Today’s talk is about barriers to self-care for women. Too many times women feel guilty about taking time to care for the own needs, not to talk about finding the time to actually do it! How many times have we sacrificed our health on the altar of .O.P.E.?
Are you still waiting for society or culture to tell you that it’s okay to put your health and needs first? Good luck with that one! In 2019 women in the U.S. are still waiting for a powerful few (mostly old white males) to tell them that their bodies belong to them!

Today we talk about this and more!
Today’s talk is about barriers to self-care for women. Too many times women feel guilty about taking time to care for the own needs, not to talk about finding the time to actually do it! How many times have we sacrificed our health on the altar of .O.P.E.? Are you still waiting for society or culture to tell you that it’s okay to put your health and needs first? Good luck with that one! In 2019 women in the U.S. are still waiting for a powerful few (mostly old white males) to tell them that their bodies belong to them! Today we talk about this and more! read more read less

5 years ago #patriarchy, #selfcare, #women'sempowerment, #women-supporting-women, #womens-health