Go hard for yourself because no one else will.

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16 FEB 2021 · Let's just be honest the journey to greatness is going to take Commitment. You can't be fickle or flaky those habits never made it any where. Sacrifice is all about making the right choice no matter how difficult the decision is. None of us want to sacrifice but I bet you'er making sacrifices daily already. So you might as well make Worthy sacrifice that will change your life for good. The last one is Discipline the ability to stick with your decision and willingness to execute your goals when you don't feel like it. It time you stop playing with your life and your kids future get C.S.D.
16 JAN 2021 · This one’s on you. The government is not going to do it for you.
Your mother, friends are not going to be able to do it for you. In order to level up, or
Create legacy it going to require self discipline. You are not going to be able to go from nothing to greatness by being passive or lazy. Go Hard for yourself because no one else will.
1 DEC 2020 · Go hard for yourself, because no else will. If you don't make it happen I promise you will not happen. Get ready to go hard for yourself.
Go hard for yourself because no one else will.
Author | Youseline Speaks |
Organization | Youseline Speaks |
Categories | Philosophy |
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