people throughout history situated in every station of life has confirmed the reality and attainability of the transcendental state. However, it is relatively on a few sensitive persons who have heard these mystical overtones of human existence. Yet we should not regard the mystic as a highly specialized type of human being. He or she is like ourselves but has had the vision and patience to f...
    28m 3s
  • Use Your Subconscious Mind for Creating Your Best Life

    24 MAY 2021 · Welcome to “Healing From Within” with your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love a story of spiritual communication, healing energies, miracles, and ways to know you intuition for creating a healthier happier life experience and today am delighted to have Kimberly Friedmutter author of Subconscious Power help us explore life’s hurdles and achieve our dreams and goals.As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate stories of the metaphysical or multidimensional aspects of both soul and physical life in pursuit a greater understanding of our capacity through mind body spirit functions to create our best version of Self health happiness prosperity and improve the quality of life.In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Kimberly Friedmutter will share with listeners how living up to your dreams isn’t reserved for the exceptionally talented or lucky..It is our birthright to find happiness and through her rigorous training beginning with an international modeling career at age 14 to marrying a world renowned architect and designer and using her intuitive mystical gifts which she shares with people showing them how to tap into the source “within” them, helps foster creativity and courage to achieve positive lasting change and to live joyfully.When Kimberly is asked to think back to her childhood and remember a person place or event that might have signaled to them or others the life path she might choose and the work or interests she might value as an adult she immediately remembers a woman who was not a regular participant in her childhood but who appeared one day and Kimberly was aware of a gentle delightful perfume and a woman who was quite beautifully dressed wearing tasteful make-up and who smiled with confidence and happiness and Kimberly knew in a flash that she wanted to be like this woman.She goes on to tell of her early teenage years writing, “This all may seem glamorous—at fourteen, I was working abroad and had been signed with several world-class modeling agencies—but even then, I knew something was missing. Flash-forward a decade or so. I landed in Los Angeles and continued modeling for a bit, then got involved in acting. I continued to hone my curiosity about human behavior, listening to those around me, taking in information about how the world works and how people got what they wanted. This passion for people developed into a career as a radio talk show host for one of the largest stations in the LA area. On the surface, my life was on a roll. But as we know, all that glitters is not gold. Despite my very real outward success, I was still conflicted. Through hypnosis, I was able to confront my actions, dissect my own behavior patterns and relationship dynamics, and learn to love through my softness, not my efficiency and need to control. I had to let go of my inner “General” so I could welcome the real me. “By assessing herself honestly—warts and all—and taking the necessary next steps, Kimberly got to her dreams and made them her reality, and so can you. Kimberly created a path for herself that has now evolved into the Six Principles of this book: I acknowledged how I had created the situations in my life.I reconnected with my subconscious.I learned tools that allowed me to bring my subconscious and my conscious mind into alignment.I cleared my path of false beliefs and bad habits.I learned how to ask for what I want.I created the energy to go for it. Kimberly tells us something about the work and experiences that have enhanced her spiritual intuitive work and teachers or mentors who might be important to her.She mentions Dr. Milton Erickson was one of the first clinicians to have extensively researched hypnotherapy and documented the resulting positive effects. Working during the 1950s and ’60s, Erickson used an approach that emphasized the individual nature of any type...
    28m 3s
  • Immortal Principles of Mind Body Wisdom

    17 MAY 2021 · Welcome to Healing From Within.” with host Sheryl Glick author or The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love which shares stories of spiritual awakening spiritual communication healing energies miracles and ways to discover and utilize your intuition for improving the quality of life and today welcome Eric Ehrke author of The Promise of Wholeness who is trained in Western and Eastern applied philosophy and integrative healing strategies that may lead to lasting peace and wholeness when integrated into your everyday life experience.As listeners of “Healing From Within” have come to expect my guests and I share intimate insights into the metaphysical spiritual and physical aspects of our human and energetic qualities so we may begin to know who we are and how life serves us while we gather experiences and new perceptions creating and manifesting the best version of ourselves both in a spiritual and physical sense. We are indeed complicated beings and people who discover their inner soul essence and wisdom often have a more creative positive and joyful life journey.In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we will discuss a new foundation for profound living based on classical teachings and enriched by modern scientific psychological breakthroughs. We will discover the principles and values it takes to be happy and whole and find critical exercises for infantile childish and adolescent stress responses as we move towards lasting peace and well being.When Eric is asked to think back to his childhood and remember a person place or event that may have shown him or others the adult they would become and the work and interests they would embrace as an adult he immediately remembers being bullied as a youngster and having a stutter as boys seems to have this issue more than girls. He remembers wanting to be a priest and like most sensitive and emphatic children they feel the energetic pull of the Universe and the sense there is much more to know than we are being told by societal structures parents teachers as we are on a self-investigative journey and living and feeling is the best way to remember our soul essence and true reality.Sheryl shares that her mother told her she might be a “rabbison” some day or the wife of a Rabbi for she had that sense of wholeness or oneness with a bigger plan or universal source. Well as a priest or religious figure heals through love so do all people in the healing professions who ultimately wish to help others release fear misconceptions and find a road to freedom of the soul or peace and well being.As a psychiatric social worker, clinical psychotherapist and transformational teacher for more than 40 years, Eric has witnessed both love and human angst on a daily basis. As a practitioner of family systems theory, I educate families, couples and bonded groups about intimacy and how to reach their full potential as a unified entity. And I teach people about unconscious empathy and how poor energetic boundaries affect their moods.Discussions about life’s purpose always fascinated him but mostly, Marc watched people enduring love and true happiness prove to be elusive quarries and he noted when something worked or missed the mark. Resolving life’s paradoxes and the mysteries confronting people in their day to day lives became his profession but what philosophy, literature, and psychology teach us about love, happiness and suffering became his true passion. This book is a culmination of my discoveries, working observations, and practical suggested gleaned through my life time of wonder and because the resiliency of the human spirit inspired me, he studied under many traditional and transformational spiritual teachers.The book is called The Promise of Wholeness: Cultivating Inner Peace, Mindfulness and Love in a Divided World. The promise of wholeness provides the ancient philosophical foundation and effective strategies to develop inner peace, mindfulness and loving relationships.
    30m 23s
  • Cancer Conquered Health Restored

    10 MAY 2021 · Welcome to “Healing From Within” with host Sheryl Glick, author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love, a story of spiritual awakening, spiritual communication and transformation and ways to use your intuition for living your best life. Today we welcome James Templeton, author of I Used to Have Cancer a story of not giving up, especially when all avenues of conventional medicine fail, and finding the way back to health becomes a personal journey of courage and destiny.As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware my guests and I share intimate stories that have guided us to understand life and death in its many layers of reality as we explore metaphysical aspects of energy and as a result find new ways to combine our spiritual and physical lives for greater happiness prosperity and health. We are indeed complicated humans.In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” we will learn how James who was especially mindful and active in pursuing a healthy life routine as a result of his father and grandfather who had died of heart attacks at an early age and he wished to help himself avoid that prognosis but during a routine physical found out a mole on his body turned out to be a melanoma a dangerous form of skin cancer. James followed the conventional medical protocol including surgery radiation and chemotherapy but the treatments weren’t working. We will discover how a miraculous turn of events saved his life.When asking James to think back to his childhood and remember a person, place or event that may have shown them or others the interests, work or lifestyle that would be important to him as an adult we learn that James had more loss in his young life than many people. He writes, “My mother died before I was two, so I really don’t remember her. I never had a chance to get to know my grandfather either. He died at the ripe old age of thirty-six, many years before I was born. I was told he died because he had a bad heart. My younger stepbrother died at the age of eight, never really getting to enjoy life. But when my father—Daddy—died unexpectedly of a heart attack when he was only forty-six, it affected me deeply, unlike anything that had affected me before. I became enraged that life had dealt me yet another blow. I’m deeply grateful for my sister Judy, who is two and a half years older and was my guardian angel. To this day there has never been an unkind word between us. Judy has been the thread that has held our family together over the years and provided me with the stability I needed.”My sister Judy and I agreed we couldn’t have asked for a better father. He never had an unkind word for anyone and he was a talented man rich in all the things that mattered, kindness, character and loyalty and a rich love of his family. A machinist can trade he could build or fix anything. He took meticulous care of all that he did and everything he owned. He took me to little league and football games, hunting and my father remarried when I was four years old and Mama as I called her was always there for us and kind hearted. They had a son Melvin who was born with physical and mental disabilities and we all cared for him round the clock. He died when he was eight years old. James was seventeen when my dad simply had a heart attack and died. In my attempt to numb the pain and sadness of still another loss I did what a lot of people do which included self-medication, plenty of partying, overindulging in food and too many beers. I went on to college as my stepmother felt my Dad would have wanted that. James began taking criminal justice courses but soon discovered that was not the path for me. He worked for a father and son who owned a gas station and soon was able to purchase it and he and his new wife Melissa soon had three gas stations. Life was good.While James knew it wasn’t possible to prevent every premature death he decided to do the one thing he could to help. He ran every chance he got—in the rain heat or ...
    31m 3s
  • A Guide for Women Athletes Seeking Wholeness

    26 APR 2021 · Welcome to “Healing From Within.” I am your host Sheryl Glick author of The Living Spirit which shares stories of spiritual awakenings communication healing energies miracles small and large, along with ways to discover and use intuition for a healthier more prosperous life journey. Sheryl is delighted to welcome Mina Samuels author of Run Like a Girl 365 Days a Year advocating an authentic life that embraces the mess, the complexity and the contradictions: a life where personal transformation comes from within.As listeners of “Healing From Within” are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate stories and insights into the possibilities for securing a healthy prosperous and adventuresome life as a result of self awareness and realizing higher consciousness as we explore the metaphysical world seeking to discover the multidimensional aspects of human and spiritual life. By knowing more about who we really are, we are able to create through thoughts actions and behaviors the best version of Self and life.In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” Mina Samuels will share with us the quickest path to authenticity, knowing who we are and then embracing our strengths while forgiving our failures. We will discover that having a friend to remind us that transformation is an ongoing process with no finish line in sight, and an unlimited potential within us that seeks to reach out into the world help us make connections that enrich our lives.When Sheryl asks Mina to think back to her childhood and remember a person place or event that may have shown them or others the adult they would grow into the or the work or lifestyle they would embrace Mina tells us of being a teenager in camp and going into a canoe by herself into the middle of the lake and while she felt some anxiety as she had never done that before she was able to have a moment of silence and connection to the bigger plan of life and Sheryl reminds her that by conquering that fear and facing the challenge she set herself on the path to do the same throughout her life…to challenge herself learn and share the many beauties of nature as well as our spiritual and physical essence.Mina goes on to tell us something about the format of her book and suggests to the reader how to get the most out of the format. This book is constructed the way our lives are built—day by day in a series of daily reflections, often unrelated, always accumulating, which slowly knit together to create each of our unique designs. You could read this book daily if you want or on days when you are moved to read it. This is a book to read when you need a boost when you need a reminder of your worth, or when you question why you run or simply why you are alive and get up each morning. If something annoys you move on. Or maybe sit with it for a moment and ask yourself why it annoys you or you might simply want to flip the pages each day and see what message may be relevant for that moment in time. Mina is like a Vetruvian woman a person of many intellectual and spiritual talents. She is a very creative person a writer playwright and performer and has past life interests. She senses in a previous incarnation she was a litigation lawyer and human rights advocate and is very involved with the issues and needs of women in these changing challenging times.She offers suggestions and practices for how to advance an understanding of one’s spiritual goals and potential. Some of the practices Mina recommend are:Engage with the worldPay attentionChallenge our bodies and minds to be stronger and happier.Access our ageless girl-spirit..Chose whatever you need to move your body and get your heart pounding.Sports Work Communities Families Friends are all stimuli for learning about yourself and the world.On January 1 the first day of every new year when people expect so much of themselves Mina suggests it is “Time to Distell” and think about what you may be aiming for, but,
    32m 10s
  • Sensory Solutions for Herbal Evolution

    19 APR 2021 · Welcome to “Healing From Within.” I am your host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Energy Teacher medium and author of The Living Spirit Answers for Healing and Infinite Love stories that shares a metaphysical approach to understanding spiritual communication, healing energies, miracles and intuition for well being progress health prosperity and happiness and is delighted to welcome Fiona Heckels the co-author with Karen Lawton of The Sensory Herbal Handbook to Connect with the Medicinal Power of Your Local PlantsAs listeners of Healing From Within are well aware Sheryl and her guests share intimate stories and insights into the world of metaphysical concepts, healing, and transcendence, so we may begin to understand our true nature as spiritual energies having a physical life experience who are learning to balance both physical and spiritual worlds. For in knowing more of who we are, we are able to transform ourselves reach a higher consciousness and explore ways for the evolution of humanity and the world.In today’s episode of “Healing From Within” both of The Seed Sistas who met on a Phytotherapy Herbalism group of study formed the social enterprise Sensory Solutions Herbal Evolution with the intention of cultivating change facilitating grassroots growing projects such as community medicine gardens. They share their love of plant medicine as they believe that through community cohesion and reconnection to the earth positive change will ensue.The Seed Sistas friendship and professional bond began when Karen and Fiona recognized the immense love of the natural world they shared when studying together for a Bachelor of Science degree in herbal medicine. Immersed in nature from childhood they both developed a deep love of this beautiful green planet. Their questioning natures and spirit led to developing their own system of medicine and resisting the status quo. They learned to trust their intuition and to go against the grain or simply question societal programming that often failed to appreciate the natural healing ways of the past or alternative medicine which is actually holistic practices from before Western allopathic medicine techniques began.Sheryl says she is much in alignment to working with nature and natural self-healing techniques since being guided to work with energy medicine or Reiki and as an empath able to often feel the emotional and physical pain or needs of people and receiving messages from Spirit through vision thoughts smells and tastes to help people validate their own life needs and journey and to help them reach for their spiritual gifts as well she knows there are so many realities and dimensions of life past the five senses.As medically trained herbalists Fiona tells us something of the force of healing that can be achieved by exploring all that the plants have to share. As a collective of eco- pro-activists with a mission to reconnect us all to the often overlooked power of plant medicine she and others are trying to do this through creating community medicine gardens inspiring others to do the same.We also know the five elements water fire air earth and spirit and the ever changing seasons interact with the human body and her book offers charts and a clear view of how we might use this information for natural healing. Herbalists approach blends science, medicine creativity, ritual, magic into practical easy to use tools that guide us to develop a relationship with plants.Sensory Herbalism is based on the western herbal medicine tradition, drawing on tools and energetic language that have traditionally been used to connect with and understand plants and people. Western Herbal Medicine is a holistic system focused on returning a person’s health back to a state of homeostasis or balance. It has become a practice informed by rigorous medical training but sometimes with little connection to the plants themselves.In Sensory Herbalism the focus is on getting to know plants intimately using our senses and intu...
    29m 39s

#healing, #holistic, #emotion, #self-investigation, #psychology, #energy, #essence, #sheryl glick, #podcast HEALING FROM WITHIN is a radio series designed to encourage self-investigation and self-mastery of emotions, thought processes of the mind...

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#healing, #holistic, #emotion, #self-investigation, #psychology, #energy, #essence, #sheryl glick, #podcast

HEALING FROM WITHIN is a radio series designed to encourage self-investigation and self-mastery of emotions, thought processes of the mind and how they inform the physical body. The show will present ways for listeners to align their inner essence with their daily physical life for the purpose of promoting positive experiences. Such results affirm the individual and are reflected in better group communication and interaction.
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