Angela write since a young age she is a romantic enthusiast

Angela Gray is a Canadian writer born in Saskatoon Saskatchewan. Before meeting her high-school sweetheart she lived in Surrey, British Columbia; Together with her husband she moved to Kelowna, British Columbia and now lives in Regina, Saskatchewan where she manages a fashion boutique. Angela has felt compelled to write since she was a child and has now developed into a romance enthusiast with stories to tell.

she shares with us stories and the book she created
Read our preview sample on Amazon
Angela write since a young age she is a romantic enthusiast Angela Gray is a Canadian writer born in Saskatoon Saskatchewan. Before meeting her high-school sweetheart she lived in Surrey, British Columbia; Together with her husband she moved to Kelowna, British Columbia and now lives in Regina, Saskatchewan where she manages a fashion boutique. Angela has felt compelled to write since she was a child and has now developed into a romance enthusiast with stories to tell. she shares with us stories and the book she created Read our preview sample on Amazon https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FChasing-Dreams-Angela-Gray-ebook%2Fdp%2FB07XDPJWYY%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3hy4YslyTuemKyQRcTchpxFCHr2CuxKkJv78RbgKo9WsZ1YkTTv8Zpzqk&h=AT1FWHlSR9Ogt9EM-oPJpc-80Y4MVwll9TyEPczZ44xoD5mhhdPQXRKyPCJ9tOQ0Gw7x8VWwviq0a78BOfd3R7dbrRwRRrdCdRN967loYCimjRegW_Uvz9qURsyiHJ9KcBejKHz3_-l8FsOQciMXvw read more read less

3 years ago