"Falsely Accused Pastor" Markus Watson | Vault

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Can you imagine being falsely accused as a pastor? Then add to that, false charges filed against you where even the FBI gets involved. Markus Watson walks through what he...
show moreJer. 31:3-“The Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.”
Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3wdso7n
Topics Shared:
Raised in faith
Aspiring Hollywood actor
A change of plans
Fuller Seminary
Pastoring his first church
Emergency meeting while on sabbatical
Accused of porn
Forensic analysis of his laptop
Turns into a potential criminal investigation
The FBI got involved
How the attorney knew he was innocent
Exonerated by the Presbytery
Voted out of his church
Flourish San Diego
Beyond Thingification
Pastor at Westmorland Community Presbyterian Church
Markus' Quotes:
"The FBI had my laptop."
" 'Lord, I don't deserve your love.' What a terrible message to be telling myself over and over and over again."
"I spent a lot of time in the Psalms, Psalms of lament."
"I had this image of myself having lost everything, sitting in a prison cell."
"We had double our normal attendance that Sunday. Everyone will show up for a scandal."
"The thought of being a pastor again felt like being thrown into a snake pit."
"We can't love someone if we are judging them."
Markus Watson's Website:https://www.markuswatson.com/
For more inspiring stories:https://lettersfromhomepodcast.com/
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Organization | CRISTA Media |
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