
The Future of Nostalgia - The Murder of Anita Robert / WKT4 #6

Apr 19, 2020 · 53m 21s
The Future of Nostalgia - The Murder of Anita Robert / WKT4 #6

The 1949 murder of Anita Robert at the hands of Montreal Canadians hockey player Tony Demers. "There was nothing heroic or tragic about Tony Demers. He didn't have a character...

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The 1949 murder of Anita Robert at the hands of Montreal Canadians hockey player Tony Demers.

"There was nothing heroic or tragic about Tony Demers. He didn't have a character flaw. He consistently abused his privilege. Over a period of years Tony Demers verbally and physically abused Anita Robert, and then he killed her. When you begin to chisel at what's past-preserved its bound to make some people uncomfortable."

The past has become much more unpredictable than the future.

For more information please visit the website: http://theresaallore.com/2020/04/19/the-future-of-nostalgia-anita-robert-wkt4-6/
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Author John Allore
Organization John Allore
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