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  • 22: Managing Menopause with Dr. Linda Dear

    27 MAR 2024 · Menopause is a significant life transition that 50% of the population goes through, but often is not talked about enough, especially in the workplace. Aside from physical symptoms, menopause can also have a big impact on your mental health. In this episode, we’ll be learning what is menopause and how to manage it both in your personal and work lives. Dr Linda Dear MBBS, FRNZCGP, BA (Hons) Psychology, DRCOG, NCMP. Linda is a specialist GP and Menopause Doctor, trained in the UK and based in New Zealand. She currently runs a private menopause clinic called Menodoctor and sees women from all over the country for specialist consultations. She has also created New Zealand and Australia’s largest survey on menopause and runs menopause training and education service for workplaces. In this episode, we dive deep into answering the following thorny questions: 2:05 - What was Linda's journey to becoming a menopause doctor? 3:50 - What is menopause? 6:15 - What age does menopause start? 8:50 - How do you know if you are experiencing menopause? 10:50 - What are menopause-related mental health symptoms? 14:04 - What can you do to manage the menopause-related mental health symptoms? 17:50 - How does Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) work? 22:15 - How long should you stay on HRT? 24:40 - How do you treat vaginal symptoms related to menopause? 26:10 - What lifestyle changes improve the transition through menopause? 32.37 - How does menopause impact someone at work and how can organisations support them? 37:40 - How can managers better support employees who are experiencing menopause? 41:50 - What resources are available to assist workplaces to better support employees experiencing menopause? 44:10 - Can men also experience menopause? 47:30 - Are there higher risk groups that will experience a more difficult perimenopausal period? 51:45 - Are there special considerations organisations with a predominantly female workforce need to be aware of? 54:40 - What is a menopause policy? 57:09 - What are the key findings from the largest menopause survey? 1:00:50 - What is Linda's one wellbeing practice? Learn more about Linda:  Helpful resources: Perimenopausal or Menopausal Quiz: Learn more about Clearhead:
    1h 2m 27s
  • 21: Overcoming Addiction with Dr. Kenneth Leonard

    21 FEB 2024 · Addiction is a major global issue. While it may be seen as ‘part of our culture’ to use alcohol or even recreational drugs to unwind and celebrate important milestones, substance abuse often goes unnoticed until it has already taken a toll on our relationships, safety, and mental health. Whereby, the Alcohol and drug foundation states that 1 in 3 adults drink alcohol at levels that put them at risk of alcohol-related disease or injury. In this episode, we’ll be unpacking how and why people become addicted to substances, and what we can do to help people overcome addiction. Kenenth’s biography: Dr. Kenneth Leonard is the Director of the Clinical Institute on Addictions, and Research Professor in Psychiatry at the University at Buffalo Medical School in New York. He is a member of multiple research journals' editorial boards and various research organisations specialising in alcoholism. Kenneth is internationally recognised for his research on the impact of substance abuse on relationships and has published more than 200 articles, including on the topic of alcohol's influence on domestic violence and child development, and the role of family in the prevention and treatment of addiction. In this episode, we dive deep into answering the following thorny questions: 2:30 - Why Kenneth started his research on alcoholism? 3:40 - What causes addiction? 5:55 - What is considered heavy and regular drinking? 8:10 - Who is susceptible to addiction? 9.50 - Why do people self medicate with drugs and alcohol? 11:28 - What is the first step to reducing our dependency on using substances? 13:53 - How to assess your level of addiction? 15:07 - Negative impact of alcohol on marriages and child development. 18:35 - Role of marriage and childbirth in reducing addiction. 20:25 - What are the advantages of children with secure attachment? 21:50 - How you social environment influences your level of addiction. 23:45 - How to build self awareness about your level of addiction? 25:40 - Why we should not protect our loved ones from the consequences of their addiction. 27:22 - Tips on how to approach people about their drinking. 29:15 - When should you approach them about their drinking? 34:55 - How many times do people need treatment before they recover? 35:37 - What are the treatment options out there? 39:25 - How to put a plan in place to prevent relapse 44:51 - Cold turkey vs gradual reduction 46.33 - What can you do if rehab hasn't worked 47:50 - Are there generational differences in substance abuse 50:00 - What to know about cannabis use 51:57 - what government policies can help with reducing substance abuse? 53:13 - What is the role of alcohol in domestic violence 56:12 - What is Ken's one wellbeing practice? Learn more about Kenneth: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Helpful resources: Check Your Drinking Tool: Learn more about Clearhead:
    57m 19s
  • 20: Freeing Yourself From Your Mental Prison with Dr. Paul Wood

    17 JAN 2024 · Everyone has their own challenges to face, but have you ever considered yourself to be an obstacle in your mental health journey? Whether you are aware of it or not, it’s easier than you think to find yourself ‘in your own mental prison,’ letting certain doubts and beliefs hold you back from your full potential. In this webinar, we are joined by Dr. Paul Wood, who will help us learn how turn our post traumatic stress into post-traumatic growth. Paul’s Biography: Dr. Paul Wood, best-selling author of bestselling author of “How to Escape from Prison” and “Mental Fitness” will be sharing how to use your experiences to inspire you and lift you up, rather than hold you down. Paul has dealt with his own fair share of grief, fear, and troubling times, overcoming a situation that felt hopeless and a 10-year prison sentence to become a beacon of hope for those in similar circumstances. Now a thriving husband, father, and speaker, he has dedicated his life to helping people become mentally fit and ‘free,’ able to turn their darkest moments into valuable lessons that make them stronger and more equipped to build a life they are proud of. In this episode, we dive deep into answering the following thorny questions: 2:20 - Reflecting on our mental state when experiencing problems. 5:05 - What were the factors that led Paul to commit murder and get sent to prison for 10 years? 9:35 - How Paul processed being sexually abused as a youth to prevent himself from developing PTSD. 13:30 - The power of therapy in recovering from trauma. 15:25 - What are your mental health symptoms trying to tell you? 17:50 - How to adopt a trauma-informed approach to become a better person. 19:55 - What was the turning point for Paul to change his life and mindset? 21:30 - What is post traumatic growth and the importance of having a sense of progress. 27:50 - How to develop a “stress is enhancing” mindset to stay resilient. 29:15 - How to cope with multiple life challenges at once when you are emotionally fatigued. 33:25 - What are the habits needed to stay mentally fit and overcome adversity? 40:30 - How to change your social circles if they are not healthy for you. 45:50 - How to stop comparing your life with others. 48:35 - How do we escape the prison of our mind and self actualize. 51:24 - The importance of work life balance and investing in your personal relationships. 52:45 - What is Paul’s one wellbeing practice? Learn more about Paul: Learn more about Clearhead:
    55m 50s
  • 19: Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace with Meghna Majmudar

    22 DEC 2023 · There are lots of studies that show innovation is unlocked when you have a diverse workforce that brings together individuals with unique perspectives, knowledge, and experiences. However, if we are not equipped with the right tools to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace, we risk continuing to disproportionately affect underrepresented communities by failing to construct a safe psychosocial environment for everyone. In today’s webinar we will speak with Meghna Majmudar from Ready Set to discuss the trials that underrepresented communities face in the workforce, and the practical, actionable steps we can take to create an environment where cultural differences are not only acknowledged, but integrated into every aspect of the organisation. Meghna's Biography: Meghna is an experienced anthropologist, strategist, and transformational neuro-linguistic programming practitioner and through her work, she has learnt how to highlight where unfair power imbalances are occurring and propose solutions to help people feel safe in their identities at work. In this episode, we dive deep into answering the following thorny questions: 2:00 - How Meghna got started. 3:45 - What does the minority experience feel like? 5:00 - How to balance assimilation vs authentically showing your identity. 8:00 - Using the term "Underestimated identity" to reframe underrepresented communities. 9:28 - When does bias become negative? 11:15 - How does bias enter the workplace? 13:12 - What are the 4 stages of the DEI maturity model? 16:20 - How do you give feedback in a safe and culturally appropriate manner? 24:15 - What does having an 'overly nice' work culture mean? 27:26 - How to use the ROPA framework to decide whether to speak out about bias at work. 30:20 - How can implementing DEI go wrong at work? 38:00 - What is real allyship for minorities? 46:00 - What is the communication style needed to support DEI? 51:28 - How to navigate the difference in generational attitude at work. 54:30 - What does successful DEI implementation look like? 56:05 - What is Meghna's one wellbeing practice? Learn more about Meghna: Learn more about Clearhead:
    57m 13s
  • 18: Unlocking the Psychology of High Performers with Dr. Nate Zinsser

    15 NOV 2023 · Most people would like to know how to become a high performer, or at the very least more confident and less self-critical. However, the secret habits and quiet discipline to build the resilience required in becoming the best is not always easily understood. Whether it is imposter syndrome or self-sabotage that is preventing us from unlocking our true potential, there are simple steps we can take to overcome our brain’s inherent bias and limitations in the face of failure. To help us unpack the psychology behind high performance and consistently enter a state of flow, even for those of us who are not professional athletes, is Dr. Nate Zinsser. Nate’s biography: Dr. Nate Zinsser is an expert in the psychology of human performance and have consulted with many high performing individuals and organisations seeking a competitive edge. Dr Zinsser has been at the forefront of applied sport psychology for over thirty years and is the Director of a cutting edge program at the United States Military Academy’s Center for Enhanced Performance, personally conducting over seventeen thousand individual training sessions and seven hundred team training sessions for cadets seeking the mental edge for athletic, academic, and military performance. He is also the author of multiple research papers, a textbook and his latest book, The Confident Mind: A Battle-Tested Guide for Unshakable Performance has been endorsed by Olympic coaches and more. In this episode, we dive deep into answering the following thorny questions. - What got Nate interested in understanding the psychology of high performers? - What is the role of psychology on top of raw talent in high performers? - What is the number 1 myth about becoming a high performer? - How can one consistently enter a state of flow? - What are techniques to quieten your inner critic and build self confidence? - Why do we constantly have so many negative thoughts? - How do you know if you are a high performer or not? - How to assess for high performers in job interviews. - How does self sabotage prevent people from unlocking their true potential. - How can one overcome imposter syndrome through positive affirmation? - Can one overcome failure by just working on our strengths? - How does one develop resilience in the face of failure by recognising our brain's attribution bias? - How long should one be analysing one's failure for? - What is the role of resilience in becoming a high performer? - Why cultivating an anti-fragile and optimistic mindset is a personal choice everyone can make. - What is the role of a leader in creating high performing teams? - Why self-discipline is the secret to self confidence. - What is Nate’s one wellbeing practice? Learn more about Nate: Helpful resources: - - - Learn more about Clearhead:
    1h 4m 3s
  • 17: Why Bullying Happens and How to Stop it with Associate Professor Ivana Vranjes

    16 OCT 2023 · There is never a good reason for bullying and sexual harassment to exist in the workplace. Due to fear of repercussions towards the victims, these cases are rarely reported with only 1 in 4 cases estimated to be reported. Shockingly, the perpetrators of these negative behaviours often don’t realise they are at fault and the bystander effect means that their behaviour never gets challenged. Additionally, minorities in the workplace tend to be disproportionately affected by this. The first step to creating a psychologically safe workplace for everyone is to understand why and how these negative interpersonal behaviours at work occur and foster new understandings of how to deal with bullying in the workplace. Ivana’s biography: Ivana Vranjes is an Assistant professor in Work and Organisational Psychology at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. She obtained her PhD in workplace cyberbullying in Belgium for which she collaborated with several private and public companies to collect data and develop an understanding of why people misbehave online. With further research projects completed in Canada and Finland on inappropriate workplace behaviors, such as aggression, bullying and sexual harassment. Her current focus is looking at how people who engage in mistreatment at work reflect on their own behaviour, in order to break the negative spirals of mistreatment at work. She also brings to the table valuable insights on how technology is shaping the way we work, and the impact it has on the way we are communicating with each other. In this episode, we dive deep into answering the following thorny questions: - How did Ivana get first become interested in the topic of cyber bullying? - How does technology affect people's wellbeing and way of work? - How flexibility allows for the best balance of hybrid work. - How does cyberbullying at work manifest? - What is the psychology behind the perpetrators of bullying at work? - What is the impact on people who have been bullied? - What are the signs that someone is being bullied? - How do people successfully stop bullying from happening? - What is 'The Bystander Effect' and how does it perpetuate bullying? - Is Bystander Training to stop bullying the same as Conflict Management Training? - What are the work environments where bullying is more likely to occur? - What are preventative measures the organisation can take to prevent bullying at work? - How annual performance reviews can be used to monitor bullying. - In what circumstances does sexual harassment usually occur? - What are the mechanisms in place that allow the victim to stand up against the bully, when the bully is in a more powerful position? - How does the Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard trial make people think that most sexual harassment claims are false? - How can we confront men's fear of supporting women at work and the fear of untrue harassment claims? - How people can navigate the shifting lines of what behaviour is considered discrimination? - What are successful strategies to reduce harassment or bullying at work? - What is Ivana's one wellbeing practice? Learn more about Ivana: Learn more about Clearhead:
    59m 41s
  • 16: Staying Positive in the Face of Adversity and Uncertainty with Dr. Suzy Green

    7 SEP 2023 · It can be hard to stay positive when you are facing adversity, and it can be even harder to learn how to pull yourself out of a rut and start building positivity into your daily life. This session covers how you can stay optimistic and pick yourself up when you are down no matter how big or small the trials that you face are. Suzy's biography: Today’s guest is Dr. Suzy Green. Suzy is a Clinical Psychologist and the Founder of The Positivity Institute, a organisation dedicated to the research and application of the science of optimal human functioning in organisations and schools. She is a leader in Coaching Psychology and Positive Psychology and has published over twenty peer reviewed journal articles. She lectures at University of Sydney and is a fellow at Australia’s Black Dog Institute, and has worked with many large organisations such as ANZ, Fitbit, Nivea, Office works and more. In this episode, we dive deep into answering the following thorny questions: 2:20 - How did suzy get started into positivity psychology 4:00 - What is positive psychology 6:08 - Why is it so hard for people to take action to proactively maintain their mental wellbeing 7:55 - What are automatic negative thoughts that stop us from making positive behaviour change? 9:00 - How can you use mindfulness to be aware of the automatic negative thoughts 12:50 - What are prime statements and how does it change your negative mindset to a positive one. 14:55 - how to overcome unhelpful beliefs such as "I am incompetent" and "I am unloveable" and have more of a growth mindset. 17:35 - How to accept and deal with situations that is not in your control. 20:50- What does it mean to be my best possible self and to live by our values 22:20 - When and where to get professional help including EAP support 23:10 - How to stay positive when you are overwhelmed when multiple things are going wrong at the same time. 27:20 - how to learn to ask for help even if you are coping and avoid learned helplessness. 29:10 - what is toxic positivity 32:33 - How to determine which mental health category you are in eg. flourishing, languishing, burnout, clinical depression, etc. 36:30 - Strategies to stay positive and practice self-compassion 38:30 - What are common psychosocial hazards at work. 40:30 - How to deal with constantly changing priorities at work 42:50 - What is the role of EAP to identify the psychosocial risks, assist middle managers, and support employees with mental illness and returning to work 47:00 - What can individuals do to prevent burnout 50:00 - How can one get into the habit of regularly practice mental wellbeing techniques 54:20 - What is Suzy’s one wellbeing practice? Learn more about Suzy here: Helpful resources: - - - - - - - Learn more about Clearhead here:
    56m 42s
  • 15: How to Develop Your Self Esteem and Be More Confident with Marco Sander

    1 AUG 2023 · Self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-actualisation. Have you ever wondered how you could develop more self-love and less imposter syndrome? We scale the pyramid of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to discuss what you can do to quieten the inner critic that makes you feel like you aren't good enough, and unpack how to reduce the constant need to seek external validation from others. About Marco: Today’s guest is Marco Sander, a German psychologist and author who has coached more than 400 people worldwide on a 1-on-1 setting. He is prolific at creating mental wellbeing content on youtube with almost 70k followers and achieving millions of views on his videos. His work with entrepreneurs who are outwardly rich and successful but still suffering from low self esteem, confidence, and insecurity makes him the perfect guest to explore this topic with us in this session. In this episode, we dive deep into answering the following thorny questions: 2:34: Why did Marco become a psychologist? 4:25 - What is the difference between self esteem and confidence? 7:30 - Can you have high self esteem that is not dependent on other people’s opinions? 11:10 - What are some strategies to help improve your self esteem? 16:55 - Why “rich and successful” people may still feel unloved and not good enough 21:10 - What can you do to figure out what you actually value that will bring you happiness. 24:54 - Why habits that help you develop self awareness are the most important step. 28:30 - What are the questions to ask yourself to figure out who you are and what do you actually want in life 32:30 - How long does it take before you see positive change once you take action? 36:37 - What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? 38:35 - Why you stop feeling jealousy once you reach self actualisation? 40:20 - The missing final stage in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, 'Self Transcendence' (or 'Enlightenment') 41:50 - What are the signs that you have a healthy self esteem vs narcissism? 44:34 - What is the difference between confidence and arrogance in the context of tall poppy syndrome? 48:55 - How does one deal with imposter syndrome? 49:40 - What is Marco’s one wellbeing practice? To learn more about Marco, visit: YouTube: Website: Instagram: To learn more about Clearhead, visit:
    51m 57s
  • 14: Creating Effective Teams Through Understanding Different Personalities with Dr. Stephanie Schoss

    19 JUN 2023 · Every day in the news, we hear about how divisive countries have become. In the workplace, relationship conflict is one of the most common issues individual employees and managers struggle with. Of course the holy grail we are all working towards is developing highly effective and collaborative teams to unlock innovation and productivity in the workplace. Here to tell us the secrets to making this happen through better understanding the different personality types out there is Dr. Stephanie Schoss! About Stephanie: Stephanie is a Chairwoman of her own business psychology company and Director at Switzerland’s HSG Executive School of Management responsible for high ranking C-Level and Board-level Programmes. Stephanie completed her studies at prestigious universities including Harvard and wrote her doctoral thesis about team effectiveness. Her main research and teaching focus is on team personality, self-leadership, and the effects of conflicts, empathy, and “we-consciousness” on team effectiveness. Besides her academic career, Stephanie is an active entrepreneur and a passionate (private and commercial) pilot and recognised as manager of the year in 2013 by Generation CEO. In this episode, we dive deep into answering the following thorny questions: 02.00: How Stephanie developed her interest in creating the blueprint of successful teams. 03.36: How is personality defined? 05.20: What are the different personality types? 07.45: How do you deal with misunderstanding in a diverse team? 08.20: What is the secret to creating successful teams? 09.35: 3 steps to resolving conflicts in a team using the “Clear the air” conflict management technique. 13.50: Are personality tests like Myers Briggs helpful? 14.50: What are the risks of using personality tests. 17.14: What is the leadership of self mean? 18:50: What are the different type of motives that gives us energy and brings us joy in life? 20.55: How self awareness and self regulation makes you the best leader possible for others. 22.40: How to give constructive feedback to your manager without causing any misunderstanding. 28.00: Why conflict management technique starts with managing your own thoughts and emotions. 30.15: What should you do when you have a toxic manager? 34.50: Are younger generations less resilient than before leading to higher employer turnover? 37.35: Does mental illness change your personality and vice versa? 42.30: What is the best way to deal with someone’s strength or weakness? 45.25: What is the neuroscience behind personality? 47.20: How leaders use story telling to align employees internal purpose to motivate different personality types to achieve company goals. 50.45: How leaders create psychologically safe workplace that gives employees the permission to bring their authentic self to work. 53.17: What can you do to be more confident in who you are as a person? 56.05: Should managers do anything if they feel their employees are not comfortable showing their real self? 57.55: What is Stephanie’s one well-being practice? Learn more about Stephanie: Learn more about Clearhead:
    59m 58s
  • 13: Creating a Psychologically Safe Workplace with Rachel King

    14 MAY 2023 · Employees are increasingly expecting their employers to create workplaces that prioritises their wellbeing and provide them with free mental health support. We also see governments all around the world, especially Australia, introducing legislations that enforce the creation of psychologically safe workplaces. With all these changes coming, we speak to our guest Rachel King who unpacks what all these changes mean for employers. About Rachel: Today’s guest is Rachel King who runs the company Human Risk Management, where she is dedicated to sharing her knowledge with boards, CEOs and their teams to help them meet their legal and regulatory obligations around Human Risk. This includes Mental Health Risk while also increasing the value of their most valuable asset, their human capital. In this episode, we dive deep into answering the following thorny questions: 2.05: How Rachel got started. 3.30: What happens when the brain is constantly under stress? 7.00: What are common psychosocial hazards at work? 11.05: What is the role of EAP to support employees mental health? 19.03: What does successful workplace wellbeing look like? 22.35: What does psychological safety mean? 28.10: Is mental health first aid training valuable for managers? 33.15: The importance of developing self awareness and checking in with yourself. 36.25: How do you get leadership buy in and show the ROI of employee wellbeing support? 41.36: What is Rachel’s one wellbeing practice? Learn more about Rachel here: Learn more about Clearhead:
    44m 40s

Hosted by Dr Angela Lim, Clearhead co-founder and medical doctor, Clear the Air is a mental health and wellbeing podcast covering those experiences in your life or questions you have...

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Hosted by Dr Angela Lim, Clearhead co-founder and medical doctor, Clear the Air is a mental health and wellbeing podcast covering those experiences in your life or questions you have that you feel too vulnerable to share with those around you.

We speak with experts to share the science behind what you’re experiencing and explore the answers to those questions. Together we get real and raw on the existential questions covering mental health and wellbeing that have puzzled humans for millennia.

Follow the podcast to get notified as we drop new episodes monthly.

Clearhead is an innovative employee wellbeing platform with a social mission to ensure personalised mental health and wellbeing support is accessible to everyone. Making it easier for you to build self-awareness and be guided to either digital self-help tools or book therapy on the Clearhead platform when and where you need it.

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