Doing What Works is a nationally-syndicated radio talk show that helps you fix what you don't like about your life.

Episodes & Posts
11 FEB 2025 · Advice is easier to take when you’ve asked for that, but what about the unsolicited variety? We give it careful consideration in this edition of Doing What Works.
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https://www.amazon.com/Story-Structure-Substance-Principles-Screenwriting-ebook/dp/B0042FZVOY is a book about not only screenwriting but how to live.
https://www.amazon.com/Let-Them-Theory-Life-Changing-Millions/dp/1401971369 will show you how to stop wasting energy on things you can’t control.
4 FEB 2025 · It’s impossible to love people exactly as much as they do you, to get paid exactly as much as your time is worth, to be rewarded with cosmic goodies commensurate with your good deeds. We answer the “How lopsided is too lopsided?” question in this edition of Doing What Works.
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27 JAN 2025 · Katie sprained her ankle just before Christmas, and navigating NYC -- first on crutches, then with a knee scooter -- has been awful. And wonderful! This edition of Doing What Works is quite a ride.
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21 JAN 2025 · Reliable heat, hot water on demand, level surfaces. These are a few of my favorite things, and I no longer take them for granted. What about you? How would you like a gratitude-packed edition of Doing What Works?
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https://www.verywellmind.com/hedonic-adaptation-4156926 is a way of taking things for granted.
28 DEC 2020 · You don’t know what’s going to make you happy until you try it. The job or the relationship that looks good on paper may not feel so great at, say, ten o’clock on a Tuesday. That’s one reason to say yes to more things, so you can get a better feel for more things. Saying yes is a habit and a mindset. If you practice saying yes to smaller things with low stakes, you might find yourself more willing to take bigger risks. That’s what we hope to inspire in this edition of Doing What Works.
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Irresistible author Adam Alter [http://adamalterauthor.com/] was one of Katie’s professors at NYU Stern and “say yes” was his advice.
“I wish I might go back and do the little things you asked me to” is from a poem by Alice E. Chase [https://www.scrapbook.com/poems/doc/860.html] entitled “To My Grown-Up Son.”
Saying “yes” (and “yes, and”) is a rule of improv [https://medium.com/the-improv-blog/the-first-rule-of-improv-is-yes-and-30e5954240d6].
“If you can’t imagine any other explanation for a set of facts, it might be because you are bad at imagining things.” That’s from Dilbert creator Scott Adams [https://twitter.com/ScottAdamsSays].
“Marriage is a big bet. It’s the only bet of its kind, one in which you say, ‘This feels right; I think I’ll change everything.’” That’s from Jerry Seinfeld [https://www.today.com/popculture/seinfeld-turns-25-read-jerrys-best-real-life-lines-1D79884423].
Doing What Works is a nationally-syndicated radio talk show that helps you fix what you don't like about your life.
Author | Doing What Works |
Organization | Doing What Works |
Categories | Self-Improvement |
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