Every moment in life is gone by the next moment. For most of us, we just don't appreciate the moments as much as we should. We can be lost in the habitual mundaneness of parts of our life and then we just get stuck in habit and find ourselves lost to them. This can be fine when we need time to speed up, when we are maybe doing things which don’t bring us as much joy or pleasure. But for some of us, we can get stuck in that cycle of disconnection and then the task or the job stops, and we can forget to bring ourselves back into the moment. Maybe it's less about forgetting and more about our unconscious mind just getting stuck into a pattern of behaving and then we just keep going with it. It's worth thinking when you do drift into these disconnected habits, are they just helping you get through the mundane tasks or things that you don't enjoy or are there times you are zoning out. Once you have thought about your life and how it is broken down into being fully present and then partly disconnected into the habits of your life, it can give you a good overview of how your life is. Then just evaluate if this is making the most of your life. Are you wasting time and losing parts of your life? Could you be more productive and get other things done while doing those mundane tasks? Are you not switching off and becoming present when these tasks finish? Maybe there are other questions you find you need to ask yourself that help you fully consider your life and how much of it you are present for, and how maybe there are parts of your life you can rethink and develop better ways of living.
Every moment in life is gone by the next moment. For most of us, we just don't appreciate the moments as much as we should. We can be lost in the habitual mundaneness of parts of our life and then we just get stuck in habit and find ourselves lost to them. This can be fine when we need time to speed up, when we are maybe doing things which don’t bring us as much joy or pleasure. But for some of us, we can get stuck in that cycle of disconnection and then the task or the job stops, and we can forget to bring ourselves back into the moment. Maybe it's less about forgetting and more about our unconscious mind just getting stuck into a pattern of behaving and then we just keep going with it. It's worth thinking when you do drift into these disconnected habits, are they just helping you get through the mundane tasks or things that you don't enjoy or are there times you are zoning out. Once you have thought about your life and how it is broken down into being fully present and then partly disconnected into the habits of your life, it can give you a good overview of how your life is. Then just evaluate if this is making the most of your life. Are you wasting time and losing parts of your life? Could you be more productive and get other things done while doing those mundane tasks? Are you not switching off and becoming present when these tasks finish? Maybe there are other questions you find you need to ask yourself that help you fully consider your life and how much of it you are present for, and how maybe there are parts of your life you can rethink and develop better ways of living. read more read less

about 1 year ago #blogs, #confuse, #cure, #happiness, #hypnosara, #hypnosis, #life, #live, #meditation, #mind, #mindset, #phobia, #relaxtion, #release, #sara, #sessions, #stevens, #stress, #threat, #your