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Conservatives & Moderates

  • Get a Real College Degree

    18 JUL 2016 · If you’re thinking about enrolling in an online college, make sure that you’re doing it for the right reasons. A lot of new enrollees sign up, pay their tuition, and are disappointed that their online classes aren’t what they expected. There are definitely some good reasons for wanting to become an online student, such as the ability to balance school and family, the chance to earn a degree while continuing work, and the opportunity to enroll in an out-of-state institution. But, enrolling for the wrong reason can lead to frustration, lost tuition money, and transcripts that make transferring to another school a challenge. Here are some of the worst reasons to enroll in an online college: Bad Reason #1: You think it will be easier. If you think that earning an online degree is going to be a piece of cake, forget about it. Any legitimate, accredited program is held to strict standards regarding the content and rigor of their online courses. Many people actually find online classes more challenging because without a regular in-person class to attend it can be difficult to find the motivation to stay on track and keep up with the work. Bad Reason #2: You think it will be cheaper. Online colleges aren’t necessarily cheaper than their brick-and-mortar counterparts. While they don’t have the overhead of a physical campus, course design can be costly and finding professors that are good at teaching and technologically competent can be a challenge. It’s true that some legitimate online colleges are very affordable. However, others are twice as much as comparable brick-and-mortar schools. 100% online & small class sizes. Talk to the advising team today. When it comes to comparing colleges, judge each institution individually and keep an eye out for hidden student fees. Bad Reason #3: You think it will be faster. If a school offers you a diploma in just a few weeks, you can rest assured that you’re being offered a piece of paper from a diploma mill and not an actual college. Using a diploma mill “degree” is not only unethical, it is illegal in many states. Some legitimate online colleges will help students transfer credits or earn credit based on exam. However, accredited colleges won’t let you breeze through classes or get credit based on un-proven “life experience.” Bad Reason #4: You want to avoid interacting with people. While it’s true that online colleges have less personal interaction, you should realize that most quality colleges now require students to work with their professors and peers to some degree. In order for colleges to receive financial aid, they must offer online classes that include meaningful interaction rather than serve as online versions of mail correspondence courses. That means, you can’t expect to just turn in assignments and get a grade. Instead, plan on being active in discussion boards, chat forums, and virtual group work. Bad Reason #5: You want to avoid the general education requirements. Some online colleges are marketed towards working professionals that want to avoid taking courses like Civics, Philosophy, and Astronomy. However, in order to keep their accreditation, legitimate online colleges must require at least a minimal amount of general education courses. You may be able to get away without that Astronomy class, but plan on taking the basics like English, Math, and History. Bad Reason #6: Telemarketing. One of the worst ways decide to attend an online college is to give in to the continual calls of their telemarketing campaigns. Some of the less reputable colleges will call dozens of times to encourage new enrollees to sign up over the phone. Don’t fall for it. Make sure that you do your research and feel confident that the college you choose is right for you. Bad Reason #7: The online college promises you some sort of goodie. Free GED courses? A new laptop computer? Forget about it. Anything that a college promises you in order to get you to enroll is simply added to the price of your tuition. A school that promises tech toys should probably receive quite a bit of scrutiny before you hand over your tuition check
    10m 28s
  • Solutions

    11 JUL 2016 · RECORDED OUTSIDE ALL SUMMER !!!!!! Though some might still deny it, there is growing bipartisan belief that our nation’s level of indebtedness is unsustainable. How we reduce the debt burden is another matter; this is where political knives are sharpened. Yet there is one uncontroversial issue that could result in dramatic savings and, interestingly is almost never mentioned: fraud, fraud in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. The Social Security Administration (SSA) manages cash benefits for people with disabilities accounting for approximately $150 billion. There are two programs in this category, Disability Insurance (DI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the former for workers with disabilities including family members and the latter for individuals with disabilities who have limited income and resources. Few political issues unite Americans more than congressional term limits. A Gallup poll from 2013 found that an astounding 75 percent of Americans—including huge majorities of Republicans, Democrats and independents—support limiting the number of terms that a member of Congress can serve. When American public opinion is this lopsided on an issue, one typically sees politicians scurrying to show themselves to be on the public’s side. This is not the case with term limits.
    11m 37s
  • Topics: MLK Is A Hypocrite Walmart Closing LGBT Schools

    18 JAN 2016 · For people on the left, I will post this again. Truer words have never been spoken. I wish more people in poorer communities got that logic. I can speak on the inner-city, the ghetto. The fact that so many always ask "What can the government do for me?": makes me laugh. You have to understand no one will help accomplish goals for you, ever. The reason why people get so angry with me is because I expose how some hang on excuses to justify their pathetic existence. Blacks with low mindsets in particular don't like someone telling those outside of the race their manipulation tool. If it's exposed, they can't use it. Racism does exist, very true. But it goes both ways. That's why if one person listens to my podcast or just one person reads my words, its one person that might get something out if it. What kills these people about me is , I really came from that environment. I really lived that life( my circle knows what I mean) I have seen so much crime and death. So when these idiots attack its null and void because most of the people that attack have never been in life or death situations, weekly. I can say, first hand, the Democrats play on you because they think your dumb. The sad part is its obvious. You vote for a mayor in your city that promises lower crime and a safer environment and 5 years later things are the same means he or she needs to be replaced. Not black people, no, black people vote for whoever has a D after their name. Look at David Clarke, he doesn't even hide what he is. God blessed me with alot of things, intelligence is one of them high on that list. Why is it that a Planned Parenthood is in every low income area? Why is it that there is a liquor store every 100 yards in every ghetto? Why is it that some of the worst cities on a wide scale are Democrat led? Why is it that to get government programs it benefits you to be unmarried? Why is it that girls and boys that grow up in single family house holds don't do as well from those that have the opposite? Why is it so easy to get in the system but so hard to get out? Democrats are in business, and blacks in particular are the consumers. Start being independents and independent.
    27m 30s
  • Liberal Lunacy Equals Progressive Poverty, They are Moral Void Idiots, All of Them

    4 JAN 2016 · They believe in things that dont work. Liberal blacks and crime equal Democrat. By supporting the Iran deal you support Isis murdering children because Iran supports Isis. If you support Barrack Obama, Bernie Sanders, and Hillary Clinton you support babies being killed by partial birth abortions. If you constantly blame Republicans and elect Democrats you are getting what you deserve. If you look like a gangbanger with face tats and unkept nappy or tattered hair you are unhireable. It is not OK to be whores and have a gang of kids then expect other people to pay for it. Black people talk about Conservatism and knock us but won't talk to a true Conservative. White liberals think that the Democrat party is for blacks and any blacks that disagree are , and I've been told this "Acting against my best interest." My show is a message that needs to be shared, but I'm starting to believe that it might be a bit too much for alot of people. So I thank everyone that supports me, God bless you.
    17m 57s
  • Liberals Dont Want To Co Exist F**k Um

    14 DEC 2015 · 10 Concepts Liberals Talk About Incessantly But Don't Understand Jul. 31, 2012 "It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so." -- Ronald Reagan ”You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.” -- Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride 1) Being Open Minded: To a liberal, this has nothing at all to do with seriously considering other people's ideas. To the contrary, liberals define being "open-minded" as agreeing with them. What could be more close-minded than assuming that not only are you right, but that you don't even need to consider another viewpoint because anyone who disagrees must be evil? 2) Racism: Liberals start with the presumption that only white people who don't belong to the Democratic Party can be racist. So, for example, even if Jeremiah Wright can make it clear that he hates white people because of their skin color or if liberals take an explicitly racist political position, like suggesting that black people are too stupid and incompetent to get identification to vote, they can't be racist. White Republicans, on the other hand, are generally assumed to be racist by default, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary. 3) Fairness: In all fairness, I must admit that fairness is an arbitrary concept. So, you could make the argument that no one could get "fairness" wrong. Still, liberals do because they don't make any effort to actually "be fair." As a practical matter, liberals define "fairness" as taking as much as possible from people who they don't think are going to vote for them and giving it to people who may vote for them in return for their ill gotten largesse. Certainly conservatives, libertarians, and moderates might disagree about how much money to take from the wealthy to redistribute to the poor or how to help the disadvantaged, but the only liberal answer to the question, "How much is enough?" is "more." 4) Greed: To a liberal, believing that you pay too much in taxes or even opposing paying more in taxes is greedy. In actuality, wanting to loot as much money as possible that someone else has earned to use for your own purposes, which is what liberals do, is a much better example of greed. 5) Hate: Liberals often define simple disagreement with them on issues like gay marriage, tax rates, or abortion as hatred. No matter how well a position is explained, or the logical underpinnings behind it, it's chalked up to hate. Meanwhile, the angriest, most vicious, most hateful people in all of politics are liberals railing against what they say is "hatred." This irony is completely lost on the Left. 6) Investment: Actual investments involve putting money or resources into a project in hopes that they will appreciate in value. Liberals skip the second half of that equation. To them, an "investment" is taking someone else's tax dollars and putting it into a project that liberals approve of and whether a profit is made or lost is so irrelevant that they typically don't even bother to measure the results. 7) Charity: Contributing your own money or time to a good cause is charity. Liberals view themselves as charitable if they take someone else's tax dollars and give it away to people they hope will vote for them in return. At a minimum, they should at least credit the taxpayers who paid for the money they gave away for the charity, although it's not really charity if it's involuntary. Of course, there's nothing charitable about asking someone else to sacrifice for your gain, which could actually be better described as selfish. 8) Patriotism: Liberals love America the way a wife beater loves his spouse. That's why they're always beating up the country "for its own good." Doesn't the country understand that liberals have to hit it in the mouth because they LOVE IT SO MUCH?!?!? Of course, the conventional definition of patriotism, which is loving your country and wishing it well, isn't one that liberals can wrap their heads around. 9) Tolerance: In a free, open, and pluralistic society, there are all sorts of behaviors that we may have to tolerate, even though we don't approve of those activities. Liberals don't get this distinction. For one thing, they don't understand the difference between tolerance and acceptance. They also don't extend any of the tolerance they're agitating for to people who disagree with them. Liberals silence people who disagree with them at every opportunity which is, dare we say it, an extremely intolerant way to behave. 10) Diversity: What liberals mean by "diversity" is that they want a broad range of people from different races, colors, and creeds who have identical political views. A black or Hispanic conservative doesn't contribute to "diversity" in liberal eyes because he actually has diverse views. Incredible role models for women like Sarah Palin can't be feminists to liberals because she doesn't share the same liberal beliefs as sexist pigs like Anthony Weiner and Bill Maher. How can you have any meaningful "diversity" when everyone has to think the same way?
    12m 34s
  • Is Obama a Sleeper Cell Of Islam, Are All Liberals Dumb?

    7 DEC 2015 · Hear the full podcast: Obama is a sleeper cell for radical Islam To clarify this in great detail, I've recorded a podcast discussing the larger points of why Obama is a sleeper cell: • Destruction of the U.S. economy and deliberate causing of mass unemployment. • Destruction of the national defense and the purging of the most capable U.S. military commanders and officers. • Handing Iran the capability to develop nuclear weapons which will be used for massive destruction in the Middle East (most likely against Israel). • Attempts by the Obama administration to demonize and criminalize real Americans... the patriots who are the last line of defense against tyranny. • The ongoing gun confiscation effort by Obama and the mainstream media, all of whom wish to see guns monopolized in the hands of government (and a disarmed, obedient citizenry). • Obama's cultural destruction of America via the abandonment of morals and ethics and the forced insanity of "gender identity" such as high school boys who say they're girls and thereby are granted access to girls' locker rooms. To hear my full report, listen to this podcast
    18m 15s
  • Liberal Police Chief Flynn killed Ericka Walker&Muslims Accept Terrorism?

    7 DEC 2015 · Erika Walker was shot and killed at a house party near 35th and Auer on March 7th. 18-year-old Jovan Mull has been charged with first degree reckless homicide in connection with Walker’s death. A criminal complaint filed in the case says police were dispatched to a home in the 3200 block of N. 35th Street on the morning of March 7th. There, they determined someone had fired a gun at a closed bedroom door, and Erika Walker, who was inside the bedroom, was struck by bullets.
    18m 38s
  • Sharifia and Khan Kill Daughters for ALLAH and Liberal and Muslim Extremists are the Same

    30 NOV 2015 · Muslim father charged with murdering his three daughters in apparent honour killings has said he would do it again - even if they came back to life 100 times. Mohammad Shafia, 58, cursed his daughters Zainab, 19, Sahar, 17, and Geeti, 13, saying they were 'treacherous' as he likened them to prostitutes during a conversation that was recorded by police. Muslim and Liberal Extremists are the same, period.
    19m 31s
  • Obama Supports Isis It Is Obvious

    19 NOV 2015 · This audio covers several points that support the idea that our president is behind the rise of ISIS and the new attempt to create an Islamic Caliphate, destroying the West in the process. Some points include: – Obama has been arming Al-Qaeda in Syria and Benghazi,with Iran deal : – Obama has Muslim Brotherhood members in his administration, even one who openly supports the creation of an Islamic Caliphate : – Somehow Obama only found out about the 40,000 ISIS army crossing over into Iraq by watching TV. – CIA director John Brennan has been giving Jihad groups weapons for years, which ISIS now utilizes The Muslim Brotherhood has sworn to destroy our country from within. Obama has not only supplied our enemies with arms, he has released the worst terrorists from prison, now wants to give $500M to Al-Qaeda in Syria, has created the flood of illegals entering our country that the government acknowledges contains terrorists.
    35m 3s
  • The Curent Credit System Should be Abolished and Abortion Helped us Become a Culture of Death

    10 NOV 2015 · Abortion in the United States has claimed the lives of over 54 million babies since its legalization in 1973 – this we know. It has stolen grandchildren; future friends; future spouses; and future doctors, humanitarians, and congresswomen. It’s an American tragedy, and we are witnessing the beginning stages of its long-awaited demise. Unfortunately, in addition to stealing the lives of innocent children, abortion has caused a great deal of damage to American culture. The lack of respect for life is amazing to me. These are just a few of the excuses people have to get an abortion. This crap irritates me. 1. Children Became a Curse If there is anything that population control committees and pro-aborts have succeeded at, it is convincing most of America that children are expensive, messy, freedom-stealing dream-squashers. The pro-abortion movement has helped to create a societal shift in our view of children. It took the joy of parenting and turned it into a tedious burden. Pro-aborts and population-control cohorts convinced women that in order to have a life of any value, they must have a career. As a result, children became an afterthought to many women. For example, often, if a woman in college finds herself unexpectedly pregnant, she is convinced she has no choice but to have an abortion because she’s been told that having a baby means she is guaranteed to be unsuccessful in college or stalled in her career. In addition, it seems that more children equals less success, less money, less possessions, and less free time, making children the apparent and ironic ultimate killers of fun. How can anyone think it is ok to kill a child. 2. Increased Child Abuse Despite claims from early and current supporters of abortion that abortion availability leads to less child abuse because unwanted children are not born, the opposite has happened. Abortion has led to the devaluation of human life, especially of children, and therefore children are seen as expendable, undeserving creatures. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, sexual abuse of children rose 83% between 1986 and 1993. In addition, physical neglect of children rose 102%, and physical abuse of children rose 42%. Those numbers are staggering and, as reported by, Dr. Philip G. Ney of the Department of Psychiatry at Royal Jubilee Hospital in Canada states that abortion is clearly a contributing factor to the rise in abuse because it creates guilt, frustration, and hostility as well as diminishes the significance of the once-unthinkable act of harming the defenseless. Look at Jarred Fogel from Subway. He is a serial child rapist. 3. Increased Crime Rate Pro-abortionists have long claimed that access to abortion would lead to a decrease in crime because fewer children would be born to single mothers. But according to a 2007 study by John R. Lott, Jr. of the University of Maryland and John E. Whitley of the Institute for Defense and Analyses, there has actually been an increase in out-of-wedlock births in the U.S. since abortion became legal. In addition, there has been a decrease in the number of children given up for adoption and, therefore, an increase in the number of children being parented by single mothers. According to the study, this has lead to a 7% increase in murder rates. As reported by, 5% of white children were born out of wedlock from 1965 to 1969, compared to 16% in the 1980s. Black children born out of wedlock increased from 35% to 62% over the same time period. And, unfortunately, due to the struggles of single parenthood, studies show that children of unwed mothers are more likely to become criminals. 4. Increased Discrimination People with disabilities have been fighting for their rights for decades. They have fought for better access to public buildings, the end of discrimination in the workplace, access to an equal education, and the world’s warped perception that life with a disability is not worth living. Abortion has set the disability civil rights movement back. Even some of those who affiliate themselves with the right to life believe that abortion should be legal when the unborn child is diagnosed with a disability or genetic condition. In fact, 90% of unborn children with Down syndrome are aborted. Children are also being aborted because they have cystic fibrosis, or a cleft palate. It’s discrimination in a society that works to create more accepting, diverse communities. So why are so many of us okay with deciding that a child with a disability would be better off dead? 5. Less Respect for Women Abortion wasn’t alone on this one; birth control played a huge part as well. Women have become much more sexually aggressive, and it’s touted as a good thing. However, birth control and abortion have helped to create a culture in which women are treated as sex objects. Predators are more likely to get away with sexually abusing their young victims because they can bring them to any abortion clinic with no questions asked. Abortion has opened the door for irresponsible, abusive men to be able to mistreat women more freely. 6. Destruction of the Family With the lack of respect for women brought on by birth control and abortion comes the destruction of the family. If an unwed couple find themselves pregnant, the man, rather than taking responsibility and marrying his girlfriend, feels that he can just pay for an abortion and be done with “it,” leaving the girlfriend to feel the loss, pain, and guilt. If the woman decides to have and keep the baby, she is now left alone to raise a child and the man is free to live his life as he pleases. In addition, married couples who find themselves unexpectedly pregnant often disagree on how to handle the situation, but the men have no say. If the wife has an abortion, and the husband doesn’t want her to, or vice-versa, the marriage can be destroyed. 7. Opened the Door to Infanticide In recent news, we have witnessed how abortion has lead to the acceptance of infanticide. Though infanticide in the U.S. is nothing new, the Journal of Medical Ethics recently published an article justifying “after-birth abortion.” The article states that newborn babies and unborn babies are both morally irrelevant and only potential persons; therefore, parents should be allowed to euthanize a newborn baby if they decide they don’t want him. Authors Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva argue that after-birth abortion, or infanticide, should be legal for all of the same situations in which abortion is legal, which is for any reason at any time. Abortion has been a dark cloud over the U.S. for 39 years. In that time we have become a culture of death, a people who collectively takes pleasure in witnessing the pain of other humans on reality television, who obsesses over celebrities with drug problems, and who chooses to selfishly focus on the material objects of our world. We don’t value each other as much, we don’t value our relationships as deeply, and we have become completely desensitized and unsympathetic. Thanks to abortion and the devaluing of human life, we are able to walk past a person dying in the street without a second thought, which is the same as killing the person ourselves.
    33m 44s
Author @Bipartisan2016
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