![Podcast Cover](https://d3wo5wojvuv7l.cloudfront.net/t_square_limited_480/images.spreaker.com/original/3c3158a086024a6ffc6bc1435d7155b5.jpg)
A skeptical perspective on the science, technology and ethics of our food choices.
![Podcast Cover](https://d3wo5wojvuv7l.cloudfront.net/t_square_limited_480/images.spreaker.com/original/3c3158a086024a6ffc6bc1435d7155b5.jpg)
2 JUN 2019 · A primer on GMOs. I hope we can dive in on more specific aspects in the future, but this should get us all up to speed on what a GMO is and the main issues surrounding this technology.
GMO crops approved in the USA: https://gmo.geneticliteracyproject.org/FAQ/which-genetically-engineered-crops-are-approved-in-the-us
GMO organisms worldwide: http://www.isaaa.org/gmapprovaldatabase/cropslist/default.asp
Information on how the US government regulates GMOs: https://www.usda.gov/topics/biotechnology/how-federal-government-regulates-biotech-plants
This episode is produced by Marissa Alexa McCool and our audio engineer is Callie Wright.
Thank you to my patrons who have made this possible; to support the show go to patreon.com/evbasedeating .
I welcome constructive feedback. I'd love to continue this conversation via email (evbasedeating@gmail.com), Facebook (friend me, Dell Onnerth), or on the Facebook page for the show facebook.com/evbasedeating .
30 MAR 2019 · John Bartlett and I discuss artificial insemination, the science and the ethical implications. I limited this discussion specifically to cows and we *still* talked for an hour. More to come on AI in other species at a later date!
I don't have a source list for this episode, but if you have specific questions I would be happy to find them for you.
This episode is produced by Marissa Alexa McCool and our audio engineer is Callie Wright.
Thank you to my patrons who have made this possible; to support the show go to patreon.com/evbasedeating .
I welcome constructive feedback. I'd love to continue this conversation via email (evbasedeating@gmail.com), Facebook (friend me, Dell Onnerth), or on the Facebook page for the show facebook.com/evbasedeating .
3 FEB 2019 · What exactly is "raw" milk? Does it taste different? Is it healthier? Is it safe? Guest Herzey and I tackle these questions.
Sunday February 3rd I will be on Atheists Talk, a production of Minnesota Atheists. You can find it here: http://atheisttalk.libsyn.com
Important sources I used for this show data:
The FDA's Raw Milk Fact Sheet https://bit.ly/2gYZ6pQ
Raw milk laws by state https://bit.ly/2SkSMdc
Meta-analysis on the nutritional difference between raw and pasteurized milk https://bit.ly/2TsTAtX
This episode is produced by Marissa Alexa McCool and our audio engineer is Callie Wright.
Thank you to my patrons who have made this possible; to support the show go to patreon.com/evbasedeating .
I welcome constructive feedback. I'd love to continue this conversation via email (evbasedeating@gmail.com), Facebook (friend me, Dell Onnerth), or on the Facebook page for the show facebook.com/evbasedeating .
18 JAN 2019 · Just how much antibiotics are fed to farm animals in the United States? Today we tackle the myths and the realities.
Important sources I used for this show data:
2017 FDA Antibiotic Use Report - https://bit.ly/2S6SK57
Information on the USDA antibiotic residue testing program - https://bit.ly/2DlJsO5
My home-made spreadsheet to compare weight with antibiotic use - https://bit.ly/2QYciYd
This episode is produced by Marissa Alexa McCool and our audio engineer is Callie Wright.
Thank you to my patrons who have made this possible; to support the show go to patreon.com/evbasedeating .
I welcome constructive feedback. I'd love to continue this conversation via email (evbasedeating@gmail.com), Facebook (friend me, Dell Onnerth), or on the Facebook page for the show facebook.com/evbasedeating .
A skeptical perspective on the science, technology and ethics of our food choices.
Author | Ris |
Organization | Marissa McCool - Producer |
Categories | Science |
Website | www.spreaker.com |
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