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This week on The Geek I/O Show, we were joined by the our very own Jonathan DePew (JD) from How it Stacks and the brand new Comic Alliance!
We discussed Two Dots, Penis Con interview being awesome, Rendering all the things, The crappy JTV video policy changes, Really really wanting The Division, Seeing Edge of Tomorrow… Tomorrow, Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, More Marvel Heroes, CJ finally has a JOB!!, Starbucksing all night long, Dale’s Semester from hell being completed, Rehearsing for a wedding, Budlong date night with the X-Men, YouTube on Roku, Still waiting the American Gods and Azevedo playing with GitHub! Also, we geek out about Assisted Driving Cars coming to selected areas of California for a load of money!  
Join us, we’ll keep you chewing all night long! If you don’t join us, we’ll punch Dale in the face for $10

If you like what you see and hear on Geek I/O and want to support us on a consistent basis, head on over to patreon.com/geekio where you can subscribe to our network and help us create better content, with new equipment and potentially no-ads (initially on the main show). You can donate any amount you wish, starting at $1/month. Thank you for your continued support of the Geek I/O Network!

scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/h9Tppu5MmZ0?feature=player_detailpage&wmode=opaque&enablejsapi=1" width="854" frameborder="0" height="480"> This week on The Geek I/O Show, we were joined by the our very own Jonathan DePew (JD) from How it Stacks and the brand new Comic Alliance! We discussed Two Dots, Penis Con interview being awesome, Rendering all the things, The crappy JTV video policy changes, Really really wanting The Division, Seeing Edge of Tomorrow… Tomorrow, Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, More Marvel Heroes, CJ finally has a JOB!!, Starbucksing all night long, Dale’s Semester from hell being completed, Rehearsing for a wedding, Budlong date night with the X-Men, YouTube on Roku, Still waiting the American Gods and Azevedo playing with GitHub! Also, we geek out about Assisted Driving Cars coming to selected areas of California for a load of money!   Join us, we’ll keep you chewing all night long! If you don’t join us, we’ll punch Dale in the face for $10 If you like what you see and hear on Geek I/O and want to support us on a consistent basis, head on over to patreon.com/geekio where you can subscribe to our network and help us create better content, with new equipment and potentially no-ads (initially on the main show). You can donate any amount you wish, starting at $1/month. Thank you for your continued support of the Geek I/O Network! Please read more read less

9 years ago #depew, #how, #howitstacks, #it, #jd