Take a listen as Behind the Badge columnist Joe Vargas speaks with the men and women who serve in our law enforcement community.

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4 JUN 2020 · Across the country there has been massive civil unrest in response to the tragic death of George Floyd. Many of us have been glued watching on television and social media as law enforcement agencies respond to demonstrations both large and small.
Law enforcement agencies face significant challenges when dealing with large protests. They must walk fine line that allows for the constitutionally guaranteed right to demonstrate versus the demand for public safety and protection of property.
Dr. McElhaney is a retired law enforcement officer and former SWAT commander. He has experience in police mobile field force responses to everything from civil unrest to large scale political demonstrations. He shares the challenges of deploying officers in these critical situation with Joe Vargas.
25 MAY 2020 · The rates of suicide and PTSD amongst first responders are significantly higher than they are amongst the general public. We spoke with Dr. Heather Williams about this issue and what are the causes and department's responses to the growing trend.
Dr. Williams is a private practice psychologist from Premier First Responder Psychological Services. Prior to private practice Dr. Williams was the Orange County Sheriff's Department Regional Peer Support Coordinator.
Dr. Williams has over two decades of experience in responding to critical incidents and crisis counseling. You can contact her through her website at:
6 MAY 2020 · On Friday May 9, 1980, four heavily armed gunmen entered the Security Pacific Bank in Norco, California. By chance a Riverside County Deputy Sheriff was at the intersection when the call came in. A fifth gunman waited in a van outside and warned his partners. When the gunmen finally came out, they exited with guns blazing. They were armed with semi-automatic rifles and pistols. The deputy was armed with only a revolver and shotgun. The gunmen had also equipped themselves with homemade fragmentation bombs and grenade launchers.
The suspects engaged the responding officers who were seemingly hopelessly outgunned. What happened next was a 40-mile long police pursuit into the Lytle Creek area of the San Gabriel mountains.
By time it was over two suspects would be dead, one officer killed, 8 officers and 2 bystanders would be wounded as well as two suspects. At least 30 police vehicles would be damaged and a helicopter forced to land due to gunfire.
40 years later the Norco Bank Robbery Shootout remains one of the most dynamic and dangerous police encounters to have occurred in the United States. In many ways it changed police procedures and was one of the early events that motivated departments to modernize their weaponry and tactics.
Take a listen as Joe Vargas’ interviews Peter Houlahan author of ‘Norco 80, the True Story of the Most Spectacular Bank Robbery in American History.’ The book chronicles the before, during and after of the shooting. The trial afterwards would become the longest criminal trial of its time in the State of California.
Take a listen as Behind the Badge columnist Joe Vargas speaks with the men and women who serve in our law enforcement community.
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