Incredible Astral Projection Gateway Tones: Lucid Dreaming Power With Ocean Waves

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Check out the podcast "How to use binaural beats" This frequency formula can help you to: 1. Have better dream recall. 2. Have lucid or enhanced dreams. 3. Have...
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This frequency formula can help you to:
1. Have better dream recall.
2. Have lucid or enhanced dreams.
3. Have out of body experiences.
4. Project your astral body.
5. Remote view
6. Get really great sleep.
This is a reverse audio-engineering experiment attempting to reproduce the same tones used in The Gateway Experience produced by The Monroe Institute ( )
This production is audio only and features no spoken guided meditation as with "The Gateway Experience". These are pure tones and simulated ocean wave sounds for you to expand into al that you are and get out of this world for a bit.
*** You will best experience the benefits of these audios by listening with stereo speakers placed to the left and right of your head, with surround sound, or stereo headphones. Even if you don't have these options, the pure, naked tones, notes, vibrations and rhythms will provide a relaxing and meditative atmosphere for you to feel energized, calm and revitalized.
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Each track is designed to be put on loop to extend the time as much as you like without disturbance, or combined with any of the other DemiPhase℠ tracks for a complete, healing, meditation adventure.
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Author | UniquilbriuM |
Organization | Flor and Hakeem |
Website | - |
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3 years ago