EP05: 今集我哋分享下美國感恩節有啲乜嘢食。我哋又會講下黑色星期五及 Cyber Monday 購物高峰期嘅購物心情及小攻略。| In this episode, we will discuss traditional and non-traditional dishes for Thanksgiving in the United States. We will talk about our shopping experience and tips on the shopping fever of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
EP05: 今集我哋分享下美國感恩節有啲乜嘢食。我哋又會講下黑色星期五及 Cyber Monday 購物高峰期嘅購物心情及小攻略。| In this episode, we will discuss traditional and non-traditional dishes for Thanksgiving in the United States. We will talk about our shopping experience and tips on the shopping fever of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. read more read less

3 years ago #blackfriday, #cantonese, #chinese, #cybermonday, #podcast, #sanfrancisco, #shopping, #thanksgiving, #turkey, #三藩市, #假期, #廣東話, #感恩節, #滑雪, #火雞, #美國, #舊金山, #血拚, #購物, #黑色星期五