EXTREME WAYS PEOPLE TRY TO GET RID OF BUGS… According to a new survey by Zevo

Fumigate the entire home ... 51%
Put glue traps in every corner of the home ... 46%       
Use an entire can of bug-killer all at once ... 43%       
Throw the nearest thing at it, no matter what that nearest thing is ... 43%    
Trap it in a cup or jar ... 38%       
Douse the bugs with boiling water ... 37%
DIY a flamethrower to get rid of it ... 35%      
Burn down the home .. 34%        
Scream at it ... 33%           

Survey: ''Do you know someone who tried to eliminate a bug in a funny or weird way? If so, what happened? Did the attempt result in a disaster? What happened? Did the bug live or die?''
EXTREME WAYS PEOPLE TRY TO GET RID OF BUGS… According to a new survey by Zevo Fumigate the entire home ... 51% Put glue traps in every corner of the home ... 46%        Use an entire can of bug-killer all at once ... 43%        Throw the nearest thing at it, no matter what that nearest thing is ... 43%     Trap it in a cup or jar ... 38%        Douse the bugs with boiling water ... 37% DIY a flamethrower to get rid of it ... 35%       Burn down the home .. 34%         Scream at it ... 33%            Survey: ''Do you know someone who tried to eliminate a bug in a funny or weird way? If so, what happened? Did the attempt result in a disaster? What happened? Did the bug live or die?'' read more read less

about 1 year ago #..., #a, #according, #bugs…, #by, #entire, #extreme, #get, #home, #new, #of, #people, #rid, #survey, #the, #to, #try, #ways, #zevo fumigate